This or the old version?

Recently, my interests in horror movies grew immensly, and I plan to watch some of the most famous horror films... Exorcist, Poltergeist, the lot...

The Amityville Horror is also one I'm very interested in. But I don't know which one to pick: This one, or the old version from 1979. I have seen neither one of them.

Which is the better one? Mostly, which one is scarier? This is most important part for me. Acting and all that jazz do matter, but for me, it's all about scaryness (is that a word?).

So, I pose this question to all who have seen both movies: Which one can you recommend?


I simply hate remakes (of good movies, that is) and I believe that 9.9999/10, the remake is going to su*k..

I watched TAH long time ago and found it creepy (not a masterpiece, but quite good) and about 2-3 years ago I saw the remake. I gotta say, the remake was better.

* Better acting (Am NOT a fan of Ryan Reynolds, but the 'transformation' between the good & evil was done quite good by him than Josh Brolin. Then it was the supporting cast (especially the child artists) were far better than in the original one.. quite 'creepy')

* Better paced

Am not going to compare the graphics, though the effects in the remake was seriously convincing.

Original : 6/10
Remake : 7 - 7.5 / 10

In wine there's wisdom, in beer there's freedom, in water there's... Bacteria


Go for the remake,even as a child i found the original boring and dull,honestly i dont see how its even a classic. The remake actually scared you where the original attempted but backed out in the last second,the only remotely creepy part of the og is the blood coming from the walls,but the remake really pushed the evelope to scare you. All in all choose the remake.

"My actions are not not vengeance,PUNISHMENT!!!"-Frank Castle aka The Punisher


The remake isn't scary at all


The original of course. The remake is unwatchable.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera



This shouldn't even be called "The Amityville Horror", they changed so many things from the book it's based on that it practically became a different story. The script is a complete mess; there's hardly any character development; all "scares" are predictable and/or pointless; the whole cast delivers a kind of automated performance as if they were on autopilot. The "story" on this version is so empty and uninspired that the movie struggles to reach a meager running time of 78 minutes (the alleged 90 minute running time must be taking into account the credits section). I would have given it zero stars if that option existed - had to give it one, unfortunately.

My advice is: read the BOOK then watch both movies. You'll understand why everyone involved with the production of this parody should be ashamed.



I read the book and was disappointed in the movie. I guess my expectations were too high back in 1979.

Both versions fall flat compared to the book.

Out of the two versions I prefer the remake. It's a little faster paced.



I've just finished watching both versions for the first time and I prefer the 1979 original by a long shot.


I prefer this one.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I thought the remake was pathetically bad.


There's an interesting web series titled "Boots To ReBoots" that analyzes remakes and they recently did an episode on "The Amityville Horror." Check it out sometime if you're a horror fan.

It's not the greatest movie, but I consider the 2005 version to be one of the better remakes. I strongly recommend both films since they're very different.



