MovieChat Forums > Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004) Discussion > What would your own personal Silent Hill...

What would your own personal Silent Hill be like???

I would imagine that my own personal Silent Hill will be much like the games I would be chased by the kinds of demons that are in the series and there would be no light around whatsoever. I would also be forced to fight or run away from swarms of bugs. Basically it would be composed of al my phobias to punish me for any sins I may have committed in my life. So anyway tell me what your own Silent Hill would be like.





Yeah that would be pretty kickass.

"Have you seen a little girl by any chance???"



I think my Silent Hill would be more biological looking than the whole industrial metal thing. Like the Dark Hospital in Silent Hill 3, where it look slike everything is alive. I also think that there would be a LOT of ambient noise. The souls of the dead, repeating the thinsg they did in life. Talking, crying, walking...doors would thump, lights would turn on and off of their own accord. And everyone would blame me for their problems. Everywhere I went, it would be them blaming me for their death, their murder, their suicide, whther I knew them or notl. Because I think when you are blamed enough for something, you begin to believe. I think that would drive me insane


my silent hill would be a spiral staircase
lined with fire
marked by satan
the imperial demon.

I'd be clawed at by bears
born of hell
a raging inferno.

tied to the wall
I'd feel a million knives
pierce my flesh
and see blood drip down
my back.

but death would not come to claim me.
I'm afraid he already had.
"What did I do to deserve this?" I'd scream
while the demons impaled me on jagged rocks.
knowing all too well what I did.
knowing that murder is a sin.
avarice is a sin. lust is a sin.

These demons would bring me to a dark room
a room teeming with spiders and scorpions
and venomous snakes.
for decades these rotten vermin would feast upon my soul.
and no rest would come. no escape from the agony.

hell is my eternal resting place.
hell is my silent hill


Wow, that was...disturbing.

"have you seen a little girl by any chance???" Harry, SH1


life is disturbing, my friend.


Good point.

"have you seen a little girl by any chance???" Harry, SH1


Ive had a few real life Silent Hill- LIKE experiences

disturbing dreams of me running through a razorblade hallway arms reaching thru the walls.. my father chasing me

nice huh

and this one incident where me and my friend were walking along and needed to cross the road.. I SWEAR we looked both ways and nothing was coming
in either direction at all.. it was getting late but still light out
twilight and all of a sudden im about to take a step and then
bam i feel myself being snatched back just as a huge motorcycle zooms past
inches of where i just was. i turned to my friend whos just staring at me
eyes wide , mouth agape, i asked "what the hell was that for, yanking me so hard like that?"... then she uttered.. "i didn't"

to this day that stays with me.. was something after me?
what are the sounds i hear and the shadows i see?

if you love the SH series at all.. you have to play SH 1 period. get a PS2
buy SH 1 off ebay or whereever...




one really messed me up.



I Don't know what Mine would be. Silent Hill 2 explains that Silent Hill is where you go to be tortured for your worst thoughts or memories... I haven't had any horid scary experiences, and I don't know what mine would be. On the other Hand, if it were like Silnet Hill 4 where you are dragged into this hell for no reason, then I would have to say that it would be a place where I am confined to myself with people around me but not able to hear or talk to me. I think that monsters would include spiders about one foot tall and random people who all of a sudden turn and are demonized. All i could hear was my own self, my own footsteps and the cries of all the monsters. None of the business around me would affect me except for the pain caused from the scary things. I would scream and only hear the echo of myself and I would be scared. THIS is my own personal Silnet Hill


Being chased constantly by Donny Osmond.


Actually In all honesty I can't say.

The monsters would all probably bear some resemblance to people who I cared about.

And the people I cared about would all hate me and blame me for being such a failure.

I also think the place would be alot more like the dark Silent Hill, where it's all kinda fleshy and stuff.

Also being trapped in a place where if I went through a door, I would be in the exact same room I just left, and there would be no way to get out of the cycle. That would scare the bejeesus out of me.


i would be walking slowly through a church and would walk into the bathroom but find a closet, i would slowly turn and notice that the door i had left open is now bolted shut. i would scream and cry but the door shall remain closed. i fall asleep and wake up. the once closed door is now opened ajar and splattered with still soaking wet blood thats slowly dripping down. i will open the door and find a hall way that resembles what the church hallway was. i walk into the main room and look up at the cross which is now stained with rust and blood. the jesus upon that cross holds a secret and a sinister look that i cant put my hands on. i turn to find everyone i was close to in a heep burnt and brutally murdered but their eyes remain open with a grin on their face. i have sinned.



My Silent Hillish world would be orinality of my true fright. I would think of the ground and concrete streets to be made of nothing but metal gating(like in Silent Hill 1), and you would only see darkness and some crazy looking creatures climb under me, and the lip-like things trying to grab my foot. I would be stalked by these crazy creatures called Looses which look like 7 foot tall skinned people with no face but a huge gaping mouth on its chest and it would have arms that reach out to 10 feet, but they'd keep lifting them up and try to grab me. I would be chased down my Abstract Daddies(The Doormen from Silent Hill2), and all the buildings I'd go into would have walls made out of human flesh and skin, and every time you touch the walls about three mouths would open on the wall and screamm at the top of their lungs. And at some times when you go through hallways there would be torsos and human bodies with half a face that are fused to the wall, and if you get a bit too close to them they'll try to grab hold of you and never let go unless given force and they'd try to eat you as well. And when walking on the streets of Silent Hill, you'd encounter these creatures called Fakers which are human-look-alike demons that you'd see standing very still and talking to themselves endlessly and critically fast pace talking, and you see their front image as a human man or woman wearing everyday clothes and when you get too close their back side turns around as a skeletol like creature with no face tries to grab onto you. I would be chased around by Nurses which would look like real nurses in pink uniform(hehe) and don't have faces except for a mouth full of sharp dangerous teeth and they's try to hit you down with their razor wired whips. And every where I go there is endless darkness and no way out, as if a force field is keeping me from getting out!


"life is disturbing, my friend"

nope, just you.

Sarge:"You gonna shoot me?"
Reaper:"Yeah, I was thinkin about it"




Mine would probably be quite fetishy ( an externalisation of my darker sexual side, maybe)

It might also be some sort of insect nest with spider enemies, wasp enemies

Or Sharks (there'd be an underwater section because the sea scares me!)

I went to Kelis's yard for some milkshake, it was only O.K.




An empty delapidated cineplex. 15 varying size cinema screens and darkness. There would be a sureal haunting feeling everytime I entered one of the screens and as soon as I ventured near the top row of seats the projector would suddenly buzz into to life and I would be caught in some hellish strobe where I could see some kind of deformed creatures but only for the split second the lights would come on. Even with a torch I wouldn't be able to see them unless the projector continued to play and then suddenly.. *beep* Tom Cruise' MI 3! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo!!!

"Ah storwee wike mine ha ne'er bean towld." - Chiyo.


My silent hill would be dark and foggy like so, with monsters around every corner, as wel as puzzles to live and weapons. BUT with Pyramid head as an alli
Every time the siren goes off. The buildings are very much normal looking from the outside....but when you get in, it's "Alive" like the walls would be oozing a reddish color and never stops. And on the cieling would be demons i made up called "advanced Crawlers" Who are alot like spiders and you cannot defeat them withought a bomb.





My Silent Hill already exists. But it's called Tulare and is located in California.


Well, first of all I'd have to keep the slightly Industrial look. I tend to be afraid of big machinery and progress.

It would be sparsely populated, like the games, as I have a huge fear of dying alone.

There would be a sort of Pyramid Head around, although looking radically different, as I do have a lot of guilt around losing someone many years ago. In fact my PH would probably be a burned version of him stalking me, playing on my guilt.

In fact, that would be the main crux of the whole thing. The monsters would be mainly fire based, consisting of flame and burned flesh as again, that is involved with the whole scenario.

Lots of sheer drops with narrow walkspaces as I fear heights a lot....and a boss is a clown as they freak me out.

Finally, like James, egged on by thoughts that I may see the person I lost again.

Actually, thinking of this has been good therapy, sort of.


My own Silent Hill would definetly consist of very confined spaces, with absolutely no light, and freezing cold.

In reference to my darker side, since silent hill reflects off the person, I'd have some sort of Large Daddy like figure with immense hands crushing me, lots of fire, some strange sexual references and it would all take place high above ground level, I'm extremely afraid of heights.

I'd have voices breathing down my neck, calling my name, telling me frightening tales, but I wouldn't be able to see anything. Always feeling like I'm not alone, but having to go through my Silent Hill by myself. Absolutely no one else around.

"We need men so they can grow up, get married and turn into shadows"


I actually think that we all live in our personal Silent Hills, at least when we're dreaming. Think about it. We all have remorses and nightmares. ¿Anybody has wake up in the middle of the night, sweating and with the last thing that you have dream hammering in your head and feeling like you're like James in SH2, in the hospital, after have loose Maria and hearing "magdalene"?

In my personal Silent Hill I'd spend most of the time running, trying to find somebody for, once have found that person, everything gets restarted. Other times, when I were found what I were looking for, it'd disappear as I were never found it, but I actually still would remember that I found it.
This place would be very warm and dark, just a few lights. No other side, and everything would look like as in the reality.

"Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around"


I have quite a few fears. My main one is being sick (physically sick) so I dread to think what might happen there.. also i'm claustraphobic ontop of that.. so it'd probably be a case of having to go through small spaces or something. I'm also a very jealous person, but i dunno if that would count.. hm not really sure tbh.


Mine would definitely have to be like SH2. You know, confronting your own personal demons in a desolate world.

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.


My Silent Hill would be a room with out a computer......

I'm sure it would have something to do with my older cousin who molested me as a kid....
And lots of syringessss.....
I dunno.
