I do not aprove

Jesus would not like this movie.
Nuff said


if your comforted by your thought, great.

Rubbish of course, else why the 'disciple who Jesus loved'๐Ÿ˜‰?

Best Wishes


"Jack leaned against the steady heartbeat"


I don't understand what you mean.
Please explain.


Considering that it was not Jesus, but the Apostle Paul, who opposed homosexuality in the New Testament (and that Jesus never said anything on the matter one way or the other), I'd say your position is very much open to question.

"You can't have Ennis without Jack."--Annie Proulx


Thanks Ron, you get it, as I'd expect, although the other guy obviously doesn't (or won't)! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Best Wishes


Jack leaned against the steady heartbeat


My head spins whenever this subject rears its head! I was brought up a Catholic. I went to Mass every week. I was enrolled in Catholic grammar school, Catholic high school AND Catholic college! My earliest memories of the teachings of Jesus always calmed me. They calmed me because the Jesus I learned about was loving and open and accepting. Of everyone! Period!

As I got older, the abuses cast against innocent children of those in higher positions in the Church, as well as many bad memories of the "business" of the Catholic church, jaded and clouded my calmness. The pain and hurt caused, along with the copious use of shame, guilt and damnation for not attending Mass each week because it was discovered that your weekly charity donation was not in the collection basket, was suffocating, and I drifted from it!

In recent years, I called back to mind my early memories of Jesus and how I connected to him, and believed in his love for all.

Why there are those who insist and rely on the use of ancient scripture to form their view of what Jesus, his disciples and followers may have opined, and then use that view to spew judgment, appalls me.

With that said, everyone has a right to their opinions I suppose, but I just cannot fathom why, in this day and age, this hate and fear still exists.

Let's learn to love and accept everyone....

Hi Sam and Ron! Thanks for your responses here.


...Nice to know ya, Ennis del Mar...


Hi Daphne

Glad to know we band of brothers (and sisters!) are still here, trying to calm the extreme views that keep appearing!

Even though all religions seem to be used to provide a platform for hate and violence, all their core message is actually to be kind and forgiving. "Love God, and my neighbor" sums it up really!



Jack leaned against the steady heartbeat


Did you notice how you all jumped on the homosexual aspect of this film. I said jesus would not approve of this film. How do you know I didn't mean jesus wouldn't approve because his casting choices would have been different or he doesn't like the way cowboys handle their animals.
It's great fun to make one throw away remark regarding jesus then stand back and watch as everyone gets so insenced and has to put their 2 cents worth in.


Since the "homosexual aspect" of this film is what motivates most people who come here breathlessly denouncing it, it's quite reasonable to assume that this is what you were talking about.

So if that's NOT what you meant, tell us why Jesus wouldn't like BBM, smart stuff.

"You can't have Ennis without Jack."--Annie Proulx


Seriously, you're going to persist with this post... you're stating the obvious, that is why people usually come here to denounce it, which is why I posted jesus wwouldn't approve. I knew people would get bent out of shape


We always get bent out of shape when we're confronted with a moron.

Have you seen this film? If not, you have nothing to contribute to the discussion.

"You can't have Ennis without Jack."--Annie Proulx


I know I'm way late in commenting, but Y O U said "Jesus wouldn't approve, nuff said." You left it wide open there, and no not even if fun would Jesus care about casting choices (yes I realize you're making a joke. A poor one at that).


Jesus Mayorga? Why don't you think he would like this movie?


We do not apProve of your orthography.
The higher you fly, the faster you fall.



How do you know this for a fact? Christ never said anything about homosexuality


Not quite right. The Bible says all scripture is God breathed, and Jesus is God. A=B=C. All books of the Bible, while physically written by the hands of men, are still from God (the Holy Spirit). So yes, Jesus did condemn homosexual behavior. Just to be clear, same-sex attraction is not a sin, itโ€™s temptation. Acting upon that temptation, however, is very grievous to God.


Jesus has BM in VHS and laser disc. He denounces the blu-ray as heretical.

Before you ask how he got it in VHS and laser disc, know that Jesus is magical.

๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ All the little devils are proud of Hell.


Don't watch it.
Nuff said.

Time wounds all heels.
