MovieChat Forums > Escape from Hell Discussion > Anybody offended by this

Anybody offended by this

I am a christian and it disgraces me when people make christian films like this.
I have frieds who arent christian and they are very good people and i dont think god would punish them for eternity just not beliveing in him.
any way just wanted to say that films like this give the cristian religion a bad name.



Dear treebeard822, to find out what God criterias are, read the Bible, all the answers we need are there. It's not how we think it is, it's how God said it is.


Hey Treebeard822,

There, in two replies you have your example of the kind of audience for whom this movie is meant. Yes, you can be the best person in the world, but your still going to hell if you don't believe what they believe, or what they expect you to believe. As for the whole word of god thing, there is no record of Christ ever writing anything down so the closest you can get is second hand information from people who were supposedly his followers. These days if the modern day church could rewrite the bible again (when the bible was written a group called the Holy See decided what would and what would not be included in it) I'm sure at some point Christ would be quoted as saying you have to give 10% of your income to the church.




Oh wow! Kent Hovind..even Answers In Genesis has basically called him out as a total kook. He'll also be lucky if he doesn't end up in jail for tax evasion.

You got your pint, you got your pig snacks, what more do you want?


"I think you took the DaVinci Code a little too seriously, Baphomet. And you should know more about Hell, with a satanic goat idol in your name"

Why? Because he doesn't believe like you do? There is nothing about the Christian belief that makes it any more right than any other belief out there. Your own level of "belief" in something doesn't make it any more valid than the next person's belief in something completely different. People who are born and raised Christian act very haughty with their beliefs, as though they somehow possess the one universal truth. I think born and raised Muslims would have something to say about that. They believe their version just as adamantly as you believe yours, and they believe that you Christians are just as hellbound as you believe they are. It's a viscious circle of "my belief versus your belief" nonesense. Oh, and stop over-reacting to a mere user name. The simple fact is that Baphomet made a good point, one you couldn't rebutt except in the form of attacking his user name. How typical of those who suffer religiosity.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?



No shred of evidence points to Jesus being anything more than a man, if you want to get technical. You're mistaking your own "belief" as fact. Perhaps religions contradict each other because none of them have it right, did you ever think of that? I know, I know, YOU possess the one true way. Perhaps you'll find out that Allah is real some day. I mean, there's just as much of a chance, regardless of how much YOU believe what YOU say.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?



I love your ability to shows the limited and narrow Christian mindset for what it is. Try thinking outside the box and seeing that just because you believe something, it isn't suddenly a "fact". Apparently, you seem to be having loads of fun as you make things up in order to convince yourself that what you "believe" is true. If you cannot think of anything worth saying beyond the "wrong, I'm right" mentality, just don't respond.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


What is the point of debate. You think you have Christians all figured out. I don't think you understand the meaning of truth or of fact for that matter. Why don't you honestly investige the issue like so many others have (like C.S. Lewis, for example). Your personal belief system colors your interpretation of the facts. I know, and know of, many people who used to think like you do (including myself), read the Bible cover to cover, read other peoples thoughts on it, then just asked God if He was really there. He is there. If you seek Him you will find Him. He will show you what is really true.


To DoubleFacedJanus, I am a Christian who would like to respond (belatedly) to your posts. First, depending on how much credence you give the Bible as an historical document, therein lie some shreds of evidence. Second, correct me if I'm wrong, here, but I think I understand your point about people's belief systems.

The essence of Christianity as I know it is that nearly everyone who has walked this Earth has sinned, which keeps us from a relationship with God the Father. This also would send us to Hell, however one perceives it to be. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and also God, came to Earth to be a replacement sacrifice for our sins. He had to die a human death and endure Hell. His resurrection and victory over death ensure eternal life for those who believe that he is our savior, our messiah.

Some Christians believe so strongly in our salvation story that, to us, it's the truth, factual, proof positive of our religion. Others may view it as one set of beliefs in a myriad of many. IMO, because Jesus lived on Earth 2000+ years ago, before photography, with not much archaelogical evidence, we don't have 100% proof that our beliefs are true. That's why we call it faith. We believe the salvation story to be true without proof, the same as any other religion or belief system. We all have faith. IMO, I'm not certain if anyone can prove 100% their belief systems, even those who deny God's existence.

The only way we can test our faiths and views of the afterlife is to die. The movie portrays the afterlife as it's depicted from Christianity's perspective.

Am I making any sense, here?

Last, isn't the speed of dark equal to zero?


Hate to break it to you, but Christians DO possess the only universal truth.


Hate to break it to you, but Christians DO possess the only universal truth.

Prove it. Oh that's right, you can't. all you have is proclamation on your side, but that would hardly hold up in a court of law. You and every other believer in whatever magic or religion have proclamation on your side...nothing special there.

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If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


I'm sorry.. but the Bible is very clear about the difference between being saved and unsaved. God loves the unsaved.. but there are consequences for your actions on earth. You may be able to skip out on the consequences of your actions on earth, but you can't when judgement comes.
If you love your friends you will share your joy and your truth with them.. you don't have to preach or scare them, but just share your heart with them.

You may not have liked the movie.. but the message is pretty clear. I hope you reconsider



Wow with all the zealot banter I reckon I'll not even bother with the film (there's already enough reasons above why I dislike xians!)
/trollgar...very happy to be an unclean heathen, Valhalla awaits!


Jesus answered and said to them, "Do not grumble among yourselves. No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day."

John 6:43,44 (NAS)


Nicely said, Billa1212. People can argue for and against all day long. I know what Jesus Christ has said about Himself.

Every one of us is entitled to believe whatever we want to belive. God gives us all free choice. I choose Jesus because He speaks the truth and I know His word will stand for all eternity.

"For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might find salvation through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not judged or condemned; but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. This is the reason: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil."

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me."

I am a sinner who has accepted, received and believed this. Now my sins are forgiven and I've found deep peace, abundant joy, and huge fulfillment because Jesus Christ is Lord of my life. I've been through a lot in my life and Jesus has set me free. From what?

Foul language
Drug abuse
Alcohol abuse
Petty jealousies
Self righteousness
the list goes on...

Am I perfect? No. But I am no longer bound and chained by these things. I am on the right path now and pressing forward.


First thing first to the ones that have seen this film i think you for at least giving it your time my friend Danny the Director would appreciate it. Next i noticed the from vince code has been mention. unbelievable who would believe a Fiction book Dan Brown did not get anything write at all in the book even though he claims that everything in his book is fact but yet you buy it in the fiction section. Look up go to messages and check out the davince code serries and just listen to what the person said cause he proves that dan brown dose not know wht he is talking about at all. Just like this guy did he looked up what dan brown said on google and found out that he was all wrong. davince means from vince the place that leonardo was from his name was leonardo that is it just leonardo. Get your facts right and also if you have not watched the film and trying to say how bad this movie is you have no clue if you have not watched it so you have nothing to say until you have seen it and again watch it with an open mind and heart cause you will just only deny a loving God a way to show you that he sacrificed his soon so that way our sinner selves can have a redemption and a way to heaven.


It's a false-type hell. The real hell, we create it by making bad choices, and we don't really go to heaven nor hell right after we die, we stay in the grave until Jesus returns, the ones in him will be changed to spirit beings to live with him forever, read on and click "Better than Heaven" near death experience aren't to be trusted and our souls aren't immortal unless we accept Jesus. We are living souls(Genesis 2;7) and can die out(Ezekiel 18;4). Read the whole bible, don't just read some of the scriptures and take it literally, so you won't have to go around warning everybody about an everlasting fiery place that don't even exist. To live eternally, accept the divine love and mercy of God.


Is there any reason in particular why don't you like Christians?


Thanks for your post. I'm not a religious person. I caught an ad for this movie today and the guy who was pushing it was a tv preacher standing in front of a casket. I have not seen the movie but it was clear to me that fear was the whole premise of the movie. I was depressed after seeing the previews and the reactions of the movie goers. I'm glad to hear you say that this film and films like it give Christianity a bad name.


I know, many mix the scriptures with man-made teaching and many were confused and eventually left the faith because of it. Jesus said that there would be false apostles preaching false gospels(Matthew 24:5). I suggest read the bible and don't take man's word for it.


Frankly it really doesn't matter what Hell is. You know it's something extremely bad and that's all that you really need. I also don't believe everyone who doesn't believe in our God would go to Hell. Considering it's God who draws you near and some people know nothing about the Christian faith (many of us who are Christian can't even get it right) then it would be unfair for a fair and just God to send people to everlasting torment unless given a chance and the knowledge to repent.

"In fact, God is so just that Jesus elsewhere argues hypothetically that one who is truly ignorant can’t be justly judged. In John 15:22 Jesus says, "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin." In John 9:41 Jesus says, "If you were [spiritually] blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains."

taken from: "




He hates the person for doing wrong but he still cares for them. Hellfire is real, God is the consuming fire(Hebrews 12:29) he will consume the unredeemed to ASHES(Malachi 4:1-3) not torture them forever like it is commonly believed. On 2 Peter 3:9-10 said that the earth will be destroyed by fire and doesn't wish for any one to perish but to repent.




"I suggest read the bible and don't take man's word for it." wrote the bible. Not some invisible sky fairy.


Men wrote the Bible, claiming to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. So they were either liars, lunatics, or writing the truth. The Bible is written by God through about 40 men, living over a period of 4,000 years. They all claim- directly, or indirectly- that their writings are divinely inspired.


watched this movie early this morning (1-05-09)on TBN and was completely hooked from the first frame. as a Catholic Christian i was especially interested in the Tad Garrison character who seemed like a genuine Christian in all appearances but whom we learn is only going thru the motions . when his friend professed his belief that Jesus is the only way to salvation Tad was only too eager to change the subject. bad move. we assume that when Tad died he was going to the light but he was alarmed when his direction changed to fire . we Christians cannot be lukewarm in our faith .we either believe that Jesus is the way or we do not believe. there is no gray area. in this respect i give this film a big thumbs up


Actually, nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about God tormenting people for eternity. It says the wages of sin is death, not eternal torment. It compares the saved and unsaved with the wheat and the chaff: The wheat are kept (by the grace of God), while the chaff are burned up in the fire (they lose out on eternal life). It does not say the chaff stays alive and burns forever.

It does say the devil is tormented forever.

The whole business about eternal torment is likely just a misinterpretation, and/or perhaps a way for men in power in the church to scare people into cooperation.


or they were wrong.

'Just remember. I can complete a jigsaw using only my tongue. With the lights out.'


You're a Christian? Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. You can never get to Heaven because you have to be a perfect, sinless person to go to Heaven. That's why Jesus- a perfect, sinless, divine man- died as a sacrifice for your sins. By accepting this, your sins are forgiven, and you no longer have to pay for them.

No one is a "good person", only God is good. (God's definition of Good, and man's are very different)

If you don't understand this... then how do you consider yourself a Christian?
This film is presenting the Gospel that is found in the Bible. Does the Gospel disgrace you because it's exclusive to Jesus Christ, and not politically correct to make everyone happy?


I agree with you 100% Kimba. How can someone claim to be a Christian, someone who believes in the teachings of Christ, and feel disgraced by a movie that coincides with those teaching? The bible teaches that Jesus is the only way to get to heaven, no matter how politically incorrect that sounds. Your answer to the age-old question of why a non-Christian going to hell, while still being a "good" person is also true. How can a human decide who is "good" or not? I'm sure Hitler and his followers thought he was a very good person, does that mean he should go to heaven? So to the OP, no matter how "good" you consider your friends, if they don't accept Jesus as their savior they are going to hell, simple as that. Furthermore, I don't believe that this movie employs "scare tactics" to get people to believe in God. It simply presents the truth and let people decide by themselves what to believe.



Also you must think Jesus is a liar when he says He is the ONLY way to God and that NO ONE comes to the Father but through Him

Not a liar...merely deluded. They have medications that can help people with god complexes these days.

God is doing you a favor by allowing you to spend eternity with the one you love most--your SELF--in Hell. If you don't love God He isn't going to force you to be with Him in Heaven

Your silly rhetoric does little to sway anyone. It's all about fear of hell. Yes, that is the very foundation of your own belief, hence your focus on it here. You say these things to try and scare others or to plant a seed of doubt, but what you really do is show us how pathetic your belief really is. What a sad way to exist, feeling that you HAVE to worship a fictional deity because you are scared into it.

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If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


