MovieChat Forums > Blessed Discussion > Another movie filmed in Romania?

Another movie filmed in Romania?

What is going on with Hollywood? I guess the backlash against cold mountain came too late to affect the filming location of this movie. Is Samantha's Child suppose to be set in NYC?


I don't know where the story is set. But the lure of cheap third-world labor is just too great, I suppose. This, and many other movies set in the U.S., will be filmed in Romania, Prague, South Africa, etc. because producers can circumvent pesky things like minimum wages and safety regulations in those countries.


Have you ever been to this "third-world" Romania you're talking about?Just beeing curious...


"the lure of cheap third-world labor"

Romania isn't a third world country and never was. Same goes for Check Rep. (Prague) that you also give as an example.
If this movie sucks, it's because of the story/director/actors, not because of the location. What a strange way of thinking!


It's supposed to be set in upstate New York. I've lived in upstate NY all my life, and it was obvious to me it was shot somewhere else - for instance, there are trees of a variety we don't have. Those ****wits should've made the movie here (then I could have been an extra and met one of my favorite actors!)


Uhm, Czech.


At least it's not another vampire movie.
