MovieChat Forums > Layer Cake (2005) Discussion > The most confusing thing I've ever watch...

The most confusing thing I've ever watched.

I have absolutely no idea what just happened. I couldn't distinguish a plot, I had trouble understanding what was going on, it just seemed to me like 'Oh, ok, so there's something else going on wo, oh, ok, oh, so they're killing that guy? Oh, ok, who is he?'

It would be great if someone could give me some kind of an outline of what went on, because I'm seriously at a loss. I didn't even notice any kind of resolution with anything that happened. What happened with that Dragon guy?

I'm not insulting the movie, I'm sure if I understood it I'd actually love it... but yeah.


It helps if you can understand what they're saying more than half the time, though I watched the whole thing with subtitles and was still a little lost.


as the official Number One Worldwide Fan even i must confess that i had to rely on subtitles for the first, oh, 25-30 viewings. after that i pretty much had the whole thing memorized. Then i started reading the books which explain in more detail what some of these underground terms mean.

but seriously, all americans should be strongly advised to watch layer cake with subtitles ON at all times. it's just a necessity.

"rage to exist..."


I agree it is confusing. I had read good things about this film and I am trying to stay with it although it seems needlessly convoluted. Too many characters I don't give a damn about makes it tough going after a while.

I find that movies with lots of characters and storylines work best if those characters are worth the emotional investment and the stories pay off, contributing to an overarching narrative. I have to care about them (or at least find them interesting) to to make it worth my time to keep track of everything. In this case, everyone in the film is a worthless scumbag so it is getting tedious.

I guess I am not a big fan of these Brit thrillers. These guys should watch a Tarantino or Scorsese flick or 2 to see how to make a crime drama with lots of characters work.


I agree it is confusing. I had read good things about this film and I am trying to stay with it although it seems needlessly convoluted. Too many characters I don't give a damn about makes it tough going after a while.

I find that movies with lots of characters and storylines work best if those characters are worth the emotional investment and the stories pay off, contributing to an overarching narrative. I have to care about them (or at least find them interesting) to to make it worth my time to keep track of everything. In this case, everyone in the film is a worthless scumbag so it is getting tedious.

I guess I am not a big fan of these Brit thrillers. These guys should watch a Tarantino or Scorsese flick or 2 to see how to make a crime drama with lots of characters work.

dude, dude, no no no.....

okay sorry but (rolling up my sleeves, time to work) you just earned a word of admonition from the ole LTUMer

(no offense, please. as the world's official Number One Worldwide Fan it's my job to usher errant viewers into the fold gently and bearing good cheer.)

---first, you should read some of the other threads where i post about the genius of this film and its writing. the 'literary movie' posts...

---second, this is an extremely intricate plot. it really bears rewatching multiple times to get it, and i PROMISE it gets way better with subsequent viewings. in fact i say you like it more and more as the number of viewings rise past the double digits. sounds crazy i know, but it really works that way. trust me.

---third, i appreciate the comment about tarantino et al but no sir, no, no way; this film is every bit as much genius as pulp fiction or reservoir dogs or jackie brown (my fave) ...and bear in mind that many people think tarantino is too tedious with overly long dialogue sets etc etc, so in a way this film is more akin to his style than you realised at first (my apology if i come off pedantic here, not trying to p1ss you off)

---fourth, it's a huge help to have read the book before watching, but since you didn't, read on to number five:

---fifth, as i intimated above this is a literary type film, a phrase i believe i coined myself a few years ago though i can never prove that. in the 70s (yes i was there then lol) we called em art films, or art house films. but that is not what i am calling layer cake here. i am saying 'literary film' with a specific intent. what i mean there is, it's an attempt to make a cinematic version of a novel, which is very hard to do and demands aquiescence and consent from the viewers to allow for predictable gaps in what is possible when turning a book into a film. novels are largely interior works with long passages of mood building and introspection offering deep inroads into the characters' POV and motivation. you see, (again, not pedantic here lol) cinema is only visual and auditory, no introspection allowed. so it's very hard to make a book into a film. having said that, vaughn and craig did a great job. but the real gem of the movie layer cake is in those annoying characters you mentioned. that, and the underground london crime world, and the huge spider web plot that masterfully builds back upon itself. but you see, those characters can't move beyond annoying unless you appreciate them. and you can't appreciate them unless you A- read the book or B-rewatch it enough times to see what those fellas are really up to. if you do that you will have a new take on it all, i guarantee.

ah well that is quite enough for now. i hope i did not offend. i take it you are from the USA. yeah bro give the brit gangster genre a try. check out snatch and sexy beast for starters.

What's this day of rest sh!t? What's this bulllSH!T? I don't f@ckin care. It don't matter to Jesus!


.."in fact i say you like it more and more as the number of viewings rise past the double digits."

That is where you went off the rails. Any movie that has to be viewed 10 times or more for me to "get it" is a failure in my eyes. The films I enjoy most are based on great stories, compelling characters and strong dialog.

I am old enough to remember when a film was viewed once at a theater and that is the last you would see of it until it ended up as a late night rerun on TV years later. I think that was good because it forced screentwriters, actors and directors to make their artistic statement and not hide behind layers of crap to keep things interesting.

Why you would believe I would find it "fun" to watch a movie 10 times more I didn't like in the first place is beyond me. I also value my time more than that. I would rather spend it watching several other better movies. If you enjoyed it, good for you. For my money none of these characters were worth investing in. Daniel Craig is an OK Bond, but his dour manner and lack of depth isn't suited to much else.

If had to sum up this film in one word, that word would be "tedious".


you kinda missed the point, and you threw the baby out----

ah well i guess it really doesn't matter.

What's this day of rest sh!t? What's this bulllSH!T? I don't f@ckin care. It don't matter to Jesus!


the more i think about it you REALLY missed my whole point. wow....

What's this day of rest sh!t? What's this bulllSH!T? I don't f@ckin care. It don't matter to Jesus!


It's just hard with all of the indecipherable British accents. Watch with subtitles.


Good films are worth rewatching and very good films reward again and again on repeated viewings with extra details or nuances that you miss initially. Layer Cake is one, The Usual Suspects is another and I suggest Miller's Crossing is another because the very first lines of dialogue in that film set up the plot but are easily missed on first viewing.

"Remember, you have to make it home to get paid" (The Dogs of War)


Yes! I love "Miller's Crossing." My fav Coen brothers film. And you do notice something new every time you watch it. It's like "how come I didn't notice THAT before?" Ha.


The reasom Jimmy Prics sent XXXX after the girl and set up the pill deal is because he wanted XXXX dead so he could take the £1 million he had stashed away.

If XXXX retired as planned then Jimmy would lose out on all the money he was making.

If XXXX found Charlie, Jimmy could in his own mind, pressurize her Father into getting his money back. If Eddie killed XXXX then Jimmy could take his money. Win/win.

If XXXX sold the pills Jimmy would get a cut. If Dragan killed XXXX. Jimmy could take his moneey win/win.

If all else failed he had informed on him to the police.

To me the biggest plot hole was the price of the pills. You couldn't sell 1,000,000 e's for £3 or £2 or £1. the price for 1,000,000 e's would be about 0.20 pence each.

Sidney hero worshiped his Uncle, The Duke.

He didn't kill XXXX because he took his girl, he killed him because he thought that XXXX was responsible for The Duke going missing. As The Duke's nephew, that was what he would think he had to do.

After he shot XXXX he said, "I'm sorry" to the girl. That's not the act of a jealous boyfriend. He thought he owed it to his uncle to avenge him.


Yeah I was pretty confused as well. Enjoyed it nonetheless but still. Never singled out the movie as being confusing though since I was using some crappy headphones (combined with some strong accents) and couldn't make out half of the dialogue.


I have absolutely no idea what just happened. I couldn't distinguish a plot, I had trouble understanding what was going on, it just seemed to me like 'Oh, ok, so there's something else going on wo, oh, ok, oh, so they're killing that guy? Oh, ok, who is he?'

Exactly how I felt to be honest


I am recording now on the DVR so I can go back & re-watch parts I didn't get. It does get confusing as hell. Can't imagine trying to watch in the theater w/o benefit of a rewind...


i was confused as hell too for my first few viewings (having not read the book at that point) but at some point i started to get it, it all fell into place, and i could see the real brilliance of this film. unfortunately some people don't ever reach the point where they can 'bond' with the film, its story, points, and characters' predicaments.

this story is an anomaly, i will admit that. it's very unique not in its content but in its presentation of that content. it's more than just another movie about drug dealers. there are lots of drug movies. no, this one is a masterful 'spider web plot' (nod to my favourite barrister) which makes the process of the plotting equally as 'gripping' as the content it delivers.

i suggest you give it another try, my friend. i mean, look at me; i was once confused about layer cake, but persisted to become The Official Worldwide Number One Fan.

Once there was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her Daddy in the bathtub.


I love the style and the gritty nature of it. I just have to watch it a few times w/o any interruptions.



Man, you have not seen Revolver then.

"Silence is an Opinion";. H.M
