MovieChat Forums > Black (2005) Discussion > INDIANS FILMS NEED TO GET ORIGINAL


to be really respected and appreciated indian films need to start by first having an original script and working with a team of artistes that are dedicated to their jobs and are willing to do research to make the film more realistic and authentic and they should have workshops were they can discuss the script and the characters and see if they can improve anything and then shoot the film in one schedule to keep in character they just need to get the basics right and grow from there then maybe a lot of Indian films will get nominations in internationl film festivals and they will be able to collaborate with foreign technicians and production houses. come on now get a grip. passion dedication talent commitment fighting spirit focus and patience and loyalty to the art of film making not dance shows that wots needed in the Indian film industry.


well try telling that to them, they think theyre great because they make alot of money and are bigger than hollywood. we'll show em..
and hey lets not forget how well these ideas work for movies in the US, theyre just packed full of originality and realistic brilliant plots.
people never copy indian films either, its unheard of.
i think my sarcasm proved my point reasonably well.



Hollywood is BUYING THE RIGHTS for the movie they remake. Bollywood just rip the damn plot of without ANY RIGHTS. THATS STEALING, see the damn diffrent!!


No, Black is NOT a copy of any Western film. Black is an adaptation of Hellen Keler's autobiography "The Story of My Life", and the director Sanjay Leela Bansali gave Helen FULL CREDIT for it.

There have been several film adaptations of Helen's autobiography long before "The Miracle Worker" (1962) was even made, as far back as "Deliverance" (1919) which starred Helen Keller herself. If anyone thinks Black is a rip-off of "The Miracle Worker", then that would make "The Miracle Worker" a RIP-OFF of "Deliverance".

And unlike these earlier film adaptations which were entirely based on Helen's autobiography, Black only adapts her autiobiography for the first half of the film while the second half has an entirely original plot.



cant believe people were still discussing about who did the ripoff after all those years lol


Your language is quite incoherent despite appropriate grammar.

"There. There."


It has been a while since I saw this movie. Wasn't Hellen Keller acknowledged at the start of the film. Isn't it a little if not very original to tell a story about what happens after a person like Helen Keller is brought into the light?



You should learn to write properly for anyone to take your posts seriously. You know, to be really respected and appreciated on IMDB you need a working team of teachers and writers to show you how commas, periods and capital letters work in the writing industry.


Have you ever seen the 1965 movie The miracle worker or even the 1959 play by the same name based on Hellen Keller's life. If you would have, you wouldn't have said so. Black is very much diferent from both of them and is actually better than "The Miracle worker". Time magazine isn't Insane that it rated black as the 5th best movie from all over the world for the year 2005. I think you got you answer.


There is no such thing called originality. All the story pattern and concepts have been done way before the early 70s. Hollywood copies from European and other Asian industries. We are just repeating the pattern. So it doesn't really matter if what you've watched is a copy or original. What matters is did you like it, did the film leave a mark on you?
