MovieChat Forums > MythBusters (2003) Discussion > Why a "lost episode" ?

Why a "lost episode" ?

It should have aired in sequence with the others. After watching it I remember clips of it in the preview special. Plus it was awesome.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


to promote the Science network


Seems lousy to gip fans who get the Discovery Channel but not the Science Channel and don't know how to go about obtaining that episode. The Science Channel continuing to air Mythbusters reruns should be plenty of promotion.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


Originally Posted by monkeyalien:
Seems lousy to gip fans who get the Discovery Channel but not the Science Channel and don't know how to go about obtaining that episode.
Since when has Discovery Communications cared what the viewers think. 


Since they started showings naked chicks in "surviving" in the rain forests


While Discovery is not bound by FCC rules on nudity, there is no "naked chicks" on the show. That's like people complaining about the swearing on Deadliest Catch. There is no swearing.

Although, one time a "$hit" did slipped through on American Choppers and that created a storm of vocal complainers -- as if society was going to hell in a hand basket.

There's one the MythBusters should of tested. Can you really go to hell in a hand basket? 


Can you go to hell in a DUCT TAPE hand basket?


Yep thats what Adam said on the Tested podcast


didn't listen to it, but they were pushing the "new home of Mythbusters" pretty hard during the reunion show. Made it seem liek they were doing a new season on it


I think he kind of called it a gift.


Originally Posted by monkeyalien:
It should have aired in sequence with the others.
That's how I watched the Duct Tape: The Return episode. I waited until after recording the Grand Finale and Reunion episodes, and watched the final three episodes in semi-correct order.
