The refrigerator

Spoiler ahead

At one point Reznik sees his flat owner, Mrs. Shrike, talking to police in front of the building, obviously about him - the cops are after him at that moment. Later on he gets back in the flat and finds it just the way he left it - with the fridge closed, and blood leaking from it. It doesn't make sense that police did'n't search his home. They would've found the fridge and wouldn't have leave it that way for sure. And Mrs. Shrike already had problems with that leak and certainly turned their attention to it.


They were just trying to catch him to question him more right? He had come into the police station, filed a false-looking report, acted weird, and then ran away from the cops.

They weren't trying to bust him for something illegal. They were probably just asking her if he had showed up back at his place, and she probably said no. No reason to break in and look for him, and I doubt they had a warrant to do so anway.


Yes, that's true. And it's probable she just said he wasn't there, without mentioning that leak.
I very much liked the movie anyway.


Yeah, the detective (plain-clothes cop) said "We just want to talk to you."

Of course, that's often just a line.
