...twice. Especially when the Rob Thomas song kicked in at the end. Everything was so perfect, coming together and everything... So sweet.

"Stop being a geek. Be cool." -Sam Horrigan


I've seen this movie so many times that I've lost count. I cry every single time.

I cry, because Cornelius/Lewis leaves the orphanage, his classmates, the school and his neighborhood.

I cry, because as children, we were all once so wide-eyed with dreams of winning a science fair or making that winning catch in a baseball game.

I cry, because no matter how important it is "to keep moving forward", we can never forget the past and all the happy or sad feelings associated with it.

Maybe one day, I can finally watch this movie without crying.


It totally made my eyes all moist...

He said,
"Just put your feet down child,
'Cause you're all grown up now."


wow, people are still commenting after almost a year?

Ballin, yo. Ballin.


Yep. I thought that a large portion of the film felt a little dull, but the last 20 minutes is so powerful that I had to choke back tears.


I agree, just watching the ending made me watery eyes. I think they did it on purpose, and then throwing in the Disney quote was just the last nail in the box.

I'm a New Yorker. Fear's my life


me too - especially the ending when he came back to the past to meet his mother but decided not to change his fate, also when he goes to his new home with his adopted parents to see his lab and the song was touching too adding the emotion


I didn't cry, but I had this wave of happy/sad feeling hit me when the final part of the movie played out and I'm usually annoyed by Rob Thomas' voice. But the song, the way he sung it, how/when it was used, and the Walt Disney quote at the end were absolutely perfect.

This movie is outstanding and truly underrated. It goes down as one of my personal all-time favorites, especially from Disney.

Peace out.


LOL I was just going to make this topic! It made me cry too :) This movie also had a masterful twist.

Punisher War Zone - December 5th 2008


I definately felt the tear jerk and heart tug and tingles once rob thoas kicked in!!! such a sweet movie.

This is a Maid speaking by the way



This movie made me cry because i wasted some time on it ... 0/10


i got to watch this film again this weekend and this film just gets to's such a sweet story :-)



I have to say for this movie, joyful crying, I love the ending so well done.

"Send me out... with a bang."
Sergeant Johnson, Halo 3


I'm probably older that most of you all here (not wanting to jump to assumptions). My wife and I watched it on the Disney Channel here last night and she fell asleep on my lap before the ending came, which I'm glad of because I wouldn't have wanted her to see me with watery eyes ha ha ha.

Fantastic film with a very strong poignant message for all of you kids out there and a few us adults as well.

For once, maybe someone will call me 'Sir' without adding 'You're making a scene'...


i remember seeing this late night, all alone and bawling. Sometimes you just need a little reassurance that life will be better. Great movie

Sarah: Some people wanna be heroes and others have to be asked, so, Chuck are you ready?




There were some sad moments
