so childish...

and yet, so clever.

How do they do it? Those South Park jokers must smoke garbage bags full of weed sitting around making up this stuff.

A lowly 7.2 huh?

This is brilliant.
I feel sorry for people who don't find this hilarious.

I grew up loving shows like Supercar and Fireball XL5 and let me tell you, this is an absolute masterpiece of parody.


It's freaking genius. I love how Team America felt the problems of the rest of the world were their business and often ended up doing more harm than good (destroying the Eiffel Tower, Pyramids of Giza, etc...)

Kinda mirrors reality...

"I'm not used to being out in months that don't begin with 'O'."
-The Ringmaster, Dark Harbor


This is brilliant satire and, somewhat unfortunately, mirrors foreign views of America ... The song "America, f/ck yeh" is exactly how America is perceived to behave sometimes!

However, in this film no one is preserved from lambasting and it's fantastic.

The sex scenes and the vomit scene were amongst some of the funniest I've seen in a long time!

Ever tried, ever failed?
No matter.
Try again, fail again.
Fail better.


I promise I'll never die.


I've never laughed so hard at a movie. It was so much fun.

It took me 10 minutes to even figure-out it was supposed to be a f'in comedy because they were keeping such a straight face in the movie.

I hadn't seen any trailers or South Park, so I didn't know what their humor was all about, much less had a clue about the movie.

I sat there saying to my wife, 'Wait, this is a joke, right? Shit, they're serious with this? WTF? Oh, damn, they're really doing this.'.

She knew South Park, but didn't tip her hand, she just sat there giggling at my questions.

God this movie was funny, and absolutely nailed the idiocy of America. I'm surprised it isn't rated 8.0.


It took me 10 minutes to even figure-out it was supposed to be a f'in comedy because they were keeping such a straight face in the movie.
How those puppets kept their faces straight was genius acting!

Wait, what???!!!😎

Derka derka Muhammad Jihad!!
