The Ships.

Is the thing about the ships true...the Islanders didn't see them because they, erm, couldn't conceive of them...? Or something? (I may be remembering it wrong!)

I didn't quite know what to make of film. At first I thought it was clever to demonstrate some pretty heavy science with a nonsensical Bridget Jones / urban jungle / isn't-modern-life-rubbish-kinda-montages. Then, towards the end it got creepy. Preachy.

When she threw her anxiety pills in the trash can I definitely got a Scientology vibe about the whole thing.

The Devil's in the detail, my lovelies... !


That whole "ships" story is a great example of the pile of horse manure this movie is. There is *some* true and interesting stuff about quantum physics and mechanics, but for the most part the film is a bunch of mumbo jumbo.
