Is it NCIS or Law & Order: SVU?

NCIS is approaching L&O SVU level absurdity with the activism episodes. Today it's deportation policy I have no doubt they'll tackle the transgender bathroom issue next week.


The episode was originally scheduled to air the week before the election. With Hillary advocating open borders and Trump wanting a wall, it smelled like a heavy handed attempt to support the left. If the parties had been reversed we would have had an episodes about classified emails falling into the wrong hands because of an unencrypted server.


I only agree in the sense that someone who joins the military and has proof of continuousresidency here for a specific amount of time should be allowed to stay. Part of t:)e debate should be the idea of unconditional jus soli (right of soil or birthright citizenship). Basically, born here equals automatic citizen. Most European countries don't have this. They either have a) conditional jus soli (France) or jus sanguinus (citizenship by nationality or parentage or, literally, BY BLOOD -- Germany). Both take into account factors such as continuous residency, military service, paying taxes, etc. There is a middle ground here, people.


The politics in this episode were bad ( although not as bad as "Faith" ( still my worst NCIS Epidode)). But even though I disagree with politics, I could tolerate it, if the story was good. But the culprit was easy to figure out ( as soon as I saw him I knew who he was), and I could not stand Quinn ( I generally like Jennifer Esposito which makes it worse), not to mention the apartment story. Bad, bad and yes bad.


NCIS has had a pattern for several seasons now of introducing a character for a split-second and with few or no lines and then forgetting about him/her. That person is invariably the murderer. I knew as soon as I saw a character for a fleeting moment that that person was the guilty party.

Agatha Christie is doing 35,000 RPMs in her grave.

I'd like to be a pessimist, but this is a luxury I cannot afford.—Joseph of Cordoba


It's really time to end NCIS. The show has been on long enough.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


No doubt - PC bullshit is part of what's making this show go downhill
