MovieChat Forums > The Man (2005) Discussion > I thought this movie was pretty funny

I thought this movie was pretty funny

To be honest I thought it was a great movie. I don't regret watching it, because I really laughed the whole time. Am I the only one???

Save the earth, its the only planet with chocolate!


1 of the few laugh-out-loud movies i've had the pleasure of viewing! great stuff!


if you think this is funny, you are probably greatly entertained by most television commercials.




It wasn't gut-bustingly funny but it certainly had it's moments. Levy is just superb and he always makes me laugh, and Samuel L had some great moments too.

"See, the problem I'm having is I've lost my stash and you're talking about elephants"


i could see how one could find this funny if there happened to be another movie playing on a screen right next to this one and you could watch that instead.


I had Super extra LOL watching this. Why it only got 5,3? It was entertaining.


I rewatched it last year and found it even more funny than when I first saw it. You're not alone in finding it funny.


I enjoyed it, and I don't even like Samuel Jackson. In fact I dislike him. But then, trying to find a movie to watch that Jackson is not in has become extremely difficult.
