MovieChat Forums > Slipstream (2005) Discussion > How can anyone actually like this

How can anyone actually like this

I can't understand how anyone can actually like this movie and think the directing was good.

To start, the story is full of hole and plot points that make no sense. Did anyone notice at one commercial break the bad guys were running out of a bus shooting, but when the commercial was over they were sitting on the bus talking. Worse then the plot holes is the directing.

The director seems to feel the need to spin the camera around the actors at all times, and films possibly the worst shootout seen ever created. It just makes you motion sick at time when both the actors and the camera are spinning at different speeds for no reason.

More odd perhaps is that in one seen when a linear dialog is occurring the sense is taking place while they are sitting in a car and while they are walking, the words match up to if they were in the car the whole time but the director keeps jumping to them in transit having the same conversation and it makes no sense.

The saddest part of the whole movie is that nothing bad would have happened had the female FBI agent just kept her gun at her side and not randomly shot people. She does it on no less then 3 occasions and had she not at any of those points things would have worked out much better and you wouldn't have thought she was a moron.

And on one other note, the lines "I'll always be with you" and "You can't or you won't" should be put into a movie if you can help it, especially if they make absolutely no sense with the scene or if there is no background for them to be said.

My recommendation, sit down with a bunch of friends and watch this for a good laugh.

Oh and just so you don't think I don't like Sci-Fi movies, I'm usually a big fan of movies about anything sci-fi, especially involving time travel and such, but this movie is just plain bad, and the science behind it makes no sense and isn't explained at all so it just amounts to a stupid slug fest.


That 10 minute thing is bogus. Sure, 10 minute a jump, but it takes 10 seconds to reconnect and do it again. So you can go back as far as you want. Any person with a brain would have hit that thing the moment the robbers came in. Even if that person would be stupid enough to drop the thing, he/she would jump back asap three times!

If I were the only person with such a device, I'd be a god.

Anyway, the thing that bothers me the most, your body goes back in time and reverts to it's old self and so does everybody else, also some materials like blood and the coffee. But somehow some stuff that you touch doesn't go back, like clothes and money and apparently bullets. It would have to be an extremely intelligent device or somehow connected to our brain. Also, the thing is powered by radio towers?

Meh, this movie is the worst time travel movie I have ever seen. I liked the Butterfly effect.


clothing does go back and so do bullets, but the bullets weren't in them at the time, as the bullets were armor piercing and went straight through them.

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"


well i asume you all saw this on tv ? i have the dvd and it is edited just fine and shot just fine. i take itthey really hacked the movie to bits for tv. it may not be the greatest sci-fi but it is far from bad.


This is a bad movie, pitiful! I'm not going to explain why it is, because I'm not going to waste my time on it.
I already wasted my time watching it and I'm wasting my time now saying this!
Theres enough info why its bad...... just believe what was said by the people who say its a bad film!!!!!

