Baseball Game

The H.S. Bully hits a 'can of corn' flyball and breaks into his homerun trot.

I loved this movie, but does Cronenberg know baseball?

Short Cut, Draw Blood


For those of you that ripped on the OP. It was an absolute idiotic scene.

For one it wasn't baseball, it was softball. The pitcher threw underhand with a 12 inch ball. It was not baseball. It's women's softball. Not ripping on women, my niece is quite good at it. It just WAS NOT baseball.

Another, even if the dude dropped the ball all the other dude would have gotten was a base hit, because he wasn't even running to first base,he was in his Sammy Sosa trot, although without cork. My seven year old nephew would have gunned him out at second had he tried to advance.

Just plain silly. I understand what they were trying to set up, yet it was ignorant in delivery.

Hmm, him bully............... I get it.

I seriously hate when Hollywood tries to incorporate sports into a movie. They blow it every time, well almost.

For those of you that disagree, I hope you would not disagree.

The scene played out atrociously.


Well, since it's a rainy Sunday - it's not a Hollywood film. With that glaring inaccuracy, I can't help feeling the rest of it is a product of your imagination rather than what is actually shown.

But have fun with the baseball jargon - that's pretty entertaining.


I find this whole debate pretty funny. I started reading this thread but couldnt continue reading the back and forth banter. But; honest as god- while watching that scene yesterday...I couldnt help but have the same feeling as the OP (montrossboc-1). however- catpetal-1 - you somewhat changed my mind.

First off, the bully was a jackass. Cocky, stupid, and aggressive. That alone should explain his behavior and why he expected to win the game. I mean the kid is depicted driving around sipping liquor-randomly swerving into a truck and flipping them off. clearly he thinks hes invincible. He - is in fact- dumb.

but the truth is- in REAL LIFE- Any athlete, no matter how dumb, would realize they just hit a pop-fly. If you play baseball- and hit a pop fly - you should be accustomed to immediately assuming youre out. Even in little league they tell you to not watch the ball- just run (in case the outfielder drops it). So- just staring at the ball falling was stupid. but what got me- was the fact that the bully really got that pissed about it. clearly hes the popular jock guy with the varsity jacket- what does he care if some outcast caught his hit in gym class? You mad bro? But i digress- the whole bully story did add something to the film atleast. The idea that we the audience condone certain violence- but condemn other forms.

and I also have to say I dont think he aimed at Jack on purpose knowing he would drop it. Thats a huge assumption. The bully hit a crappy fly ball and thought it was gold. Lupus from the Bad News Bears couldve caught that. Thats what I believe the OP is trying to say. It was a bit ridiculous. The whole scene couldve been done better. but.. ah who cares. Great film.


Okay. Thanks.


Scenes with the school bully seem to have melded into a morass of cliche and uninspired writing. They feel like afterthoughts.
This particular one was dashed off with the intent of getting from start to destination with minimal attention to on-screen action.

I ran across a question along these lines recently. Someone wanted an example of a film that was undermined by lack of research on some plot point or other. Everyone has had this happen. It doesn't necessarily have to ruin the experience, but it is glaring nonetheless.

For montrossboc, this scene had that effect. I happened to open this page while watching a History of Violence, and, yeah, I can see it. As someone else mentioned, it was obviously a one-run game, with one on. Since the batter would have to score to secure the win, his stupid trot put paid to that notion. He was still on his way to first when it came down- no way he scores there. The only thing behind Jack was acres of grass, so he could field it in time even if he dropped it.
It bothered me less than how mindless they made the bully throughout, but I'm sure we each have our own "can of corn" movie moment.


Absolutely. I pick up things in movies that seem so out of place, or just plain wrong.

But I figure it's because I really like 'A History of Violence' so much the 'can of corn' scene made me cringe.

Short Cut, Draw Blood


That scene was so stupid..

I get everyone expected him to drop it, but the guy is really going to start picking on him and get in a fight over THAT!? WTF!?


This is a good point. Filming sport scenes can be difficult (boxing, baseball, basketball, etc.). I guess it's do to the reality of the scene being compromised through planned simulation.

This scene is no different, and you're probably right that Cronenberg didn't understand baseball. If he did, that's an inexcusable flaw too.


"Nobody catches a fly ball in my town..."

Easily the weakest part of an otherwise pretty great movie...


That was indeed pretty funny and everyone acting like it was some amazing catch, when he just stood there and it went right to him as a lazy flyball.


I started a new post on this and replied within this same thread, but i want to reiterate that the baseball scene ruined the movie for me. I saw it in theaters, and when that part happened my friends and i all yelled "what?!?" unsure if it was intentionally being weird. It was so stupid, I misjudged the tone of the movie. Seriously. Like,i thought the bully was meant to be funny. I have decided, after posting on this for the last half hour, and giddily reading this thread...that they definitely needed to show him dropping a few balls. Maybe even a few from the bully, earlier in the game. Or, perhaps the actor who played the bully just over-acted a little, but wow, can i not wait to share this with my friends who were in the theater that day.
