MovieChat Forums > The Three Stooges (2012) Discussion > Horrible! Awful! NOT FUNNY AT ALL!

Horrible! Awful! NOT FUNNY AT ALL!

I couldn't believe this was a Farrelly Brothers movie. They're usually funny - this was not. The dude playing a nun was retarded and annoying.

And Jennifer Hudson got off to a disgusting, unlikeable start. The bitch! And she CANNOT ACT (and I don't like her old slave-style singing, either)!

Stupid! Everything about it!


original poster- did you like the original stooges? I think it is a kind of humor that you either like or you hate. If you didn't like the original no way will you like this version.


pimp4u...either you're a troll or an over-the-top drama queen (or both) and the fact that you use words like 'retarded" makes you look even more stupid and annoying than anything that happened in the film.

You've done some bad things, sweetie.


"pimp4u...either you're a troll or an over-the-top drama queen (or both) and the fact that you use words like 'retarded" makes you look even more stupid and annoying than anything that happened in the film."

And yet, you yourself use the word "retarded" when criticizing other people's posts. Remember your own quote in another thread?:

"I would call you retarded but that would an insult to people who are born that way or for some medical reason.

That's hypocritical (and based on your own words, it apparently makes you "stupid and annoying"). Does the phrase "pot calling the kettle black" ring any bells?

I don't particularly agree with what pimp4u says, but I am always amazed at people in this forum who feel the need to personally attack anyone they disagree with in this anonymous format. Why not just disagree and explain why you disagree?


Please learn to read. I said "I WOULD call you retarded...." My mistake was not saying simply to the jerk something like "I could appy the same word to you, but....". I never called him "retarded".

It is a valid word, stop trying to mix up "retarded" with "retard" which is an absolute insult and which you seemed to have heard in your head and are foaming at the mouth about.

Seems like you PERSONALLY love to counter-attack those who you feel are "attacking" others, so what does that make you? You must spend days on the IMDB boards being the moralistic police...please get a life.

Speaking of hypocritical...after I initially posted the above, I decided to check on a few of your postings history and what do I calling someone a "STUPID un-american"....didn't realize you have a patent on that word.
You, sir, are an opinionated jerk - as I've said earlier..get a life!!!

You've done some bad things, sweetie.


I did not find this movie funny, but can at least concede that the three leads (and Chris Diamantopoulos looks SO much like Jim Carrey in this role I kept forgetting it wasn't Carrey) looked and sounded their parts. I am not a Stooges fan but remember loving the TV movie of 2000. (I love Monty Python, as a whole, but not every single one of their sketches.)
I adore Jane Lynch and think she is excellent in whatever she does. (I still say 2.5 Men was her best role and never got into Glee.)
And I was not in the least impressed with Jennifer Hudson.
I have never liked Larry David in anything but he played the annoying nun (isn't that redundant?) well.
And I am ashamed to admit I know who some of the Jersey Shore cast are even though I have never seen (and will never see) an episode.
It is possible to like the Stooges and dislike the film or vice versa.
Since I am not a fan of the Stooges but was still curious, I needed to see the movie.
And as I said, Sean Hayes (who I have never forgiven for setting gays back 20 years on Will & Grace), Will Sasso and Chris Diamantopoulos played their roles extremely well.
Does that sound like a mess of contradictions? I don't think so. Some strong portrayals do not a great movie make. It was Stooge-like in terms of the sight gags and ridiculousness. That is not my kind of humour. I would fail the movie. But it is neither all bad nor all good. If you are not a Stooges fan, like myself, I would at least think you would recognize accurate portrayals when you see them.
And from what I understand, the Jersey Shore cast is almost as annoying and talent-free as the Kardashians, so to see them "Stooged" was gratifying.

And I am neither stupid nor American, just someone with a different sense of humour.
