Snow in texas?

It snows in texas? Kinda surprised me... any texans wanna verify this?


I was there in Fort Worth for Thanksgiving in 1999 and there was snow.


So I live in Austin...but that is NOT where this movie is set. But anyways it snows here like every year but not a lot. But if it doesn't snow it frosts or ices.

Leah...the vegetarian...who promotes pro-choice!

DoN't FiGhT mE yOu'Ll LoSe





I live in west texas & it DOES snow!! it just varies from place to place!!!! BTW there are times when we get quite a bit of snow here!!!



It's a shame that as much as you clarify, some will still think that.

Like those people who are convinced that it never snows in Arizona and we all wear cowboy boots and are surrounded with cacti. It's hilarious when tourists show up dressed in cowboy gear expecting to take a picture next to a cactus and see a coyote howl at the moon and in the area of Az I live in we don't even have cacti. And next to nobody wears cowboy gear. It's amusing, though. So I know how you feel.

Aparently, many people think Arizonans have an accent, too. I don't think so but then again, some people from Texas don't seem to think they have an accent and they don't hear it but we do, maybe it's the same here?


just b/c there is not snow near the coast doesn't mean it doesn't snow in texas. that's like saying it doesn't snow in any of the coastal states.



yeah i lived in wichita falls taxas up by dallas, and it snowed a couple times every winter, to where school was closed.
and it snows in the pan handle all the time.


Hell yeah it snows in Texas! El Paso got 22.4 inches December 13-14, 1987 -- I was there at the time. We even made national news on 3 major networks at the time.


I live in Dallas/Fort Worth, we get snow every winter :) Or, like last year, our first snow was on Thanksgiving, lovely!


San Angelo snows.
Doesn't snow where I live, though.
One year we got a lot of frost.. but not snow :(


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this film take place in Philadelphia?


I can not stand people who think "Texas never snows. It's always so hot. They have Texan accents like crazy."

I live in Denison, TX and it does indeed snow. A few years ago it snowed so much it cut power off for days and pretty much no one could go anywhere. Also, Texas has pretty much 2 seasons, Summer and Winter, with 2 weeks of spring and fall. HA. :)

The day Judy Garland died, there was a tornado in Kansas!
