MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2007) Discussion > The white trash family

The white trash family

I hate how RZ chooses to spoon feed the audience by showing all of the ways that could have contributed to Michael Myers outcome. The abusive white trash family, the over the top bullies at school and the a55hole rapists at the nut house.

Did RZ want the audience to sympathize with MM? Who the hell wouldn't be crazy with all of that happening? The original was more effective showing a normal kid with no outside influences that could contribute to a stone cold killer. I like RZ's movies, but sometimes he should try the "less is more" route.

I really like your car Mrs. Larusso!



I agree. It's pure trash.




Yes! Very well stated..... Moreover, its COWARDLY to NOT make a movie depicting African American "trash" because that would NOT be P.C. !!! Yet white trash homes are probably very low in ratio compared to minority homes....... Another point, since it is November 4, 2018~ CNN anchor host, cowardly and pathetic, Don Lemon, would use this movie of Mike Myers character as his "poster boy" for "straight white males" being the "number one threat" of terrorism in America! Not sure if Mike Myers was straight for women b/c he didn't discriminate who he killed, including the hot babes but I assume he was! Anyway, Don Lemon is gay and his boyfriend is a white guy so that must've been an awkward moment when he met up w/him after saying such PATHETIC, IDIOTIC and JUVENILE comments...... He should be FIRED by CNN but he won't b/c CNN is also complicit in their FAKE NEWS PROPAGANDA!!!!
