MovieChat Forums > Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) Discussion > This is one of the funniest movies I hav...

This is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.

I know it is stupid as hell. But it always makes me laugh. And Christina Applegate is terrific. I have seen this movie eight times and it is still funny.


Only 8 times? I've watched it AT LEAST a good 20+ times, and it's STILL funny, even when you know the entire thing by heart! 😉

I see you're drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you're fat?


I just watched it for the ninth time last night. Some people on this message board ask why we find it so funny. I am usually a very analytical person. But, I don't know why I think it is so funny. I don't want to think about it. It just makes me laugh.


Same here, it's one of my favorites, along with Dumb And Dumber, Three Amigos and Zoolander.

It's just so awesome.

I see you're drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you're fat?


I can't think of one bad scene in Anchorman. Every scene is funny and entertaining to me. Can you name one bad scene?


I can't think of one bad scene in Anchorman. Every scene is funny and entertaining to me. Can you name one bad scene?

I would say yes, but that would make me a big fat liar!

I see you're drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you're fat?


I am not a big Will Ferrell fan. I think Blades of Glory is kind of funny. But it doesn’t compare to Anchorman. To me, Anchorman is funny from beginning to end.


I actually really like him, and pretty much all of his movies (Except Land Of The Lost.) By the way, have you ever watched Anchorman 2? If so, what'd you think?

I see you're drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you're fat?


I was going to ask you the same thing. I have never seen Anchorman II. I heard it was not as funny. Have you seen it?


I've watched it a couple times actually. I did enjoy it and there were definitely some funny moments, but I will agree that it can't hold a candle to the first one. Most people on here seem to flat-out hate it, though.

I see you're drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you're fat?


I think what happened with Anchorman II is people expected too much because Anchorman I was such a hit. That is usually the kiss of death for most movies. The first time I saw Anchorman I was on TV - TBS - late at night - bored. So I was not expecting too much. If I ever watch Anchorman II, it will be the same way. At least I won't be expecting too much.

I have never seen Three Amigos or Dumb and Dumber. I can watch Zoolander and Land of the Lost if I flip back and forth. But I watch Anchorman straight through from beginning to end. It just kills me.


I think what happened with Anchorman II is people expected too much because Anchorman I was such a hit. That is usually the kiss of death for most movies.

You hit the nail on the head. People had unrealistic expectations and couldn't help but compare it to the first one.

Another explanation could be because they went above and beyond (maybe even a little OVERBOARD) when they were promoting the sequel. Ron Burgundy showed up practically EVERYWHERE, from Dodge Durango commercials, to ESPN, and even actual newscasts. He even got his own autobiography!

For me, it kinda seemed like people were sick of seeing all of this and the relentless promotion got to be too much. In the end, they were just so tired of Anchorman, they didn't even want to bother with the sequel at all.

I see you're drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you're fat?


I think you are correct. This type of stupid humor cannot survive high expectations. You have to be in the right mood to enjoy it. For me it was not expecting much and just looking to cure my boredom.

But, that being said, I have seen many movies in this condition and Anchorman was a superior experience. I have enjoyed many movies bored, late at night. But none were as good as Anchorman.


It's right up there with the funniest I've seen.🐭


"He even got his own autobiography!" Good thing though, because the autobiography is really funny. Funnier than the sequel.


I hate anchorman 2 and it has nothing to do with promotion, it has to do with the terrible dialog. It was an abomination and didn't make me laugh(except the ghost of stonewall jackson). That movie smelt like Sex Panther and tasted like milk on a hot day; while this movie smells and tastes like a burrito(before you throw it out the window of course).


"Christina Applegate is terrific." I watched this again last night with Michael Eisner's comments about beautiful, funny women in mind. He sure is dumb.



I cried for 20 mins from laughing so hard when all 4 of them were talking in the RV.. Jesus Christ that was so funny


The kids loved it, but, I never took the time. I sat down one afternoon when they were watching it and it came to that part where they're having the standoff. They had to cross back over and retrieve the one guy who'd traded sides. I lmao.

>>>Arguably<<< the funniest moment in film history.
