Truly terrible film

This was just pure garbage.

Don't get me wrong the idea for the film was a good one but the dialogue was so boring. Why not actually try and have them say something interesting?

Also, how many bloody times do we have to hear all the actors say "coffee and cigarettes".

Coffee and cigarettes
Coffee and cigarettes
Coffee and cigarettes
Coffee and cigarettes
Coffee and cigarettes
Coffee and cigarettes

Please just shut up…

Oh, and the Iggy Pop sketch was embarrassingly bad, with both ‘actors’ desperately trying to manufacture some type of ‘oh you have accidentally offended me sketch, crap.’

What a truly terrible movie


Even though this thread is pretty old I just wanted to throw a couple points about this movie out there. First of all it's not not really a single movie, it's a series shorts filmed over the course of two decades so it's not reasonable to expect it to be a very cohesive piece. Secondly, I can see how it wouldn't be for everyone, but it's a way more enjoyable experience if you are a Jim Jarmusch fan because many of the scenes and actors tie directly in with the movies he was making at the time he filmed the shorts. Is it Jarmusch's best movie? Hell no. Not even close. But it's an interesting little detour from his full-length films for people who are already fans of his work.



Give me some leads!

You gotta give me some leads!

We're dying out here without any leads!

If I could just get my hands on those leads!

Will you go to lunch?!?!


well the movie got more life than you do


Why don't you try to say something interesting?


best movie ever. the segments of enjoyment in cigars, coffee, clever "why did you had to spoil my coffee, it was perfect. just the right color, just the right temperature", the stories, meaningless, serious, funny, all kinds of them that happen with coffee and cigarettes. its mindblowingly good & funny. all skits have their story, their plot & ending. its almost like reading through collection of short stories for all your money.
i dont have anything to say to someone who could compare movie like transformers, titanic, some blockbuster to this kind of movie. are you THAT dumb ? there is no way you can compare two totally different .. genres ? everything ?
for me, it hit its spot. for those of you who didnt liked it.. your loss. i just dont understand people who go on forums makin threads about movies they disliked comparin it to magnificence of idk, inception (which is definitely a great movie & i like it very much) titanic, etc.


Jeez, an old post... 10 Pages, someone has said already what I'll say.

I will say, there are two Great sketches in the flick, and Iggy and Tom, as Well as Bill and Wu Tang, are the best. Funny as hell, so I gotta disagree with you.

The rest of the movie isn't all that memoriable. JJ is a wierd, funny guy. You can break up some of his movie as little sketch comedy segments. But, it seems when he tries to do it, it fails.

But I liked this because he did just film it over time, he probably filmed it with stock footage. You can love or hate some of it, or be PO'd about the movie for seeing it, but it's actually pretty harmless. For me it was fun to see all those people improvising all their lines. And, unless you find Tom Waits being a self-proclaimed super hero, running around saving lives on the freeway insulting, nobody says anything-- ANYTHING. The whole flick is a straight man without the comic, which, to me, is funny.

Ah, but if you didn't like it, it's gotta be better than things you've see that cost millions of buck that you did like, nay? Agsin, it costed more to tranfer than it probably did to develope, and everyone was having a little fun... But, if you didn't like it, that's cool. Just wasn't for you, that's all.


usually i like short films in a compilation, but this was so dull!


Yeah, it was absolutely garbage.

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


The idea sounded like a good one, but I got annoyed because these adult characters were talking like 13 year olds. After half an hour, I just couldn't take it anymore. I kept thinking that some of the characters might actually talk like adults, but it didn't happen.

I think that this is a common problem with many modern films. The adult characters don't talk like adults. Thankfully, this isn't an issue with pre-1970 films.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) and Ellery Queen = 
