Why does the DVD cost so much???

I havn't seen this flick, but I have noticed it on the shelves at various places with a pricetag of $50+. Why is this? Aren't christians supposed to be humble and not give in to shelling out $50+ for a DVD???


I saw this movie at a Best Buy and it was over $60!

I'm not entirely sure why this is. The DVD set is a 3-DVD set, but I think $60 is way too much for many people to afford. They would probably sell a lot more DVDs if the price was lower.

Still, if you buy the movie from the official website, it's only $45.


A friend just got it for me on sale, for less than the usual $60 price. It's very good, but there's NO reason I can see for charging so much! Two discs are the film- which could have been put on one disc- and the extras on the 3rd are nice, but there's plenty of DVDs with the same amount of extras for half the price, or less. I can only assume it's greed. And yes, they WOULD sell a lot more if they had it sanely priced! I certainly wanted to see it, but I also certainly wasn't going to pay $60 for it.....


I purchased the DVD set from the website for 46 dollars mainly because they showed it at my college (a deaf college) with open captions and I was a bit let down to learn that the DVD and VHS both are the same price. But however it is still a wonderful movie if only they would lower the price on both the 3 DVD disk set and the 3 VHS tape set too. It is still a wonderful item to own and I am thankful that the DVD and VHS set is available to both hearing and Deaf people too.

SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf


My family bought it for $45 at Amazon.


My guess is that they figure they'll be making the bulk of their profits from the DVD, since it was a limited release in theaters. I suppose they "justify" the $45 on their website by selling it as a 3-disc set. If nothing else, check eBay!

Drazi Leader: "We thought you were dead." Sheridan: "I was. I'm better now."


I agree with the freak. They will make the bulk of their profits from the DVD/VHS sales.

Also, this movie will be bought and used as a teaching tool for many churches and religious groups. The amount of historical information it contains, and it's formatting, etc. is, I believe, geared toward educational purposes. I don't believe they are being greedy. I believe that a great deal of research and review went into the genesis of this wonderful film, and it is worth every cent.

It is my hope that, one day, it will be re-released in theatres. It would be a great yearly lenten show for those small, independent theatres...maybe a midnight cult movie, eh?


"I am telling you the truth!"


It goes back to old Supply and Demand. The Christian Film Community is very small and just like our books and music, it cost us more per item, because they are not able to make as many dvd's as a major hollywood studio would. It would be nice if all of the Christian film studios would organize under one distributer and that would lower costs, but that requires cooperation and vision. The Christian film industry is improving and growing, so hopefully it will become more affordable as the quality continues to increase.
If enough of us start buying it, then the price will drop.


I agree that it kind of sucks that it's so expensive, because not everyone has that kind of money to throw around. However, I believe it's kind of justified.

First of all, if the people who made GofJ are all Christians (not saying they necessarily all ARE) then just because they are, doesn't mean they aren't trying to participate in business too. I mean, they have to earn a living just like everyone else, and with such a grand production like this, (awesome movie, awesome, awesome) I bet it was very expensive to make and they probably can't actually AFFORD to sell it for less. I find that comment slightly off....being "humble" has nothing to do with it, it costs money to make a movie, just like it does to print books, release CDs, etc. and just because materials are Christian in nature doesn't mean they should have to be cheap...in fact I am willing to pay that much for great Christian resources because I like to support it. I highly doubt they would charge that much just BECAUSE...I mean for a film like this, there's got to be a reason.

Second of all, well, there ARE 3 discs (volumes) to this film. I can't think of any 3-disc movie that I've seen out that goes for much less than $50. I mean look at the Friends seasons, (I think they've got 3 discs each in them--right?) they sell for almost $50 each, and everyone knows they don't need that money!!! I never hear anyone complaining about how much TV seasons DVDs cost. The Friends people (producers, etc. as well as actors) earned a FORTUNE from the series and are still earning it to this day even though it's long over...I mean reruns will be on the air for YEARS to come. Don't get me wrong I like Friends, but plenty of things in the entertainment industry sell for more than they're worth, and I would rather shell out $50 to support a fantastic gospel movie (not purely entertainment, but that actually presents a message) than for a show I can see on TV at almost any time of day on like 6 different channels.

and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God...
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><


Probably becasue it didn't get a lot of distribution support from big studios. Its akin to a indepentant film.(I don't know if it was or not)

It was put together wonderfully, though!

They reduced teh price, though! I just gotthe 2 disk set for $16 at Walmart!


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"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -Tshirt


I just bought a new copy from Hastings with both versions and it was 16.99

"I can't Clark Kent bullets..."



I bought it in India for around 10 bucks (500 rupees), but since I was in a rush and had never heard of the film before I didn't realize the copy I bought was a bootleg. It was only one disc and they spelled John wrong on the side (Jhon haha). The one disc holds the film and extra features in their entirety; it's just poor quality video.
If you have your heart set on watching this movie, rent it. Don't buy it before you've watched it. If you've watched it and love it so much as to want a copy of your own, all I can say is to drop the $50 or $60 it takes to get the real deal; don't opt for the bootleg.

(But if it is a bootleg, make sure it's a three disc one!)



I got it 9.99!!!
