MovieChat Forums > Return to Sleepaway Camp (2010) Discussion > Are we supposed to feel bad for Alan?

Are we supposed to feel bad for Alan?

Simple question. Are we supposed to feel bad for Alan? Are we supposed to sympathize with him? Are we supposed to see him as being an innocent kid that gets picked on by malicious bullies?

Because, honestly, I hated him. He was worse than anybody else in this movie, and I thought he deserved everything that happened to him.

Anyone know what the director was going for?


I agree. He was an obnoxious little sh*t. Who the hell doesn't shower and wears the same piss stained clothing for days? He kept egging some of those kids on. I wonder if he was mentally challenged.



Watching Alan's step brother beat the living *beep* out of him with that croquet mallet was one of the most satisfying things I've ever seen in a long, long time. Made me get up and scream "*beep* YEAH!"


i have to agree with that. i got that we were suppose to think that Alan was going to be the killer, even though it got thrown around that other people may have been the killer as well. but the acting all around was freaking awful! the only one who did a good job in the entire film is SPOILER ALERT

"Fellisa Rose" at the end when we see that kill.

i hated the character of Alan. other than being a terrible actor. the character was really unlikable. & hard to feel sorry for. with "Angela' that was a character who you felt sorry even though we didn't see the ending coming the 1st time around. though i borrowed the dvd set from a friend of mine & looked at the booklet & read it. i didn't really think about or give any thought of what it meant. which i think was smart on my part cause than i was able to have that shock of an ending.

with the character Angela you felt sorry for her. & she was shy. & you had Ricky Standing up for her. & other people to. & it was believable. with Alan you have some fat kid who you are suppose to feel sorry for. at first you do than he does stuff that nobody should do. like all the stuff you said. & by the time the film is at it's end you are thrilled when he gets his ass kicked. though i can say that ending with that SPOILER ALERT dude being skinned alive did surprise me.

so in short i was honestly hoping he was going to get killed thorought the ENTIRE FILM! just to shut his ass up! that would have been a great twist as well.

everyone who watched or will watch this film would have easily cheered & bought it just for that scene alone. i've got a question are they ever going to do another one? last i heard they were but the script i think was still being worked on.

oh i did forget that "ISSAC Hayes" when he was in it kicked ass, to bad we never will know what happend to him?


Well...I can definitely see where you're coming from...I mean, Alan was a foul mouthed bully in his own right who didn't have any respect for anyone I kind of seen the beauty in the fact that he got bullied.

But yeah, although the bullying on him went too far, he was the most annoying character in the film!!!


I didn't feel sorry for Alan in the least bit. He brought it upon himself from always screaming, cursing at everyone, and being a bully. I felt sorry for Angela in the first movie because she was just a quiet kid who minded her own business, didn't bother anyone, yet they still made her life a living Hell. I was able to feel sorry for her, but not Alan because I feel like he started trouble on purpose then just tried to play the victim. As a matter of fact, I didn't really like any of the people in this movie. They were all trashy and had terrible personalities. I think I would've liked the movie more if there were characters I actually cared about.

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I read earlier in the thread that all Alan did was "minor" bullying compared to the older bullies. My question is, how in the hell is trying to burn kids with a homemade flame-thrower minor? Sure he may have not meant to do that, but he was pointing it at those kids. The Cinema Snob was right, Alan did have severe homicidal tendencies when pushed, he even threw a freaking knife at the cook's head! Something was not right with that kid to begin with, plus the bulling put him over the top.

I agree that the other characters were even more screwed up. They bullied someone who they should not have (even though he acted like he deserved it,) and they should have learned to leave him alone. The Camp runners should have booted Alan's ass out once he started screwing up, it's their fault as well. The only real innocents in this are the little kids, that girl camp counselor, Issac Hayes, and Ricky. The camp was horribly run and kept up, unlike the original which had some minor bullying but managed to run until the killings.

I think the overall attempt was to make Alan into a unique lead. He might not have meant to be rootable, which is a rarity for the genre, but it became official once they cast the actor who was horrible. I liked the idea but it was not written or cast well.


I wouldn't say he deserved it, nobody deserves that kind of cruelty, but he did bring it on himself. He was a complete douchebag to everyone and then cried like a bitch when people picked on him.

May Cthulhu penetrate you with his tentacley appendage.


i THINK i know what they were going for with the Alan character, but i don't think they succeeded. i think he was initially meant to look like the worst kind of bully and maybe even have the audience suspect that he will be killed off quickly (remember we start the movie from the smaller kids' perspective, not Alan's). then slowly you're meant to realize that his lashing out is a result of his own torment, which definitely does go well beyond anything he does. but that wasn't executed properly and Alan ends up coming off as at least ALMOST as bad as most of his "bullies" and equal or worse than some of them (the black girl, for instance, did absolutely nothing that Alan wouldn't have done himself).

but that's only one problem in a long list of problem's in the movie. for one thing, the ending "twist" was immediately obvious. even if the make up wasn't laughable, if they wanted to have Angela have a surprise return at the end then they needed to have some other appearance by her earlier in the movie (perhaps Ricky flashing back to visiting her in the hospital). the reason for this is that they were never going to keep the fact that Felissa Rose is in the movie a secret. therefore, if you know Angela is in it, and you start to get towards the end of the movie without having seen her, you logically conclude that she's the killer and will be revealed at the end. and that's, again, if you didn't already figure that out by the obviously female sheriff jerry (which i'm sure the vast majority did)

her being the killer also just doesn't make sense logically. how did she not only witness all of these instances of bullying but also be going around killing people (in elaborate, time-consuming ways, mind you) while not being seen at the camp at all except for when she meant to be seen (and back in full make-up and costume every time, of course). i know it's a horror movie and it doesn't have to make perfect sense, but this was just too much. she would have had to have been in like 5 places at once throughout the entire thing

plus it was just too cheesy. even if it was going for that "campy" vibe (pardon the pun), it went way overboard quite often. the dialogue was terrible and didn't ring true in the least (especially for the kids). then you have the silly in-jokes like Alan calling Vincent Pastore a "big pu ssy" that just take you out of the film. and the "drugs are dangerous" or whatever sticker over the pot-head's mouth; just awful and cringe-worthy.


Uch, I hated his character. I think he was meant to come across as mentally challenged, but he was a bully, knew he was a bully, but still expected people to like him and couldn't understand why they didn't.


I felt bad for him. This is a hard film for me to watch. I can't stand seeing him being treated so cruelly.


I don't know if Alan was bullied before he became obnoxious or whether he was picked on because he was so obnoxious. All I can say is I hated every single character apart from Frank, Ricky and The Sheriff. Oh I liked the frogs as well and was gutted when they were skinned, just to get at Alan. I certainly think two of the nastiest deaths were in this one - Frank and Mikey.


I think Alan was a bit of a tit to be honest. He moaned that people bullied him yet he took it out on littler kids in his bunk. Michael wasn't the most patient of brothers but when you're that age someone like Alan would be just showing you up. If my brother acted like that I'd cringe, and Michael probably felt resentful to have to look out for him when he constantly caused drama by kicking off and having tantrums. Alan could have helped himself by washing and changing his clothes for starters and not making himself so much of a target, also the other kids made it clear they didn't like him to trying to be their friends, ie worming Karen and Marie into meeting him made it worse. I'd have been really pissed if someone trotted after me like a little puppy like that, and he didn't seem to see that would draw attention to himself. He didn't help himself, lets put it that way. Also his behavior was bang out of line, I know Micky was being a douche but Alan threw a knife at him, also his throwing food on Bella certainly didn't help matters. Do think the other kids took it too far with him though and shouldn't have done what they did. However he came off as such an idiot I didn't feel a whole lot of sympathy for Alan

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Simple question. Are we supposed to feel bad for Alan? Are we supposed to sympathize with him? Are we supposed to see him as being an innocent kid that gets picked on by malicious bullies?

Because, honestly, I hated him. He was worse than anybody else in this movie, and I thought he deserved everything that happened to him.

Anyone know what the director was going for?

I don't. But I think that Alan was added to the characters for comic relief.

I certainly did not feel bad for him most of the time. With the exception of the frog skinning. He did not deserve that.


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All I could think while watching this movie was “Mean Creek”. This movie had very little originality; it even borrows a lot from the original Sleepaway Camp. It’s a weird mash up from both movies.

As a lot of people have said Alan was just a red herring but I never felt bad for him. Yeah, he was clearly unadjusted and socially inept but he wasn’t likeable, at all, and it doesn’t help that he had no depth whatsoever. I know it’s a Slasher film and character depth is a rarity but even Angela from the original Sleepaway Camp had much more depth in comparison. And she barely had any lines on the movie!
