
Quinn said so himself Nov 1 on Howard Stern.




From Comedy Central's "Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn" website:

Colin cancellation is a Democrat conspiracy
Let me start this way...MTV is a facist fringe left-wing organization. This is common knowledge. The "20 million loud" campaign was a deceitful way to try and get youth voters to the polls. While MTV pretended to care about getting 18-30 year olds out to the polls, their true motive was to get more Democrat voters to the polls. MTV knew that the largely politically ignorant, easily deceived, non news-watching, urban youth, votes Democrat for the most part. As we moved into 2004 and the election was growing closer, the liberals in charge of MTV put pressure on an ultra left wing Democrat to head up the second phase of their plan which was to push the Democrat agenda to the new youth voters. They needed someone close to keep the association a secret, but someone that had grown very influencial. Their choice? Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart, who came from an MTV background and who works for MTV's child station Comedy Central, was the perfect candidate. While MTV was persuading the youth to vote while conceiling their true motives, Stewart was in charge of a large disinformation campaign intended to manipulate the youth to vote Democrat. Stewart was the second phase. The third phase was Colin Quinn. While Stewart was providing disinformation and a positive Democrat image, Quinn was given a show to play the uneducated, foolish and racist Republican, as this is the false stereotype that MTV wanted to push to the public. The show was meant to fail from the start and was meant to be cancelled right after the elections after the damage was done. Unfortunately, the show became popular and developed a cult following for its honesty and unique style. What's more MTV didn't figure in that Nick would come on the show and bury any Democrat that he went up against. Now the show is being cancelled just when it seems it has a following. If you thought it doesn't make sense to cancel a show that's doing well, you're right, but when you look at it in the right context it makes perfect sense. During the Republican National Convention Bruce Springstein was heavily petitioned to stage a free concert to distract from the RNC because liberal masterminds were afraid of the message in the RNC and its impact on undecided voters and moderate Democrats. They tried everything they could to censor the RNC. Likewise, now that Colin's show has grown it has to be eliminated before Colin becomes too popular and exposes too many youth voters to the common sense Republican ideals. I'm not going to reveal my source, but it's all true. I just thought that Colin, Nick and the show's faithful might want to know. Good luck Colin. Your show was the first that actually discussed race and other issues in an honest way. In that way it was very unique. Good luck to Nick and the others as well. Fortunately, MTV's plot didn't work and the disinformation put out prompted many Republican voters to get out to the polls to counter this effort. In the end, honest discussion is always good. Hopefully MTV and other liberals that like to push out disinformation will abandon these tactics so that the country can once again become united.


Interesting theory. But might also have something to do with the fact that Jon Stewart, unlike Colin Quinn, is funny? Just a thought.



jon stewart is funny w/ a script. colin quinn is funny w/out one.


John Stewart isn't funny, at all, he just mocks regular news casters and adds no out of the ordanery flair. God you people are boobs.


Perhaps that is true, but I, at least, can spell "Ordinary".



how can we do anything about it? any ideas? phone numbers? we should at least voice our opinion to the network(s). tough crowd was a great show that sparked honest and interesting debate while still making you laugh. the thing i loved the best was the show never took itself too seriously. i used to love the daily show going back to when criagers was the host and it seems that it has done just the opposite of T.C. it has listened to its own press and believes its actually a serious political show. hey stewert, DONT BELEIVE THE HYPE! you were used by the democrats (or did you sell you soul on your own?). the same way they use minorities and the poor and the same way the republicans use the religious.


Well, Lou Wallach and the other Comedy Central hack execs loooooove money. And Tough Crowd, as I see it, just wasn't getting enough viewers. I personally think the show can do no wrong. But when it comes to public interest, the Daily Show was it. I'm not certain if this is some big conspiracy that rivals the JFK assassination, but all I know is that the show is something I really loved. And it's real tough to accept this. Ah well, maybe we'll see a big 'Remote Control' reunion special on MTV.


I don't know what other crap they are going to put on in its place other than other re-runs, but how many times can you watch re-runs w/o wanting to kill yourself. When I think of C. Central I think South Park, Daily Show, Chappelle's Show in that order. They have 3 hit shows and that's it. I don't watch SP and I only started watching DS because I can't sleep, it's a funny show, and the correspondents are hot (yeah i know stupid reason). I recently started watched CS because one of my friends told me I should check it out and my bed time used to be 10p but now that I'm in college I do whatever I want.

Tough Crowd is like a novelty show that grows on you. I can't believe that the Drawn Together BS is getting play. I mean it's a novel concept- but how they choose to do it- with the potty, gay humor, etc. Not that I don't like potty, gay humor, etc. I guess it's no more stupid than actual reality shows which I don't watch.

You can't compare the show to DS because DS has been on longer. But DS is hit and miss occasionally, more hit than miss in my opinion, but only because they've had time to figure out what works and what doesn't.

My only complaint about Tough Crowd was that it's only 30 minutes and I wished Colin would talk more clearly.


I should point out that eric1280's post is only the theory of a poster on Tough Crowd's message board, which doesn't necessarily make it fact.

Jon Stewart is much much funnier than Quinn. I actually liked Colin on Weekend Update but his show was just too obnoxious. I couldn't tell if he was supposed to be a Republican or a Democrat or what. I watched the episode the day after the election (yesterday I guess), and he seemed actually pretty sad about Bush winning. But up until that point I took him for a conservative. So now I don't know what to think. I agree that Drawn Together among other CC shows are terrible, but Colin's show never impressed me much. I can't say I'm sorry to see him go, but I hope he can find success somewhere else. Because I like him but I don't like Tough Crowd.



Colin Quinn is funny from time to time, but I didn't watch the show for him, I watched the show for comic's like Nick DiPaolo, Patrice O'Neal, Ralphie May, Dave Attell, Dane Cook, Sarah Silverman and God help me, Rich Vos. The show was funny, especially Size Me Up. I though it was a nice compliment to the more liberal Daily Show but what do I know...


WTF Comedy Central?!


Regarding Colin's show itself...

He's not funny, in part because of the common complaints, and because a lot of the time, he just isn't. I never thought he was that great on SNL either.

The other comedians are usually not funny either, except when he has a good guest on (other than the regulars).

I grant that it was HONEST, but the discussion was usually ignorant, bigoted and the level of discourse was on the 8th grade level. The number of times I saw a well-reasoned argument could probably be counted on my fingers (and I watched the show a fair number of times).

If you want smart political comedy, you'd be better off watching the Daily Show. If you want intelligent discussion, you'd be better off watching Bill Maher (on PI or his new show on HBO... Real Time?), because he usually has a much more intelligent panel and usually a balanced one, politically.

Hell, Politically Incorrect was often funnier than Tough Crowd, and it barely tried to be funny anyway.

So, Tough Crowd was a failure on both counts: It wasn't very funny, and it wasn't intelligent discussion. The only thing is succeeded at was convincing me that Colin Quinn is an idiot, at least when it comes to political issues.


I agree on a couple points with you, frisch01. For example, I think that Colin was funny from time to time. The problem is, he appeared to try to memorize one-liners word for word, and when he drew a blank, he came off as uninformed and forceful. I also agree that DiPialo, May, and Attell were great guests. However, several more established guests who came onto the show (i.e. Jeff Foxworthy, Ben Stein, etc.) were rarely given the chance to speak. They were often cut off by folks such as Rich, Jim, and Judy (who apparently felt the need to mention in every episode that she was tall, a lesbian, and had a Jew). But for me, I found Patrice O'Neal to be the most annoying guest. He continually felt the need to remind the audience that he was a black man, no matter whether the topic involved race relations or not. The problem wasn't the hosting or the format, in my opinion. I just believe that the show became so formulaic that it was not worth watching after a while.


"What's more MTV didn't figure in that Nick would come on the show and bury any Democrat that he went up against."

Keep deluding yourself. I assure you (I realize you're not the original poster, but it's easier to address it to you), if Nick in fact buried any liberal, it was due to that liberal's incompetence, not due to strong arguments from Nick. I saw barely anything that could amount to a well-reasoned argument come from his mouth.

"Fortunately, MTV's plot didn't work and the disinformation put out prompted many Republican voters to get out to the polls to counter this effort. In the end, honest discussion is always good. Hopefully MTV and other liberals that like to push out disinformation will abandon these tactics so that the country can once again become united."

Yes is no, up is down, left is right, Republicans are honest and Democrats ran a smear campaign.

Wait, no, this is bizarro world.

Karl Rove was masterful in his campaigning, but it was masterful use of deception and smear tactics.

The disinformation put out DID prompt many Republican voters to get out to the polls, but you have not identified the source of the disinformation. It was disinformation from the Republican campaign, their talking points and smear tactics, not MTV.

The other thing that got the Republicans out there was the presence of ballot initiatives to ban gay marriage in 11 states. That was a brilliant tactic to get out the Hate Vote, and it worked.

Americans hate gays so much that they're willing to sacrifice their jobs, the environment and the lives of others (in Iraq) just to prevent gays from being able to enter a contract.




What a bunch of bunk. If it was a left-wing conspiracy by the MTV execs, then why has South Park lasted so long?


When I found out that they was cancelling Tough Crowd I started whinning cause that's the only show I tune into Mon-Thurs. on Comedy Central. I think The Daily Show sucks and theirs a reason why it was kicked off that other network. When I saw that last show you can tell that Colin was hurt and at certain times it sounded as if he was going to cry.

To Colin and the rest of the comedians that was on the show; I wish you guys the best and I hope you have the success your looking for :)

To Comedy Central; I think you made a big mistake and the only times you'll get a rating from my household is when I watch Drawn Together... and that's until it starts to suck.


Uh...what other network would this be? TDS started on Comedy Central with Craig Kilborn for a few seasons, then Craig went to CBS and Jon became the new TDS host.

Also, by your logic, hey, if TDS was kicked off some fictional other network with good reason, then certainly Tough Crowd was canceled by Comedy Central for good reason.

PS - No, insane conspiracy theories don't count as a good reason. Tough Crowd had low ratings, Colin Quinn was a terrible host who couldn't tell a single joke without stuttering, the scripted comedy was lame, and the draw of having smart discussion with comedy was foiled by every discussion devolving to two people shouting about race issues and personal insults. The show's supposed conservative slant (Black men blaming everything on whitey is conservatism? Colin might be conservative, it'd be easier to tell if he could speak clearly) had nothing to do with the show being canceled.


Colin Quinn is the perfect example of what happens when a baby is dropped on its head and still grows up. The man is SO unfunny it actually hurts. Watching this show makes one realize why he was let go from SNL and why comedians like Will Ferrell make it and "comedians" like Colin Quinn write crap like Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles. It's called "talent," and it's clear Quinn doesn't have it. He's had the chance to be funny on his show, the writers are good, but in the end, most of the jokes are flubbed by Colin himself. He doesn't know what's funny; Hell, he can barely dress himself. The only reason this show lasted as long as it did was because he'd get funny people to come on and bail him out. The best thing that happened to this crappy-ass show was when Jerry Seinfeld and George Carlin showed up. Unfortunately, they had to leave, and we were left with that numbnuts. Oh well, good riddance to crappy television. At least The Daily Show is still on, and we have a smart host that knows how to be funny. Everything that Colin has no clue about and is probably jealous of as well.

Personally, I liked this show better when it went by its original title, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.


Hey Dumbasses.

Whether or not you think the man was funny is a matter of opinion, that means, no one but yourself gives a *beep* so shut the hell up. I read this thread to try and find out some info about what the shows future was, and all I see is a bunch of complete retards bitching because they are too illeterate to know Colin Quinn is one of the funniest people alive.

Get a life, stop flooding the internet with your incessant whinning.


Will Ferrell is a comedian? And a talented one? Whatever you say, Darth Bilbo.


This show was great. Too bad it got cancelled. And it is funny that it was cancelled the week during the elections. BIIIG Coincidence. The program was basically showed what regular people were thinking and how they talked to each other. It was honest, and I liked all the comedians that came by to discuss all the recent news, etc... Collin Quinn wasn't funny on Saturday Night Live, but he has a knack for doing this kind of talk show, and it's too bad he won't be doing it anymore. He knew how to get people talking, and I thought it was funny when he screwed up a joke or bombed on a joke. It made me laugh. It was a great show.

The Daily show is funny, but not that funny. And it is biased as hell. The audience it always Democrat liberals booing at anything Republican or differ from their opinion. And they cheer their views. Not very diverse in my opinion. Just a bunch of white Democrats. And at least you had opinions from people on Tough Crowd. Honest opinions from all types of people. I mean all types of people. Huge big fat black guys. Tall bigfoot lesbians. Skinny ugly white dudes. anyone and everyone. You can get an idea of what regular people think.

I will miss the show.


This is terrible. Tough Crowd was one of the few shows I enjoyed. It amazes the crap shows they keep on tv.

I hope it gets released on DVD.


HVAC25000 says <<Whether or not you think the man was funny is a matter of opinion that means, no one but yourself gives a *beep* so shut the hell up>>

Then he says <<all I see is a bunch of complete retards bitching because they are too illeterate to know Colin Quinn is one of the funniest people alive>>

But that's your oh so intelligent opinion.

Then he says <<get a life stop flooding the internet with your incessant whinning>> when he himself is doing the exact same thing that he is witching about us doing.

If you want information go suck on a roach.


Get out of this thread, SugaryBerries. You came into a topic about the cancellation of a show to complain about the host instead. What's the point? HVAC was complaining to you because all you do is tell other people what you deem "unfunny". Maybe someone would post on this Message board to, I don't know, talk about what they liked about the show instead of trying to ruin other people's opinions about it. If you hate the show so much, why do you take the time to go on the internet and bring down the actual fans of the show? Get lost


it was just a rip off of politically incorrect. But they couldn't get the names and the personality of bill maur for this show. It was a below par rip off, I'm glad to see it go.


Actually, this show was an attempt to correct Politically Incorrect, a show that was incredibly lame but managed to hang on and spew its tripe for years because of its liberal bent. The humor was bland at best. Tough Crowd, on the other hand, was extremely intelligent and a show that I looked forward to nightly. I will miss Tough Crowd and its host, whom I consider the funniest Weekend Update anchor since Chevy Chase.


Actually, this show was an attempt to correct Politically Incorrect, a show that was incredibly lame but managed to hang on and spew its tripe for years because of its liberal bent. The humor was bland at best. Tough Crowd, on the other hand, was extremely intelligent and a show that I looked forward to nightly. I will miss Tough Crowd and its host, whom I consider the funniest Weekend Update anchor since Chevy Chase.

Intelligent? Colin Quinn? The guy looked proud to be ignorant of most things. Politically Incorrect at least had enough dignity to have on some people that know what they're talking about and some people that could be intelligent, as opposed to Tough Crowd which was an excuse to let a bunch of hack stand-up comedians use jokes out of their routines and do lame skits that usually end up with awkward silence and pity applause.


Wait. Who's Bill Maur?


Sir, yes Sir BrokenArrow6. I will get lost, but. . .

If you'd read my post you'd know I wasn't ragging on the host, but please show me where you think I did. I liked this show a lot.
I have never in a post on IMDB told anyone what I think was unfunny. I think you have the wrong name.

I hope you got my Private Message.


I have TiVo'd this show for almost a year now. I miss it quite a bit. I wrote several letters to CC mucky-mucks explaining MY OPINION that they should keep the show and if it goes away I will have no reason to watch CC.

I did not watch it because it was funny or not. I watched it because I liked the format and the idea. In this era of "Survivor" and "My Big Fat Whatever..." I found it refreshing. It was honest.

I watched. You watched. Love them or not it was a good formula [even if you think it was a "copy" of PI.] I found PI a bit exploited after its migration from CC to a "Big Network." Just when a great point was being made it was time for a commercial.

The thing that torx me off the most is that somehow Tony Danza convinced someone to give him a talk show yet this show is gone.

I do not watch anything on CC anymore.

What happened to "Wanderlust?" Chappelle's show was awesome the first season just like South Park. But it got old after awhile for me. But I was eager to see the new TC episode in the "Now Playing on TiVo" menu.

BTW, The Daily Show was good before Jon Stewart came along. He hasn't made it any better.

Besides, all of you out there selling the "PI clone" idea...ever heard of a show called "Not Necessarily the News?" I'd bet Jon Stewart does. The Daily Show is far from original. At best it is a half hour show based on SNL's Weekend Update. A successful show I might add. "W" will always be able to provide them with fresh material just as Bill and Hill did.

Thank you Colin for the refreshing concept. The stand up comedian formula was key for me. I hope the best for you and all of your panelists.


Ugh, the Craig Kilborn seasons were mediocre. The correspondent's segments were always about going and finding some bizarre freaks and the joke was like "OMG, Can you believe this Elvis Impersonator built a flying saucer out of broken toasters and used it to hunt Bigfoot?" The interviews were held up by the 5 questions gimmick. I doubt the show would still be around today if it was using that old fomula. I mean, does anybody watch Craig Kilborn's show on CBS? Is it even still on? Clearly, Kilborn isn't what made TDS work.


Good! He sucked, was unfunny, and is an assh*le. What took them so long to put this total crap show out of its misery?


Um... a little confused with all the daily show attacks. Jon Stewart is friends with Quinn, and when the show first came on Stewart always plugged it at the end of the Daily Show. Meant to fail? Not everything is a conspiracy. I think people need to learn that liberals and conservatives are both Americans, and both sides *beep* up and both sides have good parts and people to them too. Whatever your political views are, unless you're an extremist I hope you realize the importance of the opposing viewpoints as well.

Oh, and... Tough Crowd was alright. Sometimes it was hilarious, other times it seemed like nobody gave a s*it and the entire thing was thought up in 5 minutes. Maybe with a better lead comedian it could work... like Tough Crowd with so and so. Quinn isn't terrible, but he isn't great. And it has nothing to do with his politics.
