MovieChat Forums > End of the Spear (2006) Discussion > Religion, Homosexuality + Misc.

Religion, Homosexuality + Misc.

I recently watched this movie and found it quite extraordinary on many levels. I'm recommending it to my family and friends.

In reading some of the other threads here, I noticed topics on religion and homosexuality, neither of which I found to be predominant themes in the movie.

In fact, I didn't notice any homosexual themes and only very minor religious ones.

Am I missing something?



"Just so everybody knows. Chad ALlen is no longer a Homosexual. One of my teachers at school, her husband was a part of the crew. And he himself said teat Allen had changed by the end of filming"

Keep telling yourself that, for you dopes like to think that sexuality is like a lightbulb! Find something better to do with your free time than to make up stupid remarks like that one!

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


That's a total lie about Chad. How sad that people are spreading that.




the religious theme was that they were christian ministry and the homosexual themes were simply because one of the main stars is homosexual in real life


This is a film board, people! It's about discussing films. Not discussing religion, homosexuality, etc.
Don't get me wrong - I am a Christian and a liberal. I believe that god loves every human being that tries to live an honest and god life (in terms of being nice to other people, not commiting any crimes, etc.). But what's the use in trying to convince other people in your own beliefs? You won't succeed. Why not let everybody think and believe whatever they want (as long as it doesn'nt hurt you)?!
And - for God's sake - let people *beep* whomever they want to *beep* Why are you Americans so obsessed with homosexuality? So scared of it? It's not an illness. If a man falls in love with a man - what's the big deal about it? Isn't love the most wonderful thing in the world???

It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
