MovieChat Forums > The New World (2006) Discussion > FOUR EDITORS...and its some of the badde...

FOUR EDITORS...and its some of the baddest editing ive seen in my life

how the hell does that happen? This movie had 4 editors. this has got to be one of the worst films i've ever seen, and it just boggles my mind how such a riveting story(and quite easy to be told) of Pocahontas can be screwed up in almost every imaginable way. how?
Where the hell did Terrence Malick learn filmmaking? The 1 million jump cuts, incoherent story and mess of action and directing, is just jarringly bad. i don't know how people pass this as a movie?

Some of the photography was nice looking but my god- i would've thought that the story and actually keeping the viewer WANTING to watch the movie would be more important than the fvcking cinematography.
i mean i can list numerous things wrong with the film(something a "LEGENDARY" filmmaker(or so he is called-Terrence Malick):
-constant jump cuts(just amateurish) it almost became laughable at some points
-editing random shots here and there mid-point of story: there were numerous points where characters were standing talking to each other, and then we'd keep on cutting back to shots of indians or the lake or the sky at TOTALLY innapropriate times) it was like the director and editor felt like doing what the hell they wanted OTHER than keeping it consistent and coherent.
-the music by James Horner was godawful. and i am sad to be saying that about one of my favorite composers...but the entire score comprised of nothing but incredibly quiet strings or annoying repetitive themes, that just didn't go anywhere.

THE BIGGEST PROBLEM was the fact that I didn't give a damn about any of these characters. and its totally weird since I've seen this story told numerous times, but each time a new director retells the story, he knows how connect the characters to the audience. Terrence Malick gives us absolutely NO character development on any of the characters. and the romance between John Smith and Pocahontas was one of the most unmotivated, god-awfully executed things ever. you keep wondering why the hell they like each other so much. nothing indicates why they even like each other, or romantically involved. I couldn't even get to Christian Bale as Rolfe. god.


I though I might be alone with the same view - I totally agree, a wonderful opportunity to tell a great story wasted with bad cutting & editing. Because of that only rate film 4/10 when could have been a 7 or 8



What an offensive & disgusting reply - wash your MOUTH OUT - I made a perfectly reasonable comment on editing and you come back with that !!!!!


Had potential to be a great film BUT SUFFERED FROM REALLY BAD editing

Edit this reply - I challenge you !!!!

I spout no nonsence BUT YOU DO


Did you watch the film or just SPOUT RUBBISH

Look me up on Google & I do not 'spout nonsense'

so get stuffed



What the hell? Since when was the quality of editing measured in how much a film confroms to standard conventions? Any TV editor can match on action; that's just a technical skill. Jump cuts are artistic choices. Did you really think they were there because non of five editors didn't know how to get around them? Clearly you're incapable of appreciating any film outside the mainstream Hollywood canon if you think any non-conformist attempt at filmmaking is doomed from the start. It's like you're approaching a sonnett expecting a novel; complaining about lack of continuity editing in an art film is like complaining about lack of punctuation in a haikku.

The New World might not have been made with the casual cinemagoer in mind, but that's not to say that it's not good; I would personally argue that it's one of the best ten films of the decade!


I think the opposite of everything you've written. Litteraly the opposite of every single thing...

This movie is a masterpiece in every aspect of it.

THIS is Filmmaking. Truly beautiful, original and inspired filmmaking. That is Cinema.


This a beautiful film; mallick uses imagery and feeling to communicate his stories. I was captivated from beginning to end; as I was with the thin red line.

Its ok if you don't like; but you don't have to waste time trying to convince people who do like it that it is crap. I've noticed people who don't like the movie live on a diet of sugar and macdonalds; generally lack intelligence; are ignorant of film and art in general.


I agree SaulSilver. This movie is a masterpiece! A true work of art. Poetry in motion! The most beautiful of story telling. Direction and editing was so highly skilled that only the intelligent can read beyond the poetic dialogue and interpret the cutting choices for a deeper more soulful meaning into the relationship of Pochahontis & Captain Smith. This movie assumes the audience is smart enough to not have everything spelled out through exposition. Like great poetry, this movie requires contemplation and upon reflection, one's soul is stirred to depths beyond the ordinary. You will lose yourself and find yourself all over again. The unconventional editing is brilliantly poetic, allowing the audience to enter the minds of our characters, as well as telling a story within a story, all the while for those who have been blessed to have known such deep soulful love, evoking that which resides deep within each of us. This movie may be misunderstood by those who have not yet experienced the unleashing of such a deep love and the joy and pain that accompanies it. Most live to one's death without ever having discovered such passion for another.

... End of line.


Indeed it is. I think the problem is that some people don't actually truly like cinema, they like novels, books so when something goes for the full on pure cinematic approach they hate it, although if it is like book on film they may like it a lot??


I agree with you 100%. These tossers do not have a clue they are all brainwashed with inside the box thinking .


Well, when you're working with more than a million feet of film.

You're going to need more than one editor to help assemble everything that a director needs.

That can take a long time. After all, it took Malick and editor Billy Weber two years to edit Days of Heaven because Terry wanted create something that was far more different than his original script.

If you see the Criterion DVD special features for Days of Heaven. Both Richard Gere and Sam Shepherd will tell you about Malick's approach to filmmaking. You have to be open to what he says. You have to be your own person and you can't be spoiled. Gere stated if he had known what kind of film he had made at the time, he wished he had saved more brain cells.

I just saw the 172-minute version of The New World and there's not much of a difference between that and the 135-minute theatrical cut. Yet, all are paced in the same kind of speed and the story is much broader. You have to understand that during the 17th Century, time moved much slower than what it is now.

To have four editors to try and figure out how to move a scene and how to transition something as if it's a poem is not an easy thing to do. Plus, Terry cuts his films to the last minute. He's often trying to figure how to present this sequence and that one because if anything, he's not very good at making decisions. That's what everyone who is a friend of Terry or has worked with him will say but not in a negative way.

The films of Terrence Malick are not easy to watch and you have to open your mind when watching them. You might not get them the first time around but after repeated viewings. You can understand of what he's trying to say.


The OP must be James Horner...


"If you thought the film was boring, say that. Don't blame the editing. The editing is amazing. Do you know how hard editing is? Do you know how dificult it must have been to edit this movie?"

Um...most filmmakers do just fine with editing, so that's a really poor excuse. The film was terribly edited. It's not just that it was "unconventional", it's that there was no artistic merit to the jump edits and random imagery in the middle of a scene. It did nothing for the story, or to create a surreal effect. It truly seemed random and just took the viewer out of the story.

But it was boring, too.


The editing and directing is some of the worst I've ever seen. Just pathetic. I could honestly do much better given the same oppurtunities. This was not beautiful or poetic, it was garbage.



I just need about 20 million dollars or so, and I'll be on my way to greatness.

Player haters, cross me, you die!



For something like this, you either love it or hate it... theres really not much to discuss.

I think the editing was good, and I didnt mind the length or style--I loved it.

Others, though, hated it. I can see where a more cohesive play-by-play narrative might have been better for some people, but I think the way this was done just makes it more surreal--which I think is one of the elements they were going for. I suppose it really just comes down to simple opinion.


For me it was a 2/10 movie. It started out around 4/10 after the first few bizarre cuts, but at the end I was pretty close to tinnitus and the like. I feel my IQ will stay cut in half until I get it out of my mind. All those cuts, all those utterly random cuts..
Sadly this forum is somewhat full of "make a better movie!", "go become an editor and show us your great work", "you probably eat fast food and are fat", "I know somebody who is the hairdresser for the dog of the cousin of somebody who slept with the director (so I'm an authority on Life, movies and everything)" morons, or people who fall for everything pretentious.

Sure, pretty woods, but the rest?
((Maybe I would have given it a 3/10 if I had seen it in English, able to appreciate the 'wonderful period English' and all that, but it's not like there was any dialogue worth remembering in it in the first place))
((I also only saw the 'short' cut)) sum it up well.

=> Frankly, I don't see how anybody could label this a *good* movie out of a motivation devoid of The Emperor's New Clothes ("this is so brilliant, it will only be fully understood in 2149"; "you'd need a squad of ten professional film analysts working on this for their entire lives to unravel the entire depth of the story"). There's simply no film here, it's just some images of C. F. avoiding too explicit interactions with a 14 year old to not be labelled a pedophile too much (in beautiful nature; for over two hours). <=

