Why does the DVD cost so much???

I havn't seen this flick, but I have noticed it on the shelves at various places with a pricetag of $50+. Why is this? Aren't christians supposed to be humble and not give in to shelling out $50+ for a DVD???


Wow, you really have expensive films over in America... I live in Sweden and I can tell you that I'd NEVER buy a DVD that costs $50 because that's way overpriced.
I bought Gospel of John (a two-disc DVD) yesterday in a Megastore here and it cost 129 SEK; I think it's about $10, and that's reasonable for a DVD that's three years old.
Seriosluy guys, I thought films would be cheaper over there ^_^

Carefree, wherever you may be
You'll never win the Champions' League...



FYI: This is currently on sale at buy.com for only $7.00


The original 3-disc release (the version most of these posts are about) is expensive.

The one that's going cheaper on various sites is the 2-disc re-release (by Buena Vista Home Entertainment) - suggested retail price $19.99.


I just bought this movie for $12.99 USD. At my local grocery store. Two discs, two- and three-hour version.

If you like this movie, also check out "St. John in Exile" with Dean Jones:


"...Christ in you, the hope of glory..."


I got the 2 Disc DVD for $19.99 at Best Buy about a year ago.


$6.24 at buy.com


There is a single disc version now. It lists at $19.99, but Christian Family has been known to run it at $5.00 on their special table....


Even at that price its still too much. I'd rather spend the money on the uncut version of "Anal Brigade".

What is the sound an imploding pimp makes?


Its now $9.99 at Fry's Electronics


I'm watching it for free on YouTube. And so are 2,174,254 others... I may look for it on DVD if I really end up enjoying it and think it follows the scripture well. But I like to watch things online more than DVD's. Would buy it digitally too.
