MovieChat Forums > Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006) Discussion > My dad saw The Pick Of Destiny on The ta...

My dad saw The Pick Of Destiny on The table last night.

I said "It's not very good. It's an R rated movie,Dave Grohl plays The Devil in it. It's only about 95 miutes." I let my dad read the back of it,since he saw the dvd. I will have to fast forward one or two scenes. Jack Black sings very well in it and it's a rock-opera comedy." My mom will probably hate it. I didn't tell my dad that Ben Stiller's in one scene of it yet.I will. He doesn't like Ben Stiller at all. THe beginning is good. I want my parents to know what Jack Black,his true humor and other things are really like.In "The Pick Of Destiny" has the Sugar Free Jack Black. They should know what he's really like.My parents and I might end up meeting Jack,in L.A. or just see him talk to people.


When we're first introduced to Ben's character I thought for sure that it was Jim Marten. I actually called out "Station!" the first time I saw it.

I also loved how he quit his job as a roadie to become a monk and study the pick of destiny for years. Refused to let a translator see the text he translated over that time, but the first people who show up and ask about it, he explains EVERYTHING to.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


I have a completely unrelated question. Was Dave Grohl just the vocals for the Devil?
Because that looked NOTHING like him

What are you crazy? Of course it was him. Even the trivia section on this very movie states how long it took to put on the make up. So yes, it's him. Plus if you look you can tell it's his eyes and a few other features. You need to look PAST the makeup which is difficult I know! Take it easy!

You'll kill everyone!
But Ice Cream Cake!
