The pipe bombs

To me, this is the movie's weakest point. Why show them making pipe bombs they won't even use and don't even plan to use? That scene had only two purposes: A) to show how driven and methodical the guys were - but several other scenes make that clear, so it was redundant - and B) to make the movie controversial by showing a step-by-step instructional video on making pipe bombs. It was gratuitous and useless and I didn't like it.

Otherwise it's a GREAT movie. The two lead (non-)actors are perfect and the dialogue only has a couple of forced lines. It's a resounding success.


But very few if any actually worked. I can recall reading about one thrown outside and not going off in the actual case.

Not many people have basements in California.


Having the actors and extras work with real explosives would have been too much of a safety issue. Plus they were renting the library so they couldn't do too much to damage it. I suppose they could have used CGI but 2001 wasn't exactly the golden age of CGI.
