MovieChat Forums > San ging chaat goo si (2004) Discussion > Ridiculous Plotholes (spoilers!)

Ridiculous Plotholes (spoilers!)

1. How could a police chief disclose that he'd have the thiefs in 3 hours? So that they could escape in time, or have enough time to prepare a trap? No policeman in the whole world would say an idiotic thing like that on TV.

2. If you know the bad guys are playing X-games on a high-rise roof, wouldn't you surround the damn building and prepare a SWAT team before you go up to identify them? Wouldn't you and the witness (Wong Kit) wear a vest first?

3. Why are the passengers on the bus not able to get to the driver seat to step on the brake, and have to wait for Jacky to get on the bus to stop it? Are they all retarded?

4. Wouldn't you get rid of the kids in Legoland before dissipating the adults, when there're 4 ruthless robbers on the higher floors? By the way, what happened to all the employees on the those floors?

Can anyone answer ANY of these questions?


1. How could a police chief disclose that he'd have the thiefs in 3 hours? So that they could escape in time, or have enough time to prepare a trap? No policeman in the whole world would say an idiotic thing like that on TV.

--this was just to show how cocky he was, and how confident he was being, this makes the following events much more emotional, because they make it PERSONAL, to show how they are so superior.

2. If you know the bad guys are playing X-games on a high-rise roof, wouldn't you surround the damn building and prepare a SWAT team before you go up to identify them? Wouldn't you and the witness (Wong Kit) wear a vest first?

--look at it as a plot device, thats all, NOT a plot hole... the guy needed to get shot so that he could 'confess' to chan, and the bad guys needed to get away (so that we would still have a movie to watch, and that we would have another 'exciting' chase sequence :D ) -yes, if this was the REAL world, they would have surrounded the place, but as im sure we all know, we watch films to get AWAY from the real world...

3. Why are the passengers on the bus not able to get to the driver seat to step on the brake, and have to wait for Jacky to get on the bus to stop it? Are they all retarded?

--same as above. personally out of the WHOLE movie, i hated this bit the most, because they just sat there and didn't do crap, the whole scene looked OVERLY set up just for the action scene - i prefer scenes to be atleast partially realistic (within the realm of a fictional movie, naturally...), but as above, this is just a plot device, its just set up to give a sense of urgency for chan to do his little bus adventure thing...

Belief in a supernatural source of evil is unnecessary -We alone are capable of every wickedness


>>1. How could a police chief disclose that he'd have the thiefs in 3 hours? So that they could escape in time, or have enough time to prepare a trap? No policeman in the whole world would say an idiotic thing like that on TV.

Although silly, I wouldn't go so far as to call this a plot hole. In addition to some of the explanations above, perhaps this was a tactic (albeit a dumb one) to make the culprits nervous.

>>2. If you know the bad guys are playing X-games on a high-rise roof, wouldn't you surround the damn building and prepare a SWAT team before you go up to identify them? Wouldn't you and the witness (Wong Kit) wear a vest first?

At that point in the movie, I don't think Jackie had a good relationship with the department and may not have had the pull to mobilize a SWAT team.

>>3. Why are the passengers on the bus not able to get to the driver seat to step on the brake, and have to wait for Jacky to get on the bus to stop it? Are they all retarded?

IIRC, most of them were mothers who were covering their kids. Maybe these are really *really* domesticated ladies who don't know how to drive.

These may be flimsy explanations but they're enough for me to enjoy the movie. I guess one of *my* problems was Jackie's HORRIBLE marksmanship. When he was in the room with the hanging bodies, he fired multiple times at the bad guys and hit nothing but the skinny railing! I don't think even a distraught marksman would hit so close and yet so far.

Another point (and please feel free to educate me on this). In America, one can't visit a prisoner by walking up to his cell. There are those rooms with the glass separating the visitor and phones on the wall. I guess HKG is more lax about these things.


in relation to 2, i dont think hes talking about chan, i think hes talking about the other guys, who brought the witness with them, chan was only working with the other guy.

Belief in a supernatural source of evil is unnecessary -We alone are capable of every wickedness


i really must say, that none of these so called plot holes disturb the watching in the least.


How about the bomb with the ball bearing? Couldn't she have conceivably flipped the box over so that the ball came to rest on "ceiling" of the box? Or at least kneeled down and set the box on a chair so she didn't have to balance the dumb thing.

Now if you should want to call me, use this number. This other one is the old number.


here's another unrealistic part in the movie u all missed...

how'd did Jackie dump all those policemen in the wheelie in just below a minute? The would've been so heavy, & he's that co-ordinated enough to pick em up & run? Also, surely Jackie & his GF would've died when they thought the bomb was a fake, but like when the wire split off her back...they were just given a bit too much time to getaway in time.


the only ridiculous thing here is having people looking at plot holes on a jackie chan movie...

not saying that new police story is flawless... but the relevant things are the action scenes, stunts, editing, drama and comedy... enjoy


Usually we let things go, but this time they were REALLY BAD.


i think the wire splitting, was an "accident".
the bomb was diarmed, but somehow one cut wire-end
was stuck into her/him?...


to answer the first question about why Jackie was on TV bragging about how they'd have the suspects in custody in 3 hours.

the answer isn't solely about showing Jackie's arrogance (although it's an important element in setting up any good tragedy by having the hero display some type of hubris: look up "classical greek tragedy").

for you have to understand the PR (public relations) aspects of police departments in east asia. public image is everything. in such a densely populated area, for a police force to be effective it has to convey a sense of competence, diligence and efficiency. fear and respect for a strong and capable law enforcement community is seen as vital. one way in which this is shown is by using the media to draw the public's attention to the fact that the police are doing their jobs every chance they get. if there has been a succesful raid or drug bust, it is not uncommon to see a police chief and higher-ups posing in front of a showy display of the contraband confiscated in said bust: automatic weapons neatly laid out next to bricks of heroin and stacks of counterfeit cash. if a particularly heinous crime captures the public's attention, it really is not at all uncommon to hear higher-ups attempt to assuage the public's fears by promising to apprehend the perpetrators within a certain timeframe. usually this timeframe is dictated by the chief or commissioner and serve two purposes: to light a fire under the @sses of the investigating officers (who'd better deliver or their will be hell to pay), and in scaring the sh!t out of the criminals at large (which might cause them to slip up, or rat each other out in an attempt to plea bargain). when the HK police want to get you, they will GET you, and pull out all the stops to do it, even if it means getting a few tips or asking a couple of favors from whatever triad they may be linked to.

now, the fact that jackie and his squad knew where they were hiding and were going to take them down, is evidence enough of the efficiency and capability of a motivated HK police task force. the ONLY reason the bust turn into a trap was not merely because of jackie's ultimatum, as we're initially led to believe. it was because of that rat-bastard friend that sold them out. as far as plot holes, if you have to blame jackie for anthing, blame him for not going in there at least as heavily armed as they KNEW the criminals to be. THAT'S the sh!t the I don't understand...

semi-auto hanguns vs. fully-auto rifles?

i don't care who's got the drop on who...
rifles, baby... everytime.


1: its a film! and i am pretty sure hk media shows *beep* of things that is not shown in uk usa or other countries (it onced show a clip of a mother abusing her kid) damn that was heartless.

2: again its a film and i was again pretty sure jackie and nicolas didnt want a swat team to surround the building and the policed arrived unannounced and even jackie and nic didnt know that. and the police 'B' team followed them withought any info on where they were going and the police only knew they went to wong kit and he only wanted to id they villains.

3: true that but its a film

Cant someone at least say some good points like jackies emotional cries, non hollywood style plots (which i bet they will copy this), at least show some reality such as watching in horror as his team dies? and exciting stunts and the jacket thing with nic and jackie was a top top idea damn i couldnt figure that out either until the end.


Hey Jackie and Nick are flying across the sky!

Hellomoto098: True, but it's a film! Anything can happen. No big deal.



You guys need to lighten up, this is a Jackie Chan escapist action flick that in my mind totally delivers the goods. Yes, one of the bus passengers could have stepped on the brakes but then we would have never gotten to see Jackie run along the the top of a speeding bus, jump onto the side of a building, flip over a sign and then land back down onto the top of the bus without losing a step (!!!) That stunt alone ranks right up there with any stunt from Jackie's earlier films.

Just go with it and stop picking it apart.


the most damaging choise done in this movie was to have the new generation of chinese actors be part of it, which in my mind spoil every movie they are in with the level of pretentiousness. (i dont care if they are good looking or not, i want some decent acting, not too much not too little)

Good. Bad. I'm the one with the gun.


i agree, but i will not include daniel wu of course, who i consider did a great job and hopefully will be more and more involved in better projects and not just some b series as some of the flicks he's done in the past.

i think all these kids were controlled so they could not spoil the movie.. thank god! i did not want to see another twins effect 2!


Forgot to add a few things:

These are not 'plotholes'. Plotholes are things that affect the plot, not the realism of the movie.

As for the thieves 'visiting' Jackie, it's possible that it's because they're laying a charge against him since they had lawyers with them. Although Charlene's father is there and probably hears it all, you cant have just one policeman plus prisoners as witnesses to charge the thieves.

Also for Jackie's girlfriend not being "shocked" about the bomb, consider her emotional state. Her mind is very 'down', as in she lacks the energy to do anything. She was "startled" that she was given a bomb and all, if she screamed Daniel would probably just kill her. As well, she couldn't have flipped the whole thing upside down because the 4 balls on the side of the bomb would touch the detonators as she flips it over.

Anyways, right now I don't have the time to skim through the board to answer anything else. Again I'm reiterating: consider all the possibilties and don't make impulsive assumptions.


Sure they could have been laying charge against him, but they were wanted and were identified in a robbery case, so wether they were laying a charge against someone or not, they should have been arrested while visiting Jackie.


Ugh I SO agree with you on the new gen actors. They are pretty terrible. It turns Jackie Chan's movie into some kiddy movie. The acting is like below soap opera quality. They come off as actors from a power rangers movie or something.


Sure we still would have, just make the bus empty in the first place, for example.


1. How could a police chief disclose that he'd have the thiefs in 3 hours? So that they could escape in time, or have enough time to prepare a trap? No policeman in the whole world would say an idiotic thing like that on TV.

Again, reiterating others, this just shows that he's cocky, the creators needed a way to make him seem cocky. Also, at that point (from a vague memory), the thieves don't know that they were discovered, until the scene (and flashback) in the hospital where the guy tells the thieves Jackie's operation and style/formations.

2. If you know the bad guys are playing X-games on a high-rise roof, wouldn't you surround the damn building and prepare a SWAT team before you go up to identify them? Wouldn't you and the witness (Wong Kit) wear a vest first?

Jackie isn't well off with the police department (plus I think Nick would stop him since he's a fake cop). As well, it's personal and this 'impulsive' action connects with his cockiness, that he feels he has to redeem himself for his dead comrades. As for the actual police team, they probably wanted to beat Jackie in the bet, and went ahead before any backup (if they called any). MAYBE they didn't have an extra vest for Wong Kit or maybe they didn't expect something this serious (stupid them).

3. Why are the passengers on the bus not able to get to the driver seat to step on the brake, and have to wait for Jacky to get on the bus to stop it? Are they all retarded?

Not everyone knows how to drive. Also, most buses/large vehicles have a manual transmission. The bus is swinging in random directions and probably shaking like crazy as it hits many obstructions.

I, personally, thought the exact same things as you did, but later i considered all the possibilites rather than make my own assumptions. But hey, these are only my opinions.


Please... Benny Chan did this film.. dont' expect much. (gen X cops need I say more?) At least you got some good old classy action.


i replied to this ages ago, but when u watch your american films, dont u find that the plots are as more rediculous as asian films. but yeh its a film.

but hollywood sucks when it comes to ideas, thats why i get pissed when they decide to take other ideas (although they give money to the writers). because hollywood is so well known and the credits are so small to read plus, people would be out of the cinema by the time the original writer's name is read out, the people who watch the film mite not give credit to the creator BUT the director (who used the creators idea), e.g. like i hope all u guys have watched infernal affairs, but hollywood is makin some film which is the same as infernal affairs but since there is more americans who dont watch chinese films then the credit goes to the american director, not the writer.

sorry if u guys are bored of this but i needed to get this off my chest, ahhhh much better. does it make sense? sorry. my english is a bit bad



I think that your analysis of the plot having so much holes that you'd better see the documentary.

First question's Answer: The police force is so assure that they can easily catch them and they think that it could be a easy job. As a tough cop he has to give a deadline, nothing else.

Second question's Answer: They are not doing the operation as officially. (Didn't you see that or couldn't you understand that? It's so easy to pretend Asian movies are bad)

Third question's Answer: Why the passengers are going to stop the bus when they couldn't no how to operate or how they could control themselves as they are not habituated for the shaking situation.

You should stop watching movies if you can't understand those silly things.


Apparently you missed the scene right before Jackie said he would catch them in 3 hours where he showed how cocky he was when he told off his team and reprimanded his brother in law for drawing so slow when jackie "taught him how to draw" He was incredibly arrogant.

Jackie and the other cop were competing, why would they get anyone's help?

I guess you never heard of social loafing, its a psychology term for people in large groups who won't do anything because they believe someone else will do it, and hey the driver just got shot, would you want to go up there and possibly get shot too?


Yeah, Ahbro, apparently it takes a silly person like you to understand those silly things.

Why would he give a deadline to other cops on TV? So that the crooks know there's a deadline?
He couldn't think his witness can get shot? Oh, officially shot??? No vests for unofficial visits???
The passengers don't know they should try to save their own asses? I guess they must be as dumb as you.


umm...not 1 and 3...but for number 2

>>2. If you know the bad guys are playing X-games on a high-rise roof, wouldn't you surround the damn building and prepare a SWAT team before you go up to identify them? Wouldn't you and the witness (Wong Kit) wear a vest first?

boy you guys are dumbasses...did you all sleep through the movie or do you all have short term memory losses?? he couldn't call in a swat team because HE DIDN'T HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO! jesus christ, nicholas tse tricked him to get him back to solve the case, nicholas tse wasn't a cop and the department had no idea that Jackie chan was actually back except those cops that he made the bet with and they probably just assumed that he was called back. and it wouldn't make sense if the swat team got a call from a cop who had his entire team killed and has been on sick leave for a month and just went all out...


How was Sam's triad connected enough with the rich kids to have informed them of the plot?


for the third one though it's ou of place but can still be some explanation
If you was going on bus and sudddently the bus drive got shot and died, the bus went carazy, what would you do. I bet 90% would just sit there and scream there ass off


Can a bus take that many turns by itself?


I could forgive this movie a lot. It's not too challenging and it's a nice change of tone for Jackie. And let's be honest, it's plot is a lot more coherent and logical than a lot of his movies.
The only thing that really bugs me is why, after the driver of the bus is shot, the bus doesn't just slow to a halt? Chances of him keeping the bus moving after being shot seem unlikely. Now I know that it was necessary to have a careening bus to get the top notch action in there, but couldn't they have contrived it so the bad guy took control of the bus, was trying to make a getaway and then trying to shake Chan off before abandoning the bus at the last minute and making a getaway while Chan stops the bus from taking a dive?

That woulda made that whole scene more palatable to me.


its just a movie thats fiction. not everything has to be like in real life. also these arent really plot holes. u are just questioning the actions of the characters in the movie.

for ur first question, just want to dramatically stress that jackie's character was confident since he has solved every case b4. he also wanted to assure the public that the criminals would be caught.

for ur second question, the guys that werent with jackie's character were just idiots. they were too confident. they should have put a bulletproof vest on the witness.

for ur third question, they are scared. they probably have never dealt with such a dangerous stiruation. also they mighty not know how to operate a bus. maybe they dont want to go near the driver's body. they probably have never even seen a dead body. they are not brave like jackie chan and his character.


Not everything has to be like real life, but the "I give you guys three hours to set all the traps"-comment is very silly, even in fiction.

By the way, how could those spoiled brats set up such intricate traps, and rebuilt the warehouse in such a short time?
