
I'm all for ethical treatment, but come on...comparing concentration camps and racism to eating a hamburger? I'm not Jewish, but as a human, that's offensive.

And how far should we take it? Hey, let's not fight viruses because they are just innocent little beings trying to get along in this big scary world.

Aren't there more important things to consider? Starvation, child abuse, rape, racism, nuclear weapons, war...just to name a few

Get off your high horse and eat a steak
(free range, of course)


*beep* you have no idea what you are talking about.


offensive ?

we are all the same on earth !!! nobody have the right to kill ! human or animal are the same, who you are to say that you are better that an inocent criature ?

adult humans = killers

animals = inocent criature like a child or baby !

see vids from Gary Yourofski and you will learn !!!
