MovieChat Forums > Sorstalanság (2005) Discussion > Dont they ever make holocaust movies abo...

Dont they ever make holocaust movies about non Jews?

Im too lazy to be racist even if I wanted to be but I just dont get why every single thing I see about the Holocaust was about Jewish people, so what gives? According to every class I took in high school and college and everything Ive read since then Jewish people were the MINORITY of who got killed in the Holocaust or at most half.

I dont pretend to know anything about the numbers but nearly everywhere I go its like this:

Holocaust Civilians
Jews 6 million, Non Jews 6-9 million

Yet even Webster says "the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II."

Crap I just saw this for the first time. doesnt even mention the other flipping people who got killed!! "the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II"

Again I am sure they are all nice people :0) but why the heck are the definitions THAT different? I mean the difference between 6 million (Jews and no one else) and 12-15 million (Jews plus "the others") is pretty friggin big Id say.

Also the only movie Ive ever seen where Jewish people got killed or treated poorly in the war or around that time by anyone but the germans was "Sunshine" with that ralph fiennes fellow who I think is very cute by the way. :0)

Anyhooz how this relates is that when my mister and I saw the box it said something like "a different kind if Holocaust movie" and we were thinking different in terms of hey maybe its not all about the Jewish people no offense guys Im sure you are all nice.

The thing is I am German BUT I belong to a group of "defective messed up humans" that were targeted for extinction by mister hitler probably before the word Jew was even so much as uttered anywhere near the tiniest flippin swastika. (We really dont need to go into which groups people but seriously these groups have been targeted for extinction by nearly every group of people since the dawn of flippin man and also, since we are on the topic these groups have been targeted for extinction by every group of mammals and probably by tons of species of friggin plants!)

So yah I get a little miffed when all I do is ask why havent I seen any movies about the Holocaust with handicapped people and insane people and such and a million folks start screaming at me calling me a flippin anti Semite. No jokes people so wassup come on lets have a movie that takes OTHERS into consideration. It aint my fault I am not a nice Jewish person :0) and again I am sure they all nice but I am too so wtf?

thanks for your time people :0)

ps also I do not want to offend any nazis either because i am sure you are all nice too so please no one beat me up thanks :0)


This is not leveled at any single poster but I read the posts on this subject and it is so evident that still a lot of people hate the Jews. To belittle the sacrifice of any victims in any way is to show a lack of respect for that race. In effect not to care if they die or died.

As far as the German people, citizens and soldiers go. Many were not Nazis. Millions and millions were. And Multi millions, a large majority supported the actions of the Nazis before the war went bad. And I will never be convinced that people do not generally support the system of government they have. Especially under the extreme pressure of wartime economy and violence. The German people who many claim supposedly were only pawns under Hitler, a generation before put enough pressure to change their Imperialistic system. With each seizure of territory, "peacefully" at first. The seizure of government in Austria, Czechoslovakia the attack of Poland and France. German citizens readily accepted the doctrine of Lebensraum. The vast majority fed on the easy victories (not easy for the defeated and soon to be incorporated or exterminated losers)

I also firmly believe that many millions of German people, and others knew of the camps and what was going on there. Of course they knew. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of people worked near the camps, thousands were involved in planning, construction, transportation, supply etc. Rumors of an enterprise like this would spread swiftly. The extermination of the prisoners could only occur to a degree, with the knowledge and support of the people. Of course the people knew. If the German people didn't want the Jews gone. They would not have been killed on a scale of such grandeur. The idea that the average German was innocent of the holocaust is BS. It is as phony as a Anglo European descended American to claim how much they respect the Native American culture and be so PC and revere them today. Like the educated Americans off the frontier, Americans supported and benefited from the ethnic extermination of the Native Americans in the 19th century. And the Germans and people in former Prussia and other areas benefit (in their way) from the extermination of those Jewish people today. Ethnic cleansing as a tool works. Hitler while losing the war achieved many of his goals. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more Jews in Germany in 1934 then generations later today. Many former heavily Jewish areas, like Warsaw have few Jews. Would the lack of Jews in Germany and Europe please Hitler if he were able to see that today? Of course. He would be proud of his lasting achievement. And the German people today "benefit" from the holocaust.


Yes, there is a great Holocaust film that is not only about Jews. It is Sophie's Choice. While the film certainly deals with the massive Jewish death toll committed by the Nazis, it also explores other victims, and even goes far beyond just the holocaust.

For example, in the film, Sophie's father is a prominent professor and orater, who frequently gives speeches in universities and writes essays on the solution to the "Jewish problem," and how they should be exterminated. When the Germans invade Poland, he welcomes and backs their stance on anti-Jewish sentiment. But the irony is that he is eventually carted off to the camps too, because the Nazis were also eliminating the intellectuals among the Polish population. Indeed, Sophie becomes a a prisoner in the Nazi camps, after trying to bargain her way out by proclaiming that she's not a Jew, but a Christian. But the SS didn't care. Half of all the Poles killed in the holocaust were Jews, and the other half were Catholics, Protestants, and other groups.

The only Jewish character in the film is Sophie's boyfriend, Nathan, who obsesses over the Holocaust for wiping out 6 million of his brethren. But it is revealed SPOILER .... That Nathan is also a schizophrenic. Nathan represents the crazy Jewish victimhood, that wildly proclaims that the Holocaust was solely a Jewish tragedy, cementing the myth that only Jews suffered. But Nathan also makes a point by making fun of his neighbor, Stingo, a writer from the Souther U.S. He chided Stingo for being a southerner, saying that his people are like the Nazis for hunting down blacks and lynching them. The movie makes a point that human depravity and suffering is not exclusive to one group, but to all mankind. It is universal.

That's why it makes me laugh when people on this thread post that the Holocaust was only about eliminating the Jews. From the very beginning, Hitler and the rest made it clear that their ultimate goal for the Lebensraum was to eliminate the Slavs as part of their final solution. They considered the Slavs in Poland, Russia, Ukraine to be subhuman, and was their major target.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


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