MovieChat Forums > Alfie (2004) Discussion > for all guys, alfie comment regarding 'a...

for all guys, alfie comment regarding 'arm hair'

would u dump a girl for having arm hair? as alfie states being his reason for not being interested in the girl who says hello at the bar while he is with his friend...the one whom he cant remember the name. is that really a deal breaker?


Everyone have likes and dis-likes. And some of them concerns hair.

For some it is hair on the arm.
Others it is hair in the armpit.
Others again it is hair on their breasts.
And others again it is hair on their toes.
And of course also between their legs.
And the legs themselves too.

If you dislike then it will be a major obstacle for a relationship.

But then again - would you like to be in a relationship with someone who dislikes you for who you are - physically?

I don't get the idea that some women (and also some men) have that they have to look like what they think others want them to look like.

"I have heard that my blind date is a sqaure dancer so I have to buy me a cowgirl dress"!!!

Come on - be the one you are - and not pretend to be your image of the perfect woman for your date.

So only change your appearance if you want to change it - not because the media or others want it.

By the way - I don't mind. It is neither my likes or dislikes.


It isn't a big deal if it's thin and blonde. The first gf I ever had had hair like that. She didn't even have to shave her legs b/c the hair was SUPER thin and blonde, so much so I couldn't even feel it, and nearly had to use a magnifying glass just to see it.
But, yeah, the darker and thicker, the less attractive. If the guy is choking on it, it's a problem.


"it isn't a big deal if it's thin and blonde"

Well what do girl with darker features do? Bleach their hair so that they look like freaks?
I have dark hair, dark eyebrows, dark eyelashes, and dark arm hair. I don't think it's "attractive" that I have dark hair on my arms but you can't really shave that and waxing is pricey ($50 every 3 weeks).
But it was something I was born with and it's honestly not something that really bothers me or any men I have dated so it's not a big deal.
Unless a girl has ape arms, I don't think her DARK arm hair should be an issue unless you only date blondes. Brunettes with DARK hair have darker arm hair than blondes usually.
This is a stupid topic. I don't think my dark arm hair makes me less feminine or attractive. It's not a feature I like but I would hope most men would be more into my eyes, smile, and body than my arm hair. That's just stupid.


i think some girls shave it and the one time they forget to shave it again its like the seinfeld episode about chest hair....

obviously you're not a golfer


If guys are going to sit there and bitch about hair on a woman's arm then you need to grow the up. We all have hair on our bodies, some more than others and there is nothing wrong with that. Every individual chooses what they want to do with their body hair. No one else has the right to tell them what to do with it, women aren't suppose to cater their bodies to the likes of men and vice versa. Why waste all your time trying to please another person? you'll never be happy with yourself. Would you tell you son's on daughter's,"Hey you better cut your hair that way or no one of the opposite sex will ever love you? your suppose to accept people for who they are. Now I understand that people have preferences we all do but nit picking little things on someone's body like arm hair is just being an ass hole at it's finest.It's not that serious it's hair.

Lonely chicago pie


I never noticed I had hair until I got older and started seeing all these ads with women waxing their arms. No guy has ever said anything other than my arms are soft. Shaving makes hair stubbly and waxing is just a pain. I'm not planet of the apes hairy but I accept it won't be everyone's cup of tea.

"I don’t mind being in a man’s world as long as I can be a woman in it"~Marilyn Monroe




Guess I just love women to much care. Sometimes it's too hard to find the one that is the best match so sometimes little things like this can't be a problem.


Girls are mammals, so hair doesn't bother me. I'd rather see pubic hair than dry nasty stubble. Having said that, I don't dig facial hair on a girl.


Arm hair, as long as it's not too black and thick, isn't a real problem to me, but I'm a little surprised by all the anti arm hair comments. I figure most guys have no problem with Sofia Vergara and I believe that she's got more than her share of male hormones and unwanted hair. Look at her eyebrows and listen to her voice, yet I get the feeling most guys think she's hot.

Eyebrows that are too thick and manly repel me more.

Political Correctness Is The Enemy Of Reason...🇺🇸
