Fave-Stella or Jo?

Who did you enjoy most the acting of Stella Bonasera (Melina) of Jo Danville (Sela)?

Though I'm a big Sela Ward fan, she's a good movie actress, but I enjoyed Stella's character most. She was tough but caring, she would get on Mac's level and challenge at times though he was her boss.



I never really liked the manish Melina.

That having been said I watched more eps with the unattractive, in CSI: NY anyway, masculine looking Stella, horrible name, than I did with Jo.

I like Sela. She's a good actress.

I gave up watching the CSIs. After the unimpressive Morpheus Vegas season (9?) and Miami (after 4) and NY after that drive by shooting of the team in the restaurant.

That's just my opinion tho.


I much preferred Stella. Jo was annoying, she was cheesy, she got too much airtime and she added nothing. Stella was a big part of the show and CBS firing her was a disgrace that really hurt the show. The last 3 seasons were almost unwatchable, lots of Jo, lots of Danny/Lindsay, and crappy stories.


Jo. No contest.

I don't like Melina.

I don't understand why the writers kept giving her so many unnecessary lines. She'd barge intrusively into the middle of a scene and start talking for no actual reason. Very awkward and contrived. She was always "explaining" stuff to the other characters. Stuff that they would naturally already know. Like when she'd "explain" what the initials in an acronym for some fancy piece of lab equipment stood for to trained professionals. People who'd supposedly been working with that equipment every day for years.

Re-watch all the episodes chronologically and you'll begin to see what I mean. It grew worse and worse as the seasons went by. After a while it got to be ridiculous.


I am in the midst of a rewatch on Netflix and I totally get what you are saying. I just watched the episode where she was sympathizing with a supposed victim who actually planned the murder of her husband. Stella's behavior was completely unprofessional. She could not view the evidence objectively and told Mac as much after she chewed out Lindsey for DOING HER JOB. Mac should have pulled her off the case immediately but of course then we wouldn't have the PTSD after shooting trope that is going to play out over the next few episodes.
