MovieChat Forums > Spanglish (2004) Discussion > People complaining about Paz not looking...

People complaining about Paz not looking like the typical mexican

i have heard people saying she is to light or more caucasion in appearance but people need to realize that the term Caucasian does not refer to skin color, it is an anthropological term for a type of skeletal structure.

for instance the people that live in India are classified as Caucasoid(as in caucasion)

but if were were to approach it on a purely skin color basis even than latino would still be considered white

the skin color white encompasses many shades of the same color from the pinkish white to the olive skin(Greek, middle eastern, Latino, etc etc)


This is so stupid, I'm from Jalisco and I'm white as *beep*. People who doubt that there are white mexicans should watch Mexican TV. Change your channel to televisa and you'll see a *beep* of white mexicans. Our president is *beep* white. We not only have whites, we have asians, indigenous, and most of us are mixed with a little bit of everything.


It's an odd complaint. What the hell does a "typical mexican" look like anyway?

Little girls shouldn't look for four leaf clovers!


Most white Mexicans still bear indigenous characteristics even if very slight. Usually it’s the facial characteristics (the eyes especially) and if not that then the height. Although there are “gallegos” - newly arrived Spaniards who haven’t been racially mixed in with the population. Having lived in Los Angeles and Madrid, I can say from personal experience that Paz looks as Spanish as gazpacho since she has a long Andalusian (She’s Sevillan) face indicative of subtle Arab/Amazigh features.


They mean Native American or Mestizo


My brother-in-law, who is Mexican looks
Russian and has blonde hair & blue eyes.
