MovieChat Forums > Valiant (2005) Discussion > Ewan! why so many bad animated movies!?

Ewan! why so many bad animated movies!?

Seriously! He has 3 animated movies coming and none of them look very good. Ewan! Don't do this to your career!


Valiant isnt a bad movie. I dont know about the others, ive forgotten what they are


I think "Valiant" looks cute, nothing else. I'll go see it. And I thought "Robots" was cute. Not my favorite movie by any means, but I might get it when it comes out on DVD. I haven't actually decided about it yet. I don't know anything about "Gnomeo and Juliet" or whatever it is.


When was the last time you heard these exact words: You are the sunshine of my life?


I agree with thoes that thought Ewan does animiated movies for this children. He once said, he needed to do some movies, like Star Wars, so his children could have something with thier dad in them to watch. Most of his movies are for adults only. Besides, it may be enjoyable to do animiated movies, and less hassle for a change. Nothing wrong with that! I disagree that they were bad animated movies. Everyone is intitled to their own opinion, and mine is that were just fine.


I don't find anything wrong with him voicing charatcers in animated movies, and Robots and Valiant were both enjoyable.


"Music comes from within, from your heart and from your soul."

Yes, both Valiant and Robots are both hugely enjoyable, but flawed in scripting mainly. I gave Valiant an 8, but I haven't voted yet for Robots.


I liked Robots
