MovieChat Forums > Kid Notorious (2003) Discussion > Does Any One Like This Show?

Does Any One Like This Show?

I have never been able to sit through an entire episode of this.

All right ramblers...lets get ramblin'


How could you not like this show? PussPuss alone is great! And the episode where they basically claim Francis Ford Coppola is insane was one of the funniest things I have ever seen! I want to petition to get this show back ... at least at a more reasonable time!!


I enjoyed the show quite a bit, but I like how whenever someone defends a show or gives a reason for its cancellation, it's usually something along the lines of "Most people are too retarded to understand..." and then they go from there.

It was a good show, but the concept isn't as grabbing as, say, foul-mouthed 3rd graders.

We've met before, haven't we?


"my brother from another mother" is my favorite line and i say it all the time now.


I loved it! Its a special kid of humor that either you love it or hate it


You bet your ass, I love this show!

I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.~ Spike, BtVS


Best line...
Robert Evans greets Hugh Heffner: "Hello, Legend."
Hugh Heffner answers: "Hello, Legend."



I loved this show and finally got all episodes on bootleg DVD. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in the world who liked it and remembered it.


Politically incorrect but very smart humor. I loved this show. There was a very strong opposition from the government tp have this show either control the tone or else....


I laughed my ass off watching this show.

"I am the Lizard King. I can do anything."- Jim Morrison


i found it hilarious -- but then again i'm 40ish & had a crush on ali mcgraw [ robert evan's ex-wife ] & recall his being kind of ' the mack '


the best show on comedy central.


I love it. It causes me to make weird gurgling sounds!


I really, really like this show, I find it impressively funny on lots of different levels. I'm surprised it's divided opinion so dramatically though. Sad it was cancelled so quickly, I've only just found it on Bravo's adult swim and was hoping there'd be lots of them to look forward to.


i absolutely loved it. its one of my all time favourite tv shows now.


I have sat through an entire episode, but only because it was playing on the TV at my favorite bar, and I was already mostly drunk. Here's a clue for anyone thinking of creating a cartoon series: don't use Kim Jong Il. He's already a cartoon, and if that's the best that you can come up with, your show has jumped the shark already. (And, yes, that includes Team America.)



I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kid Notorious is the coolest guy alive.
