Chris Kattan?

OK... let me get this straight (no pun intended). This is a gay-themed movie... with Chris Kattan in it... but Kattan plays a hetero?
Hmm... depending on whether or not Kattan is gay in real life (I've heard opinions yes and no) this is either deliberate bad casting (gay actor as non-gay part) or a waste of his acting talent (if he is straight, he plays "queer" very convincingly).


Im not going to go into detail on this topic, but Chris Kattan, as stated by many of the other fans on this site, is not gay, and has a girlfriend. Some people think it's sad but he is my favorite comedian, and will remain so until Jimmy Fallon can contain himself from laughing in every skit he is in, which may occur in the next century. Anyway, I can't wait for this movie to come out, and am even looking forward to hearing his voice in Delgo. I suggest to anyone who loves a good comedy to see A Night at The Roxbury, which will remain my own personal cult comedy movie until I see fit.




u r so freakin right! i love A Night at the Roxbury! i know all da words! Chris Kattan is so sexy! He is so not gay! his mango is so hawt! i have a pic of it on my myspace:

take a look! also! if yall havent seen Corky Romano u have 2! he said that Corky is the real him! like he in real life is corky's personallity and stuff! thats so hawt!



Who cares if Kattan is gay or straight?

And please tell me why a gay actor can't play a straight one and vice versa.
Because I am dying to know.


Kattan is not gay, neither is Mango. He never falls in love with all the men who fall in love with him. The only time he ever got with someone was with a woman. Ellen Degenras (sp?). Yes, she is gay, but she wouldn't be atracted to him if she wasn't.


I've seen ADAM AND STEVE and Kattan is quite good in it. I never once wondered: "what's that seemingly gay actor doing playing a straight?" To me there are alot of other actors on S and L who do seem just a bit too convincing as gay characters in their 'Girl with no Gaydar' skits, but Kattan wasn't one of them...


Just out of curiosity. I was mentioned that Chris Kattan plays a lot of gay roles. Please explain (taking SNL out of the equation) which films he played gay characters. I have seen a lot of the films he has been in and I do not recall him playing a gay character in any of them....So I am a little confused.

Joshua Wagner
Cactus Fields


Anyone remember the SNL skit where Jennifer Garner is a soap opera star, and her leading man (Kattan), is gay, and kept saying to Garner "you smell like cornbread!" I doubt "the Mango", "Mr. Peepers", "you smell like cornbread", etc., is a flaming homo. If he was, he would have been out of the closet years ago, unless he fears someone or something in particular.


Even if Kattan was gay I don't think he would have been good for the part of one of the gay men. Kattan typically plays the part of gay men very well, but only "stereotypical" gay men. I have yet to see him play a "real" gay man and that is what this movie called for. The gay men in this movie are much more real than anything I've seen on the big screen in a while and I don't think Kattan would have pulled it off very well. And even if he did pull it off well, his fans would complain that his character wasnt typical Kattan gay.


just_turi, I couldn't agree with you more.
I really have to wonder about all the vehement protestations declaring that Kattan absolutely can not be gay.

Why is it such a big deal one way or the other?
Why should I care if he’s gay or straight?

He’s an actor – I only care if he can act well.
If he acts badly – THAT I care about.
His personal life is his business, and doesn’t effect me at all.


first of all! CHRIS KATTAN is NOT! gay! i met him! he is freakin awesome! and in a magazine he was caught kissing his g.f in a park! that kinda explains it all!


What magazine was that? Is that magazine out right now?


@chriskattanluvr, um - calm down.
I never said that Kattan isn't awesome.
I just don't think that, whether or not he might be gay matters at all.

He might be - he might not be. What do I care? What does it matter?



Evidently in your mind being "freakin awesome!" absolutely proves beyond any question that Chris Kattan cannot be gay. Are all "freakin awesome!" people automatically straight? (To be perfectly honest, I hope they are, so I'll never have to know any of them.) And since when does kissing somebody in a park prove anything at all?

I could care less what Chris Kattan's sexual orientation is, but I'm allergic to homophobia.


I saw the movie Adam & Steve at the Palm Springs International Film Festival. Chris Kattan plays a supporting role, not the usual leading role. Yes, he plays a straight man, and I am fine with that - though he shares an apartment in the movie with a gay guy. At the end of the movie there was a Q&A, and Chris Kattan answered questions. He is sooooooooo adorable & I must say as a gay man myself, I find Chris hot - even if he is straight.


Having just seen the film over the weekend, he plays "the idle roomer" part very well. There is just enough spurned lover/best friend vibe to make you wonder...

Not bad casting at all.

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


people keep saying Chris Kattan is gay because of Mango, has NO ONE seen the mango skit with Jennifer Lopez:
" WHAT THE FRICK!!!!!!!! Why does everyone think Mango is a Homo gay? Why? Why? Why?"


just to comment on the idea that this is bad casting because of a gay man playing a straight role. Well then is should have been just as weird when Hillary Swank took on Boys Dont Cry, bad casting I think not. Or even weirder when Ian McKellen played Gandalf the Grey (A straight Wizard, now thats truly color blind casting!). No it is not bad casting! People play outside of their sexuallity ALL THE TIME!

More Examples

Jeffery Wright - Angels In America
Nicole Kidman - The Hours
Charlize Theron - Monster
Heath Ledger and Jake Gylenhall - Brokeback Mountain


I see it as even more simple.
It's bad casting if the actor can't manage the role.
Their job is to "act". If they can make it believable, then they're cast well. If they can't make it believable, then they were miscast.

If you look through the history of cinema, gays have been playing straights and vice-versa since film began.
This really seems like a non-issue.


Why are you assuming Gandalf is straight? I don't recall that aspect of the character being revealed by Tolkien.


Hehe, Chris Kattan is a babe alright!! I have a Mango costume that I want to wear in the hopes that I ever get to meet him. He ran off after his cameo on SNL, which would have been the only chance to meet him.

When I first started watching the show, I always got him and Jimmy confused. Now I look back in shock. They look nothing alike. And they are both extremely gorgeous. I'm a Fallon Fanatic ( but my screen name is SuelForrester and I love the guy as well.

Cheers to the SNL hotties!!!! Has there ever been a homosexual cast member?

You like fine cooking? I've got a Swanson's dinner in the freezer with your name on it.


Yes there was a homosexual cast member in the 80's his name was Terry Sweeney.


Yep! He was great!

Terry Sweeney was part of the then-"new cast" of 1985-86 which included Randy Quaid, Jon Lovitz, Danitra Vance, among others. He was also a writer on the show. He was so funny, especially his Nancy Reagan impersonation, which was spot-on! Another memorable skit he did was as a gay actor trying to pass for straight on the set of a Richard Donner movie! (That was on the show hosted by Madonna.)

I think 1985-86 was his only season as a regular cast member.


I just watched this movie on On Demand and the first thing I said to my partner when it became clear that Kattan's character was straight was, "They wanted the roommate to be straight and they cast Chris Kattan?!"

I liked him on SNL, even in the awful movie Monkeybone, but this part was not right for him. I kept thinking his character would come out in the end. They really needed a butcher actor to play that part. The scene where he goes behind the screen to sulk would have been a lot funnier.


Pardon my bluntness but this is a truly stupid and prejudiced remark freakofnurture. Kattan plays a very convincing typical straight man. He IS a typical straight man.


are you retarded. hes got a wife. duh.

"(December 2006) Got engaged to actress Sunshine Deia Tutt on Christmas Eve will be getting married sometime in 2008" -


This entire thread is stupid.

(A) Who cares if he is gay - or any other actor for that matter? Anthony Rapp is the only "out" actor of the 8 main characters in "RENT." He plays a straight guy in that.

(B) Who cares if Chris has a girlfriend, wife, or female Partner? Bisexuality exists. So does Mixed Orientation Marriage.

Actors should take roles because they do a good job in them, not based in their sexual orientation.


Amen. Well stated.
