MovieChat Forums > The Room (2003) Discussion > One hundred and more URBAN LEGENDS about...

One hundred and more URBAN LEGENDS about 'The Room'

1. Miramax bought remake rights of "The Room".

Wake me up when it's over


The going rate for a soul is around 6 million dollars.



LOL - - - - right you are, tricky bastard that Satan...


In 1999, Stanley Kubrick made a script known as "The Room". Tommy Wiseau stole the script, but lost the script and then rewrote it. He still thinks its as good as Kubrick's script.

Why is it so easy for children to break into The Pentagon?


217. Johnny's apartment was built on a land that was once a cemetery, and when the cemetery was moved, only the gravestones were relocated and the bodies were left in place. That explains 1. why the wine glass moves in and out of Lisa's hands and 2. the tv is kept behind the sofa.

It's like the end of Spartacus. I have seen that movie half a dozen times and I still don't know who the real Spartacus is. And that is what makes that movie a classic whodunit.


217.5 There is a sequal planned where Denny burries Johnny in said cemetary and he comes back to life only to feed on the innocent.



Re: 217.5

Much like he does now.

"I'm not being hostile, I just know that you're wrong."


There was a scene cut from The Room in which Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta. Rust into Denny's apartment, they ask for their money, but it results in Denny being shot to death.

Why is it so easy for children to break into The Pentagon?


219. Tommy Wiseau is a humanoid from the Andromeda Galaxy, sent to Earth to do a film on the "human experience". The movie is considered to be a big hit on his home planet, Nektreema.

219 a. Due to the success of the movie on Tommy's home planet; Tuxball became the official sport of Nektreema in April 2005.

220. Although shot in a relativly short time, the movie remained in pre-production for roughly four years. This is mainly in part for two reasons. The first relating to (the above). Tommy spent the majority of the time studying film,human emotions and life and english. The second is due to shooting and script problems.

According to Wiseau, the film was much different than the finalized product. In it, Mark and Johnny are lovers,and Lisa is just a secondary character in the apartment who Mark attempts to sleep with. It's heavily suggested that Lisa and Michelle may also be lovers, but it has yet to be confirmed, even on Wiseau's part. A fan theory that has been lurking around is that Denny was originally killed by Johnny in a fit of rage after Lisa leaves. After seeing what he did, Johnny commits suicide; where Lisa and Mark find Johnny's lifeless body in the bedroom. There are more theories around regarding Lisa's mother, but none have been confirmed.

221. The movie was originally meant to be a musical,but was changed to be a movie; after the crew realised that the only ones who could sing were the florist and Doggie.

222. Green screens had to be used for the rooftop scenes because the city was surrounded by dust and smoke for three days, due to a recent fight between one of Rita Repulsa's monsters and the Megazord and Dragonzord.

223. To help reconcile real life money troubles between Chris-R and Tommy Wiseau, he let Chris-R make an apperence in the movie,and promised to give a chunk of the profits to him.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)


224. Tommy Wiseau had been participitating in San Francisco's annual television-throwing competition while he was making the film. The scene where he throws the television in a fit of anger is simply footage of him practicing for the contest that got mixed in with some of the rushes for the scene.

If Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris got into a fight, Clint Eastwood would probably win.


225. Denny is actually a female and a lesbian



226. Wiseau has never seen Rebel Without a Cause. "Oh, hai Jim".


227. Claudette had testicular cancer.


228 Juliette Danielle is a method acress and ordered over 100 pizzas in 2 weeks to prepare for one of the scenes. She ate the lot.

229 Tommy Wiseau loaded the very real gun used in the rooftop scene prior to filming, explaining to Philip Haldiman (Danny) that he was off to the range later. Danny's reaction when the same gun is produced during the scene is genuine.
I'm a firing my pewpew lazors!


230. Tommy used an extra for the ass scene.



231. Wiseau was actually the editor of the film; he used the pseudonym "Eric Chase".

232. There's a deleted scene where Johnny discusses his navel fetish with Mark.

233. There's a sequel to this movie planned. It will be called "The Room 2: Seed of Johnny". Lisa will find out that she is indeed pregnant & she'll give birth to a child who looks & speaks exactly as Johnny did. The child will always greet Lisa by saying, "Oh hi Mom". When Lisa accuses the child of doing something wrong, he will answer, "Mom, I did naaaaat!"

234. The tux that Johnny wore in the film now hangs in the Smithsonian.



109. The scene in the shop needed over 30 takes, because the dog couldn't keep a straight face whenever Johnny would walk in and start his lines. So eventually a prop- guy made a puppet, which was used for the scene. The dog later claimed it felt a lot better working with a puppet of Wiseau instead of the real guy.




There was supposed to be a five-minute scene with Johnny, Mark, Lisa, Denny, and Claudette that involved a short discussion/football game and actually tied up all the loose plot threads (Denny's drug issue, Claudette's breast cancer, the significance of Mark shaving, what happened to Peter, etc.); however, when Wiseau watched the scene, he decided that for some reason Lisa did not look as bee-yew-ti-ful as she normally did and therefore it could not be included.

The actors playing Denny and Lisa had a brief relationship during the filming of the movie. Wiseau noticed this and wrote Denny's infatuation with Lisa into the script as an inside joke.


A lot of these are hilarious. I check back here everytime I need a good belly laugh.

"Remember to douche before you open your mouth - I dunno where it's been."


235)Tommy Wiseau originally planned on giving his ass it's own spinoff movie thus explaining the generous amount of screentime it got in The Room. However, shortly after filming had ended the two had a bitter falling out and those plans were nixed.

236)Tommy Wiseau originally cast the actress who played the flourist to play the role of Denny. However after being preasured by members of the cast and crew to recast the role for reasons to the tune of the actress not being the right age or sex, Wiseau eventually caved in gave her a smaller role.


237. The lyrics to Frank Sinatra's classic "That's Life" originally were vastly different. They related the story of a young man who, while attempting to woo his special young lady was unexpectedly caught by his lady friend's mother. He cannot find his boxers and then is surprised by the mother holding them up to show everybody. However, Sinatra's publicist thought such a silly song would not be good for Frank's image and told the songwriters, Dean Kay and Kelly Gordon, to rewrite the words. They reluctantly did, and the revised version is the one we know today.


238)On his spare time Tommy Wiseau breeds a special species of chicken that make cheeping noises rather than the traditional bak bak bakaa. This explains Wiseau's bizzare imitation of the animal.

239)Tommy Wiseau originally wrote, produced, and performed 4 original songs for the film's 4 sex scenes which were, according to members of the cast and crew, unintelligible jibberish. After determining that the songs were too good and would detract from the sex scenes, he settled on using the generic R&B present in the final cut.


240) Tommy Wiseau originally tried out for the part of Grima Wormtongue in Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers.

241) Tommy Wiseau was arrested for having 40gb of spoon football porn on his pc.



242) Peter (Kyle Vogt) quit the project after receiving lucrative offers from a number of high profile NFL teams.

"I have not been drinking. These two men, they poured a whole bottle of bourbon into me."


243. Due to the excessive amount of football-throwing in the movie, Wiseau asked Tom Brady if he would cameo as one of Johnny's friends. Brady agreed, but when they were filming the football scenes, Brady's throws were done the NFL way rather than the underhand tosses Wiseau wanted. Brady argued that his way was the correct way and refused to do it Wiseau's way, with the result that Brady was fired from the project.


BUMP. Just cuz I want this thread to NEVER DIE.

I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite post on IMDB


244. Tommy was not originally planning to act in the movie; he auditioned many actors for the role of Johnny (some of whom reportedly included Daniel Day-Lewis, George Clooney, and Clive Owen) but was not able to find anyone who could portray the character the way Tommy envisioned him, so in the end he took the role himself.

245. Tommy toyed with the idea of expanding the project into a musical and was apparently in talks with people like Paul McCartney and Andrew Lloyd Webber about writing a score and some songs for it. In the end the idea fell through when Tommy realized the budget was almost used up and he could not nearly afford their services so he abandoned the idea and just went with a basic score and some R&B songs.


246. It is said that one strange frame appears in the first of the infamous love scenes. Here is that frame:

It's like the end of Spartacus. I have seen that movie half a dozen times and I still don't know who the real Spartacus is. And that is what makes that movie a classic whodunit.


247.) As a Director, Tommy ate quite alot to deal with the stress of running the production team. This caused him to gain quite a bit of weight. As an Actor, Tommy needed to keep a consistent "figure" which resulted in having to constantly work off the weight gained by the director. This constant weight change results in Tommy's suits not fitting properly throughout the film.


248. Tommy Wiseau is actually a college history professor from the year 2046 who fell through a hole in the space-time contiuum and landed in the present day. Fortunately, his specialty was San Francisco during the late 90's and early 2000's, so he naturally dressed appropriately to blend in. He was keen to create a film that showed people in his own time what life in the present is like, so he used all the knowledge from his research and actual 21st century actors to create a compelling an realistic drama showcasing the culture of 21st century San Francisco so that his colleagues in 2046 would be able to see just how much different life was back then.

If Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris got into a fight, Clint Eastwood would probably win.



250. The screenplay for the room was originally written by John Houston as a Film Noir. Humphrey Bogart was originally to be cast as Johnny. Unfortunately, he lost the script somewhere in Fargo. It later ended up in a briefcase that landed in the hands of two criminals following the horrible botching of a crime that involved kidnapping a car dealer's wife and holding her ransom. These events were later dramatized in a Coen Brothers film. Tommy Wiseau saw it and refused to believe that it was fictional, and just top prove everyone wrong he went to Fargo and found the briefcase that was buried in the snow and recovered the screenplay written by John Houston. Then he revised it to make sure it was perfect before he decided to make it into his own movie.

If Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris got into a fight, Clint Eastwood would probably win.


251. If you order The Room from Amazon your name goes on multiple government watch lists

252. Tommy suggested that Chris R should actually deal drugs to study for the role. The plan backfired and the actor developed a serious smack habit that ate up a great part of the film's budget, forcing Tommy to abandon the breast cancer subplot

253. Many members of the film crew reported hearing mysterious honking and finding footballs in strange places on set during twilight hours


254. The night after filming Johnny and Lisa's love scene, someone left the candles burning and a fire destroyed the set for Johnny's apartment, forcing Tommy to delve deeper into his funds to rebuild it. As a result, Tommy got extremely paranoid about taking proper safety precautions with the use of fire and electricity to the point that he forbade the further use of candles on set. This is why, just before Lisa and Mark hook up for the first time, Mark famously mentions "the candles" when none are present in the scene. Tommy had been so preoccupied with his enforcing of the new rule that he forgot to remove the line. (Lit candles do appear in Mark's apartment later, but only because that scene had already been shot.)


255: All the flowers in the movie are fake. They tried using real ones, but all the petals would fall off as soon as Wiseau appeared naked.

256: In an interview with Rolling Stone, Wiseau confessed to slipping a cocktail of rohypnol and ketamine into Juliette's drink in order to get her to perform the sex scenes with him. When quizzed, Juliette claimed to have done exactly the same thing to Wiseau for the same reason.

I'm a firing my pewpew lazors!



Thanks :)

257: The code name for "The Room" release to theaters is "Pocket Ninjas IV".


258. Tommy Wiseau actually wrote Meat Loaf's famous "Bat Out of Hell" albums under the pseudonym "Jim Steinman." He wanted to do the third one as well, but he and Meat Loaf had a falling out and Tommy was refused permission to write it, causing him to trash the recording studio and claim Meat Loaf was tearing him apart.


259. Tommy spent 98% of the budget on taking the whole crew to the San Fransisco 49'ers training camp to learn how to play the game of football. Unfortunately the only crew members that showed up were Doggie and the Flower Shop Lady.

260. Chris-R was originally going to play the 3rd reincarnation of the psychologist until it was found out that he was a real life drug dealer. When Tommy learned of the arrest of Chris-R he used $500,000 of the budget in order to pay off the police with VHS copies of the movie so that he could fit Chris-R into one more scene in which he was ironically supposed to be taken to the police.


261. As part of the audition for the role of Lisa, the actresses had to engage in actual sex with Tommy Wiseau. The actress who ultimately got the role, Juliette Danielle, got it because she was the only one who could do it without puking everywhere.


262. The frequent shots of the Golden Gate bridge were left over from a sub-plot that would have been a climax of sorts and tie up all the loose ends. Originally, Denny was supposed to have an irrational fear of bridges because his parents died falling off of one. When Denny convinces the guys to play tuxedo football, this was supposed to be q lengthy scen in which their game would have taken them across the city until they accidently reached the Golden Gate bridge.

Denny would have to overcome his fear of bridges in order to catch the ball. They would then play their way across the bridge until they ran into Chris-R. In the ensuing confrontation, Peter is shot and a bystander comes to his aid (this is the party guest who confronts Lisa and Mark, who attended out of respect). However, the police come and take Chris-R away. Meanwhile Claudette is in a car with Lisa talking about Johnny, her breast cancer gets bad. She'd see the guys Playing football and gets out to say hi to them, only to collapse in the street. Fortunately, a doctor comes to the rescue and took her to the hospital where we learn she recovered. They finally get to the end of the bridge, and Denny is pleased to have finally overcome his fear.

If Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris got into a fight, Clint Eastwood would probably win.


263. "The Room" was originally going to be an animated feature film.



264. Tommy Wiseau took anger management lessons from watching Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver.

If Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris got into a fight, Clint Eastwood would probably win.


265. In preparation for his role, Philip Haldiman (Denny) spent time sneaking into houses to watch couples have sex. He only got caught once, but Tommy used some of the budget to pay the couple off.

266. The drugs Denny bought from Chris-R were just Tylenols.

267. The chocolate/sex scene with Mike and Michelle was not in the script. The actors just sneaked onto the set after hours to have sex when no one was around. Unfortunately for them, a camera operator had accidentally left a camera rolling and it captured some of it. The operator realized his mistake and took the footage to Tommy who liked it so much that he included it in the final cut of the film.


268. A 12" Godzilla action figure can be spotted in the flower shop scene.



282. A statue of Johnny is going to be built in Washington Square. He will be clad in a tuxedo & hold a football in one hand.

283. James Cameron was so moved when he saw The Room that he offered Tommy Wiseau and Juliette Danielle parts in his 2009 epic film. Cameron wisely saw how he could save $$ in makeup costs by casting TW. Wiseau refused, and Danielle kept stalling Cameron, so he was forced to cast Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana instead.

284. TW asked Pepsi to be a sponsor. He agreed to hold up the bottle of water & say, "Let's drink Ak-wa-feena, huh?" before throwing it aggressively to the ground. Pepsico is kicking themselves right now for missing this golden opportunity.

285. TW has been approached to do a spread for Playgirl.

286. On the DVD, the deleted scenes include: 1) The whole gang do the Macarena at Johnny's party; 2) Claudette can be seen walking away after handing Johnny the bottle of water to throw in anger on the rooftop; 3) Claudette asks Lisa to accompany her to cancer treatment, and Lisa responds that she'll be just fine & she doesn't need Lisa there. This gives Lisa more time to state that she no longer loves Johnny; 4) Doggy turns a couple of back flips right before Johnny walks into the flower shop & the other customers applaud; 5) One of the flower shop employees says to her boss, "Pssst! Let's pretend like we don't recognize Johnny. It'll be hilarious!"; 6) Mike takes off his pants & his underwear, then puts his pants back on, saying that this enhances his bj's; 7) Denny goes to lie down on Johnny & Lisa's bed when no one's home. He sniffs several pillows & rubs them on his crotch.



294. Theres a movement to force Peter Jackson to relinquish his Best Director Oscar to Tommy Wiseau.



295. "Tommy Wiseau" was a high-ranking government official in the former Soviet Union. Upon hearing of its impending collapse, he fled the country and traveled throughout the world, eventually settling in San Francisco. He stayed in contact with many of his former colleagues and joined an organization to reform the Soviet Union sometime in the future. After extensive planning and calculating, the organization decided they needed to inform all their members stationed throughout the world of their plans to kick-start the reformation (Operation Tux-ball). It was decided that all the information the operatives needed to know (dates, times, places, actions, etc.) would be sent out in a top-secret code. In order to do this, they got "Tommy" to assume the role of an incompetent filmmaker with an unidentifiable accent and, noting some people's fascination with underground cult films, create what would to the average person appear to be a poorly-made drama film but with the potential to become a cult hit as an unintentional comedy. This would enable all the necessary information to get out without anyone suspecting anything (sort of like "hiding in plain sight"). Thus, what would be seen by the general public as the film's flaws (all the bizarre lines, scenes, characters, and such) and by extension its entertainment value is actually all the top-secret coded information being sent out to all the party's operatives all over the world. So The Room is actually not one of the best unintentional comedies ever made, but rather a central figure in the of the most elaborate examples of international espionage the world has ever seen.


^^Lol, Mr. S! I think you might be onto something...



270. Tommy Wiseau quit drinking six months before the movie premiered, so Lisa's mother's statement about him was accurate.

271. In order for Tommy Wiseau to attain Johnny's hairstyle, during filming he was instructed to wash his hair only, and not to use conditioner, blow dry it, or even comb it.

272. Tommy Wiseau lost 3 pounds for his role as Johnny.

You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same.


273. The tuxedo football scene was originally supposed to lead into a second encounter with Christ R., during which he would have shot the alread mortally-wounded Peter. Steven would be a cop who sees this and arrests Chris-R, and as repayment is invited to Johnny's party.

And when Jack Crow and Buffy Summers joined forces, Edward Cullen never knew what hit him.


274. The sequence where Mark pushes Mike into the trashcans needed 136 takes.


275. This was originally supposed to be a cosmic horror in the style of H.P. Lovecraft. All the sub-plots were meant to build up to the scenes of sheer terror involving monsters so hideous they would drive you insane just by looking at them. Unfortunately the monsters that appeared were so horrific that the editors were driven violently insane and had to be committed in a psychiatric ward, so they were forced to destroy all the footage of the mosnters for the sake of sanity and edit around those scenes.

And when Jack Crow and Buffy Summers joined forces, Edward Cullen never knew what hit him.


276. The bit where Mark tries to throw Peter off the roof was not in the script. Tommy took Greg Sestero aside and told him to act like he was going to push Kyle Vogt over the three-feet high wall so Vogt's reaction to almost being thrown to his death would be more realistic. Unfortunately since they were filming with a green-screen, the "roof" were right at floor level. Sestero did as he was told, but Vogt's on-screen reaction WAS his genuine reaction.


277. In addition to all the other reasons, Tommy Wiseau also helped to finance the movie by allowing renters to live inside of the deep laugh lines in his face. Since then, the movie has brought him fortune and fame, so he later evicted them all and had plastic surgery on his face, which is why in more recent interviews and appearances, namely The Tommy Wi-show, he no longer has them.

278. The scene where Tommy says the now infamous line, "In a few minutes, bitch" was originally said to Doggie. However, as he learned through both the negative reactions of the cast, realizing that it is politically incorrect to call a dog a bitch and the fact that Doggie is a male, the line was instead said to Lisa.

279. Juliette Danielle is a very insecure young woman and threatened to leave The Room unless it was written that at least three other men in the movie commented on her beauty. Since the part was originally written for the first actress portrayed as Lisa, they were not in the script. Tommy Wiseau did not want to lose such a P.Y.T, so he later re-written the script to include the compliments.

280. The "mistakes" on The Room DVD Scene Selections title were actually part of a contest. If fans were to find all the "mistakes"/"grammatical errors" by October 3, 2005 (Mr. Wiseau' 50th birthday), they would have won an all-expense, three-week paid trip to Vegas with Tommy himself, just as long as you never told anyone about what happened during the trip. Ever.

Sanity is like parachutes: just because you lost yours doesn't mean you can have mine.


281. The Room was originally in talks to be produced by Fox on the condition that it would be one in a franchise. Shooting on a prequel TV miniseries about Denny (named as a in joke of the script of the prequel being written on the napkin of a Denny's restaurant) Denny was originally a boy genius who faked his way into college where his roommate was selling drugs from Chris R. to impress Lisa. The deal with Fox fell through when Tommy insisted that Johnny got more than a cameo. Tommy Wiseau decided to Incorporated elements of the failed miniseries into his film.

We should learn from our past mistakes, so that we can make new ones.


277. In addition to all the other reasons, Tommy Wiseau also helped to finance the movie by allowing renters to live inside of the deep laugh lines in his face. Since then, the movie has brought him fortune and fame, so he later evicted them all and had plastic surgery on his face, which is why in more recent interviews and appearances, namely The Tommy Wi-show, he no longer has them.

278. The scene where Tommy says the now infamous line, "In a few minutes, bitch" was originally said to Doggie. However, as he learned through both the negative reactions of the cast, realizing that it is politically incorrect to call a dog a bitch and the fact that Doggie is a male, the line was instead said to Lisa.

279. Juliette Danielle is a very insecure young woman and threatened to leave The Room unless it was written that at least three other men in the movie commented on her beauty. Since the part was originally written for the first actress portrayed as Lisa, they were not in the script. Tommy Wiseau did not want to lose such a P.Y.T, so he later re-written the script to include the compliments.

280. The "mistakes" on The Room DVD Scene Selections title were actually part of a contest. If fans were to find all the "mistakes"/"grammatical errors" by October 3, 2005 (Mr. Wiseau' 50th birthday), they would have won an all-expense, three-week paid trip to Vegas with Tommy himself, just as long as you never told anyone about what happened during the trip. Ever.

LOL, especially at #278 and #280!

You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same.


282: The Asylum just optioned the remake rights with the alternate title "The Condo"

It's like the end of Spartacus. I have seen that movie half a dozen times and I still don't know who the real Spartacus is. And that is what makes that movie a classic whodunit.


283. There is actually a fifth gospel: The Gospel According to Tommy (oh hai Jesus!). But it was too revolutionary and the Vatican is trying to keep it under wraps.

284. Tommy Wiseau was three votes short of becoming the new Pope.
