...twice. Especially when the Rob Thomas song kicked in at the end. Everything was so perfect, coming together and everything... So sweet.

"Stop being a geek. Be cool." -Sam Horrigan


oh my gosh, i cried too!!
But right when i started to i began laughing because I didn't understand WHY I was crying,lol!
but yer right, the ending came together SO perfectly =)

"It's really difficult to open mayonnaise when your fingers are covered in your own blood."


This is exactly what happened to me. I was like "why am I crying?!"

I so shocked how much this moved me; I'm not even sure why it did. Wasn't expecting that!

"It's that kind of idiocy that I empathize with." ~David Bowie


The first time I saw it I didn't cry, but now I find myself getting watery eyed when 'Little Wonders' starts up.



I cried, also.

It was so beautiful.

You've lost your "winging it" privileges! - Roy O'Bannon


Little Wonders is a tear-jerker. Makes me misty eyed.


oh my gosh, and I thought I was the ONLY one who cried. Glad I'm not alone!

I agree, the ending was perfect. The last scenes, the music, and then Walt Disney's quote at the end. Just couldn't hold my tears back *sniff*
Great movie :D



I cried too! I was a great movie, but it wasn't a sad kind of cry like in Dumbo, but a happy, oh my gosh that is so sweet kind of cry :)

tond knird dna laime, epleop liwl eath uoy



Omg I know...rarely do movies make me cry and by the end I was choked up and saying "what the hell is wrong with me am i depressed?!" lol this movie is better than I expected.


I really don't cry during films, but this one really moved me. The film's main character Lewis, reminded me alot of myself at that age, I was an ultra-smart, socially awkward nerd at 12, obsessivly focused on metorology (the study of weather). What makes it more interesting, is that I was only about a decade older than the character the first time I saw it in theaters (I'm 23 now, in case your wondering). I also like the additon of "Little Wonders", because it really is true.

Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulders, don't you know, the hardest part is over. Let it in, let your clarity define you, in the end, we will only just remember how it feels.


Yah! i saw it when it first came out in 07 i honestly DETESTED going to the theatre and watching this with my mum and sister and her 2 kids... then i was like meh ok. OMG... i loved it i choked up the first time in all those parts. and then the end too... Its again now on disney, tonight a whole year since i seen it annnd what u know im still trying to hold it in LOL I had no idea it was going to be this good and cute. Im adopted too so i kind of felt a resonance with it haha. Soo sweeet.

This is a Maid speaking by the way


I easily cry at movies, but this one especially hit close to home because I'm adopted, so I was really happy for Lewis/Cornelius in the end that he finally got a family. And the Disney quote...that sent me over the edge... *sniffle* Beautiful!

Made you look!


the only thing i don't like about this film is the fact that it's soo hard to fight the tears that's coming from my eyes, knowing i'm inside the cinema. lol

the last part where Little Wonders song begins while reading Walt's quote touches me... i can't remember how many times i watched this film (with misty eyes). This is truly one of the few worth-watching CG film. Inspiring. it keeps you to move forward. lol


this movie is seriously underrated: it has a great message for everyone; good foreshadowing (which i love in movies); amazing characters; and a happy ending. it belongs on the IMDb's top 250.

"Statutory rape? I wasn't raped by no statue, y'all! I done had sex with my boyfriend." -Jamie Lynn


i seriously cried so hard when i watched it. no one should be embarrassed!! it was really really good. especially the dad being his best friend line.


I cried to in fact my whole family cried

truly one of the best endings i ever seen

and yes truly under rated and should be on the top 250

also should off been nominated for best animated feature and Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published(ya copy and paste)

The move was way better then ratatouille

I gave the movie 8/10

Its spanish for Remember your mother ~ tracy jordan


I teared up near the end. Happy tears! It was a perfect movie!

"In my world, everyone would be a pony. They'd eat rainbows and poop butterflies." -Katie


This film always catches me by surprise when my eyes start watering at the end. I dodn't know why either. It's just such a well rounded film with everything, or nearly everything, being tied up in such a beautiful way.

He's a semi-aquatic, egg-laying, mammal of action.


I didn't full out cry, but the first time I saw it in the theater, at the end, I was smiling so hard my face hurt, and my eyes got a little watery when you saw that 'Keep Moving Forward' were Walt Disney's words.


Do you know what tuna is?
It's FISH!


i never cry- and at the end of this i just had tears of joy
probly just b/c the character of wilbur was so likable, and so relatable- i mean hasnt everybody felt the way wilbur did at that age, i know i did- that you just can help but feel the overwhelming snese of joy hes feeling at the moment


LMAO I can't watch the end of this movie without crying! I watched it three times in a day and a half, and I cried EVERY time. The Rob Thomas song just makes everything so much more poignant.


me tooooo! everytime i saw it i cryed!!!!!!

“Moisturize Me, Moisturize Me” =^_^=


Agreed, movies never made me cry!! That quote did it and water works ahoy. I needed a kick of motivation :)


DEFINITELY made me cry!! I still tear up now when it comes on tv, and I hear that Rob Thomas song and read that quote at the end.


I know! I was bawling. Great movie.
