MovieChat Forums > Gossip Girl (2007) Discussion > Who should have been GG?

Who should have been GG?

It does not make sense for Dan to be GG.
Why would he post a picture of Juliet posing as Serena doing cocaine?
Or post a picture of Serena buying a pregnancy test when she was his gf?
Post that she had an std?
How did he know where Damien was and his connection to Juliet and the pills she gave Serena that almost killed her?
Why did he post a picture of himself and Serena when he still was with Vanessa?

So, who should have been GG?

I think Penelope.


I believe it should never have been revealed. And making Dan GG was the most absurd thing this show did, and they did a lot of absurd things.


He did it all to get himself known, didn't he? Because he wanted to be talked about like the Upper East Siders.

It was still stupid, though.


I agree. They should have just kept that mystery, and ended the show with a Kristen Bell cameo, where we see her type the last xo's out loud, so we still don't really know WHO she is, but still gets a cameo.

I think it should have been Dorota, and that she was faking her accent and background all along. She knew everything, was involved in everything, and it would have been very funny


I agree! The problem is though I think a lot of us wanted it to be Dorota. And maybe the people behind GG wanted someone that would surprise us. So they chose Dan, eventhough it did not make sense.


Nelly Yuki or Penelope.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


I was convinced it was Penelope for the first two seasons then she disappeared for a while but when she showed up again in season 4 I was sure of it again.


Georgina, or to be honest, Blair.


One of Blair's minions or wannabe minion like Penelope or Jenny, but one that we never met, and was always in the background.

In addition to why Dan would post things, we also have to question when he did. He was GG, so he was the one that would write the Spotted: blurbs and then send them out. In S4 (I think?) Dan and Blair were faking a kiss and Ivy/Charlie took a video of it, and then somehow right when Dan and Blair were walking out of the room together, Dan managed to receive the video, write a blurb and send it out, in all of three seconds with Blair right next to him the entire time.
Or he posts about Nate and Jenny at cotillion while he has having a threesome with Vanessa and Olivia. That would have been an awkward scene that they should have shown us. "Sorry girls, but hold one for a few minutes while I check my email and see if I received any gossip tips that I should send out right now, and then we can get back to our threesome."



I would have loved Dorota to be GG since it would have meant that the help was the one pulling the strings of the Manhattan barbies and Kens while being really shady and sneaky. It would have catapulted the importance of her character, too.

But it would also mean that she is rotten to the core and directly and indirectly caused a lot of pain. Also the mother/ daughter relationship with Blair would have been a fake. She must have enjoyed seeing B suffer while pretending to be honestly concerned with her happiness and well being.


To me, I think it would've made more sense if Jenny was GG because she always wanted to be in the "It" crowd and she was always desperate to be in Blair's world. Plus, Jenny disliked Serena later on as the seasons went by, so it made sense why she would want to hurt Serena.


In the books, is it revealed who actually is GG?


I am still reading the books so I do not know. Some poster here mentioned that it is not revealed but there are hints (in his/her opinion) that it could be Vanessa.

Vanessa in the books goes to Constance, is goth and becomes the reason why Serena breaks up with chain smoking obscure bohemian teen poet Dan Humphrey. She sees them making out in Eleanor's wedding (which is pretty fancy and Dan is invited as Serena's date). Vanessa is only there at the bar because Jenny asked her to, Jenny was there to check how cute Nate looked on a suit (Nate cheats on Blair with Jenny on the first book).

Ratchet Vanessa in the series could not be GG, she never went to Constance Billiard and was not even living in NY when the blog started. She renkindled her friendship with Dan and met the others when GG was already in motion.


It was better off being a mystery, any of these UESers could've been GG.


I agree, especially if like me you're only starting now to watch Gossip Girl and googled during the first episode that Dan is supposed to be GG. It's slightly ruining the show because I keep noticing everything that makes the revelation so wrong: Dan always acts like he doesn't like anything about that world and wants nothing to do with it, so the idea that he would have done these things to write himself in their lives means everything he said, and all the ways he acted were fake ? Also, for the people saying he did it to get close to Serena, it took him like 6 episodes to figure out whether he actually wanted to pursue Serena... Until then he doesn't even know if she's a person he should like and often assumes the worst about her.

Also pretty much anything GG girl says comes off as bitchy and malicious... Isn't Dan supposed to be a little better than that if Serena marries him ? At any rates it doesn't reflect good on him, and her by association.

Ugh, so wrong! Never read the books but I agree they should have gone the route of never revealing who it was rather than do something as stupid and ridiculous as this. Otherwise, Jenny or even Chuck could have been good candidates. Jenny wanted to be part of that world, and Chuck is just bitchy and twisted enough to have found it a fun thing to do.


Jenny or even Chuck could have been good candidates

hahahaha that would have been good.
