
Is he Joey? is he Joey? Yes he's Joey. The end.

Completely pointless film. Dull boring pile of nonsense.


i liked it


I thought it was crap. Overblown score, Hurt was horrendous, Mortensen not much better, the son and the bully were totally unbelievable, and the sex on the stairs just made me cringe but not as much as his return home. I was so happy when the dvd crapped out before the end credits.


Why did the sex on the stairs make you cringe?

Did you never have sex on stairs?

It's actually quite cool


Reading this thread I'm beginning to understand why IMDB decided to close the message boards, not that I agree with them, but geez, all this thread is is a bunch of people pissing on each other.

The movie was entertaining & the acting was good. I reserve the adjectives hurled at this movie for the truly awful ones, and there's plenty of them.


So true. So true. Unfortunately, these voices begin to dominate these forums and chase out all decent discussion of the movie. This was a good movie and the superlative used, as you mention, are inappropriate.


This movie was an overrated pile of shit. Juvenile and idiotic.
