MovieChat Forums > Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006) Discussion > My dad saw The Pick Of Destiny on The ta...

My dad saw The Pick Of Destiny on The table last night.

I said "It's not very good. It's an R rated movie,Dave Grohl plays The Devil in it. It's only about 95 miutes." I let my dad read the back of it,since he saw the dvd. I will have to fast forward one or two scenes. Jack Black sings very well in it and it's a rock-opera comedy." My mom will probably hate it. I didn't tell my dad that Ben Stiller's in one scene of it yet.I will. He doesn't like Ben Stiller at all. THe beginning is good. I want my parents to know what Jack Black,his true humor and other things are really like.In "The Pick Of Destiny" has the Sugar Free Jack Black. They should know what he's really like.My parents and I might end up meeting Jack,in L.A. or just see him talk to people.


My parents didn't like it. My mom walked away at the beginning of The Pick Of Destiny.


My parents LOVE this movie and I love this movie as well! Rock on!


Perhaps your dad won't even recognize Ben Stiller.
Because of the great MakeUp?!

Last movies seen
"Sweeney Todd": 5,0/10
"Cloverfield": 7,8/10
"Bridge to Terabithia": 8,5/10


i saw it with my prudish mom and she seemed to enjoy it. the "use the cock" part made her so uncomfortable she was laughing hard


I thought you meant he saw the actual pick of destiny on the table, not the dvd. that would've rocked.


We all like Jack Black movies.I told my dad Ben Stiller is in it anyway. I always tell my parents if actors or actresses they dislike are in movies they are going to see. I wish I had that guitar pick of destiny. It's the first time that I've let them see a not so good R rated movie that has Jack Black in it. I will rent Aquamarine for my mom. She might like Serendipity. I want to make up for my terrible mistake of letting them watch The Pick Of Destiny. How do I let them know that I won't rent another Tenacious D movie or a super crude movie?



That is ageist *beep* I was in my late 20s when I saw this movie, am 32 now and I've loved it since my first viewing.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


This really ISNT the kind of movie you watch with your parents! why would you do that?


I thought my dad would like 2 of the songs and more than one scene and other reasons.


My parents loved it, i feared my mother wouldn't she said Pulp Fiction was horrible and turend off Chasing Amy 30 minutes in, her loss I guess, but as much of a prude as she is, she enjoyed it, so sometimes it's fine for parents.

My fave film is Garden State, but don't hold that against me.


I have a completely unrelated question. Was Dave Grohl just the vocals for the Devil?
Because that looked NOTHING like him.


I watched it with my dad... he loved it.

But then again, my dad's really cool. I've also watched the Red vs Blue series and the two seasons of "The Boondocks" with him, and he like both of them, too.


Wait, are we ignoring how mindless the OP's original post was?


seriously, that's all I could think about













Now now you two, kiss and make up

"Tell me some boring story about your life and I'll pretend to enjoy it"







davidtmanforever lvikes fvesh pvince and hates ivon man. veh veh. i'm pvetty sure you eat watermellons and chviggen for dvinner. VOL!











Some peoples' kids...Everyone needs to grow the hell up, and remove their heads from their butts to get the oxygen flowing again. So back to the original poster; You have two choices either stop eating brain tumors for breakfast, or quit doing the dope. Drugs impair your judgment therefore making it hard for you to make good decisions, and of course that worthless crap just clouds your thinking. For example, you could have hid your film stash in your room so your super strict parents didn't see it. Or you could have said it belonged to someone else. This doesn't always work, but there is no harm in trying. But for real, why did you have an R rated movie out in the open in the first place if you are underage? What were you thinking about? were not...I forgot....

What you see does not exist. What you cannot see is truth.


Seriously how f-cked up is this kid? I mean random capitalization and punctuation aside, I was following a coherent thought til about 2/3's the way in and then it evaporated.

and what in the goddamn is the Sugar Free Jack Black?


he might be 12....


so? 12 year-olds can communicate effectively
