Acid Pad scene

First, I want to say that I am in love with this movie. I loved the plot, the characters, almost everything about it...

But I was a little disappointed with the acid pad scene and I was wondering if anyone else was. Its the scene where Rose plays the film of her and her family when she was a child and Thaddius grabs her and she pushes him out the window.

Now I think everything that happened in this scene was important for the story, but I felt like it was very rushed and disorganized and stuck out much more than the other scenes.

I didn't like how there was no lead in to Thaddius grabbing Rose, it was too sudden and the mood didn't seem right for it to happen yet. I also didn't like that suddenly Catherine appears out of nowhere as soon as he hits the ground. That wasn't believable at all. And lastly, I understand the importance of Catherine finding out that Rose planted the snakes, but the timing of when Thaddius says it seemed all wrong and awkward to me.

In all, I felt this scene had important information for the rest of the movie to continue but I don't understand why it felt like there were so many errors. It seemed to me like it was edited down, maybe there was more to it but it got cut out because of length? Anyone else notice this?


I couldnt agree more.


I agree as well.

Thaddius went in to kiss Rose, right? But then the father got jealous and was also overwhelmed by a sense of fatherly duty.

Actually, I thought the snake was for Rose herself, when Jack died.

"I don't know about what happened. . . because once you start writing, it all becomes fiction."




I agree. But, if you recall, scumbag and whore Red Berry were "tripping"- and I've seen what happens when people are tripping. The whole grabbing her was on cue for being on drugs. But, what disappointed me was that Jack, the same day, is standing at the front door WITH A LOADED GUN AND HE NEVER TURNS IT ON SCUMBAG!!! What a fool!


I think it was the acid that made him do that.


"I think it was the acid that made him do that."

Acid doesn't MAKE anyone do anything. We are essentially a mess of impulses and emotions, and some people can't handle those impulses when they are confronted with them, which is exactly what LSD does.


He wasent a scumbag. D=


I was pretty rushed in that part too, it seemed like it was pushed into fast forward. I think his motive in the kiss was to maybe show possessiveness over Rose in front of her father. It shows that he takes pleasure in being cheeky towards her father after the "deflowering sceneā€. And I think the forceful kiss was to push it even further. I think that he was just using her for two reasons. One would be that he wanted to show up Jack. And two is the whole moving into a new house, with a new family, and a new dad could be a catalyst to the anger he had for him.
There's a ton of symbolism in this movie too....

Anyways, I do agree with you that scene was a little too fast and it did not really fit into the flow that the movie had.


It did seem extremly rushed and disorganized.

-2+2=....Thomas Jefferson, Sucka!- The Rock.
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i know what you mean, and here's what i think:

Thaddius grabbed rose because (as Red Berry pointed out a few minutes before) he was trippin on acid, so his head wasnt workin quite right.

yes, the catherine-appearing-out-of-nowhere thing was a little coinsidental, but she was probably nearby cuz she heard the music, and then she saw Thaddius get pushed out the window.

and i think that Thaddius chose that time to tell his mom about the snakes because he was probably mad at rose because she pushed him, and he wanted to hurt her, but he couldnt move so he told his mom about the snake to make her mad at rose, thus slapping her across the face and chasing her off.


What does Jena Malone say at the beginning of the acid pad scene that got her so excited? THe fat guy says "who" in response to what she says. THen she says "THaddeus and I "


she says "we're tripping." meaning that she and thaddius were tripping on acid
