MovieChat Forums > Oldeuboi (2003) Discussion > Any other movies with huge twists?

Any other movies with huge twists?

I don't think I've ever been as blindsided by a twist in a movie as I was when I first watched Oldboy. I've tried to search for more movies with huge twist endings like that, but it's hard to avoid spoilers when doing that. Anyone know of any other movies with crazy twist endings? Please don't give away the end in this thread.


Matchstick Men (a movie with a good Nicholas Cage performance in it) has a great one.



What? Of course it is. It's huge.



Well that too, but much more importantly:

His "daughter" wasn't his daughter at all, it was all a scam to get him to give all his money to his "child".



Primal Fear...

"Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone"


I saw this one by accident and I love it, "big nothing", full of twists, but also lots of dark humor moments.


The Best twist ending I've Seen Is Saw(2004)

Stay away from the Sequels....

The First Saw is Very Good and Has A Great Twist ending



I so agree with this but now I still want to know what that movie is even though I dont want you to tell me. Lmao.


Japanese movie Kokuhaku (Confessions)


I'll add:

The Body
Kill List
Next Door


A Serbian Film - huge twist but a really sick movie. Just don't blame me if you can't sleep for a week if you watch this movie.

No Raylan, I'm gonna bet my life on you being the only friend I have left in this world.


I don't think anyone has yet mentioned Session 9 yet.
It's kind of polarizing among my friends that have seen it. It's rather unusual for a horror movie, fairly slow paced and more cerebral than physical. I liked it a lot, though, and it has a pretty great ending, in my opinion.
