MovieChat Forums > Escape from Hell Discussion > Anybody offended by this

Anybody offended by this

I am a christian and it disgraces me when people make christian films like this.
I have frieds who arent christian and they are very good people and i dont think god would punish them for eternity just not beliveing in him.
any way just wanted to say that films like this give the cristian religion a bad name.


God does not pick them out to punish. They volunteer. It does not matter how good a person is. They have still broken God's law and therefore have to pay the penalty. The good news is that Jesus took that penalty onto himself so that none have to go to Hell. Some (like your friends who are very good people) just choose not to accept the sacrifice made on their behalf so they are basically saying they will take the punishment instead. You should really read the Bible and if it bothers you so much that your friends going to Hell then instead of just wringing your hands you need to do something about it while they are still alive. Point out in the Bible where it say ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Show them that God does not want them to go to Hell. He has it set up so that nobody HAS to go. Put it this way if your friend was walking down the street and a car was coming straight at him. Would you just sit there thinking "I don't think that car will hit them." Or would you knock them out of the way or at the very least shout out a warning to them. That is exactly what films like this are designed to do. Shout out a warning. Instead of criticizing them for doing so. You should be thanking them for giving you another tool to make sure your friends accept the sacrifice of Jesus and go to Heaven.


You shouldn't lie and testify that you're a Christian. Christians believe the Bible and you don't. By definition, you're not a Christian, so, quit pretending you are.
