NOT About Incest!!!

I think that people who haven't seen this movie get the idea that this entire movie is one big incest-fest and that it's totally warped and gross.

That's so not how it is! I absolutely adore this movie...I think it was amazingly put together in the way that it was written, acted, directed, and scored.

It's a movie about the intense love that one person has for another. Because of the sheltered life that Jack and Rose lived they automatically became everything to one another. I think that Rose was so attatched that she just developed feelings that were, okay, completely inappropriate.

But I don't think that it was because she was trying to do anything wrong. She had just spent so long relying on him for everything...parenting, friendship, etc.

As for Jack, I feel that he knew that he was dying. And he LOVED Rose. More than anything. And in that one moment (You all know the moment I'm talking about) he got so caught up in the "Oh my god I'm leaving her soon"--y ness of the moment that he just let himself go completely, and when she kissed him he just felt so sad to be leaving, and so thankful that he had her (like he said in that sweet moment at the beginning of the movie, the "I've gotten to know you for so long" moment) that he let her kiss him. And let's all give him credit, when he snapped out of it he was immediately horrified.

I just felt like I should let people know that this movie is completely beautiful and touching, and I want people to know that this movie, once again, is NOT about INCEST!



Great explanation!!!!!! Thank you!!!
People need to realize human emotions are fragile. We try to think of ourselves as such evolved creatures but we (as humans) are still learning. I believe the lines can be blurred. I grew up in a single parent family and my mom treated us as her siblings and my middle sister was her confidant. She helped with bills and if I did something wrong she would talk to my sister( 8 years my senior) as if my sister was my other parent. It wasn't until I saw this movie I realized how as long as we live there is still so much to learn regarding us as a people.


Yes! When "boundaries" are blurred, it can cause problems. Depending on the person. Crapshoot, really.



I have a question. Why would people object to this material (incest) and not object to a movie w/ a homosexual theme? Isn't that a little judgmental?



Umm, no. Because incest is disgusting and unnatural. Homosexuality is just a different sexual preference enlodged within one from birth mkaing it natural and not disgusting. No one is born with incestuous desires, they are accumulated from dementations and perversions that happen after birth and generally from some sort of abuse (though in the case of this movie, from being isolated from others).

Regardless of your particular moral beliefs or attitudes, we live in the year 2008 where homosexuality is totally acceptable. I'm not going to necessarily label you as a homophobe, but comments like that are pretty offensive, so maybe consider re-reading your posts and re-thinking them before you post them as a means to not come off as a total bigot.




I was mostly just appauled that someone would compare something like incest which is illegal and appauling for a reason (birth defects and pedophillic dangers) with homosexuality which is a respectable and seperate sexual orientation. I definitely think that movies about incest have every reason to be made. I didn't mean to imply that this movie was bad or disgusting because of the incestuous nature of it. I like that something so outside of a social norm can be shown in a way that makes people feel empathy for the participants.
Incest is unnatural, in that the majority are not born with an urge to explore sex with someone they are related to (I'd bet a select few are which, is unfortunate for them and must cause alot of emotional struggles) that said, the experimental nature of humans is normal. We are born curious and therefore, in certain cases that can develop into same-sex experimental relationships or "acts" if it only develops into a one time, or occasional physical thing, and even in extreme cases as we see here, we may be inclined to experiment with incest.
The difference is, as you stated, incest can be dangerous, whereas, in most cases same-sex experimentation is not.
I hope that sort of cleared up my feelings and beliefs on the issue and I didn't mean to offend or put-off anyone, I simply meant to heed a warning to anyone who puts homosexuality in the same category as incest, since they are two very different things and to imply that they are the same or very similar is, to me, and I'm sure to others of the glbt community, very offensive.



if it isn't about "cabin fever" incest, which is really why he brought in a mother figure, why does rose tell her father, and im closely paraphrasing, "don't be scared of your feelings, who cares what other people think"

who cares what other people think?! think about what, exactly. if it isn't their incestuous feelings, than what could it be? it certainly isn't their commune lifestyle - that isn't something to be scared about or concerned about the judgement of others.


Homosexualtiy isn't exactly a new practice nor can it even be compared to incest. That was just a stupid comment.

I hear a lot of people saying Jack was a bad person but for one moment he acted on it and then quickly realized what he was doing and stopped. It wasn't like he was some creepy pedo incest father who regularly had sex with his duaghter.

Otherwise everyone makes a really good vaild point about the movie (which is really rare on these boards usually someon ends up attacking someone). Unless we actually hear it from the screenwriters mouth we'll never really know what the movie's true meaning is.

Stars, they're like little holes in the floor of heaven



I just mean't that in advanced societies it was perfectly acceptable for men to take male lovers. It wasn't viewed as wrong and I don't think you can/should compare the two. They're completely different. The only reason it's considered wrong is because we live in such religious societies.

Stars, they're like little holes in the floor of heaven


Boy, you've really got your thinking mixed up! Listen to what you say. You say first that homosexuality is something people are 'born with' - which is utterly untrue. Then you say something about sexual orientation - which implies, by the very term, that AFTER you are born, you are 'ORIENTED' sexually - either toward people of your own sex or people of the other sex (which is absolutely true). You talk about incest being 'something outside of a social norm' completely oblivious to the fact that until about 30 years ago, homosexual relations were not only 'outside the social norm' but ILLEGAL in most countries (when it's illegal, it's about as far outside the social norm as you can get). You say 'we are born curious and in certain cases that can develop into same-sex experimental relationships or acts,' which is exactly how someone gets addicted to ANY kind of relationships or sexual acts, whether it's masturbation or heterosexual addiction or homosexual addiction (you really need to read the literature on this!), while at the same time saying that homosexual tendencies is something people are born with. You contradict yourself.

You say that incest can be dangerous, but same-sex experimentation is not. Really? The anus is not biologically adapted for sexual penetration - it's totally unnatural and contrary to our biological design. This means that when the anus is penetrated by a penis or other object, the skin there tears. And then faeces (sh**) can be rubbed into the torn skin. This is 'not dangerous'? The average age of death for an active male homosexual is about 40 years old - and this is not dangerous? You say that a danger of incest is 'pedophilic dangers' while blissfully unaware that MANY if not MOST girls who have lesbian tendencies or orientation were sexually molested by a man at some point, or initiated by a woman (look at Chastity Bono - her story could be repeated thousands of times by lesbian women). Look at the literature of radical homosexuals - the stuff they write themselves - about how they want to initiate young children into homosexual behaviour (pedophilia) precisely because they KNOW that homosexual contact at an early age is part of the profile for someone being oriented as a homosexual.

Everything you said is so self-contraditory it makes the head spin. But it's not surprising: you're probably reading the newspapers, watching TV and believing everything you read from the spin-makers intsead of looking at the facts from reliable, documented sources on the causes - and cures (people CAN be re-oriented sexually and HAVE been) of homosexual oritentation or any other non-natural (contrary to biology) sexual addiction.

Our bodies were NOT made for homosexual sex. High school biology classes should have shown you that humans were made for reproduction, and that requires a man and a woman. Any other kind of sexual behavior is dangerous either psychologically (it becomes addictive; it makes it difficult to bond sexually with a mate) or physically (all kinds of injuries and diseases from kinky sex) or socially (pedophilic attacks on kids, exploitation of women and men in pornography and prostitution, destroyed families, teen pregnancy, etc.).

You need to read the hard psychological, medical and sociological facts. Or just try to think logically and not buy all the self-contradictory, out-of-touch-with-reality spin that you hear in the mainstream media. You can find the facts online easily enough, if you really want to.

Now before someone says I'm a homophobe,' let's clear up what that means. 'Homo' means 'same' and 'phobe' means 'fearing.' Presumably this compound means I fear homosexuals. I don't have the slightest fear of homosexuals personally (they bully society to accept their demands, while not tolerating heterosexuals - and all bullies are cowards; I don't fear bullies). I have homosexual friends whose lives I've watched go down the toilet for the past 20 years as they got deeper into that lifestyle and became more and more focused on nothing but their sexuality - monomaniacs - and very ill, some dying. But I do fear the radical homosexual agenda. You can read their agenda in their own publications. I dare you to do that and not come away enlighted and a little better able to think clearly on this matter.


"Umm, no. Because incest is disgusting and unnatural. Homosexuality is just a different sexual preference enlodged within one from birth mkaing it natural and not disgusting. No one is born with incestuous desires, they are accumulated from dementations and perversions that happen after birth and generally from some sort of abuse (though in the case of this movie, from being isolated from others)."

Homosexuality was once illegal as well. I don't think you can really judge incest without judging homosexuality if you're going to go there. Homosexuality may be natural in some cases but does that mean it's good? Cancer is natural. Asbestos is natural. I mean come on now. I think people probably have curiosities that head into incestuous thoughts more than actions, but seeing as how people as humans are curious creatures (look at all the kinds of porn you can get your hands on), it is natural to at least think about incest for some people. Just like it's natural for some people to be attracted to the same sex. What is appalling (not the correct spelling of that word) is your attitude that one sexual curiosity is disgusting while another is great. Both are natural. Also where do you get off insisting that incest is TAUGHT? What the heck is a "dementation," anyway? You can not say that "no one is born with incestuous desires" because you have not done specific research into that subject to know. We are STILL trying to find the elusive "gay gene." If a person can help who they're attracted to, then homosexuals can choose to be attracted to the opposite sex.

Now if you want to talk about legalities, incest may be illegal so to act on your desires may be forbidden but that does not mean that a person doesn't have natural curiosity, a natural inclination, or a natural desire for a family member. They're just being prevented from acting on it because society doesn't allow it.

Again, we don't have to have gene problems with offspring from the same family because today we have 50 thousand birth control methods. So saying that having an incestuous affair would definitely cause a mutated birth is wrong.

All of that said, I think incest is emotionally upsetting and is not how our culture is brought up to survive. I don't think it is a healthy choice to act on those feelings whether you're born with them or not. But I certainly won't give a parade to one group of people congratulating them for feeling attracted to the same sex and then condemn another group for their attractions. Who are YOU to judge them?

Don't threaten ME with a dead fish!
reg: 4/4/00 | posts: 1895


How can you say no one is born with incestuous desires? True, as much as I love this film, even the notion of the act had me gagging just a small bit.. I don't want to turn this into a debate, but (too late)

a) homosexuality is anything BUT acceptable. Unfortunately, there's an underlying feeling that it's a form of perversion to many, many people. If it were totally acceptable, same-sex couples could be getting married left and right, and it wouldn't be a voting issue.

b)If you think people aren't born with those incestuous desires, then what argument other than"just a different sexual preference enlodged within one from birth" can you use to back up one being gay? Why is incest any different? (mind you, I find it revolting, but in many cultures it's perfectly acceptable and happens regularly. True, that doesn't make it right, but with you here trying to not "offend" anyone..) You might offend some people yourself with your dogma of calling incest unnatural. Oedipean theory is in full swing, man. In my own experience, i've found that those we want to be with (from a female perspective) tend to be parental figures in and of themselves.

I think people should just enjoy this film and take it for what it is, a work of art. I have yet to hear about Daniel Day Lewis or Rebecca Miller praise the ideals of incest.

sloppy joe, sloppy sloppy joe..


For one, while we look for models of our parents in our mates, that's something entirely different than lusting after our own parental figures. I'm not making the jugdement on whether lusting after one's parents is right or wrong i'm just saying that few people who want models of their parents in their mates- want their ACTUAL parents AS their mates. Not unheard of- just not ALOT of people experience this urge.
I said "most" aren't born with incestuous desires. Most instances in which an incestuous desire is cultivated has to do with a change in a setting or a "growing into" of incestuous desire. People don't tend to be born with sexual desires for family members- however they can aquire them (again, i know that some are born with these desires, and I'm not judging, I'm just saying it's far from any sort of norm) Also, there isn't any modern society that I know of (and sexuality is one of my fields of study) that advocates or allows incest within the parameters of the immediate family, there are some ancient societies and some societies of the past couple hundred years that have allowed it but these tended to be small groupings of people and tribes, and most didn't last beyond a few generations.
There were, in the past, normal acts of sex between relatives in as a sort of "coming of age" tradition- normally between a boy and his father, in certain ancient societies, but this was considered an act- normally singular, as in it happened only once as an initiation- and didn't tend to be due to a lustful desire for ones relative so much as a tradition (and alot research shows that this was probably an act of "frontage" not actual anal penetration).
Also, incest can be used to only include sexual desires or acts between those in the immediate family, those in the immediate and extended family and those in the immediate, extended and lawful family- I should have specified that I was using the term in regards to it referring to the immediate family, as I realize that there are and were often instances in which people feel desire or act upon desires for a cousin, aunt, uncle, etc.
Moving on to the homosexuality issue, I didn't say that it was socially acceptable so much as I said that it's a normal natural urge, meaning that many (though not necessarily a majority)of people are born with desires or sexual feelings only for those of the same sex. These desires, like incest can be cultivated by circumstance, but differ in that most people are born with a form of bisexuality- we lean (often heavily) to one sex or the other, but most of us are born with the capability of being sexually attracted to one of our own sex (or one of the opposite sex if we lean towards the same sex) meaning that this cultivation is helped by a natural "non-distinct-preference".
Furthermore, homosexuality has been around, arguably, since the beginning of man, we see it in non-human-models, and we have documentation of it from ancient times. While it's not yet totally acceptable, it's moving towards acceptability- ie. homosexuality is now shown in the media, some states and countires DO allow for marriages or at least civil unions and biological and genetic research is proving that it is far more normal than any of us had imagined and simply silenced by self-repression as well as societal repression.
What I'm saying is, while it's not acceptable yet, it will be one day, whereas it will be many many more years before incest even enters the speaking grounds for acceptability. due to religious beliefs, tradition, and the fact that, in the case of intercourse it can cause mutations and problems in pregnancy. I'm not making a judgement on whether it's right or wrong, I'm just saying that it's in a different arena than homosexuality, and lumping them into the same category- to me- is offensive.
All that said and explained, I know you're mocking my aim to not offend, but it is a true aim, and I don't wish to offend you, just to have an informed and open discussion. Hope this helps to clarify.


When Rose asks Gray to teach her how to kiss, he informs her that it should be special. Rose doesn't realize what a kiss means or conveys. Later in the movie, Rodney also tells her that she is "innocent." Rose has never been exposed to the outside world, so she has no gauge of appropriate or inappropriate behavior. I don't think her kiss was anything sexual or romantic; she just wanted to express how much she loved her father. I think it was a sort of unconditional love and she thought it could be expressed through a kiss. Jack understands the moral aspect of that kiss because he has outside "world" experiences. He simplys chooses not to adopt those values; therefore, Rose cannot learn/apply those "normal" conventions to her thought process and actions.




I haven't seen this movie yet, which is why I'm reading the comments because it is hard to decide. One thing I am surprised about reading these is how many people on here still believe the myth that incest causes birth defects. To be clear, incest is bad because it usually involves some kind of negative domination of one person by an older person. But, as a person with a deep knowledge of genetics, I can tell you that the birth defects issue was created before people understood such science to prevent the sin of incest. I don't want to encourage incest by this, only truth since this is 2008 and the myth is from medieval times, understandably not argued against because it keeps people in line. All incest does on a biological level is cause people possibly to be very slightly more susceptible to rare diseases and actually likely increases certain assets such as athletic ability. Mathematically, mating with anyone unrelated is actually riskier, as it all depends on dna combinations, which are complex, and two separate genetic lines coming together leaves a greater chance of omitting important genetic protections. Again: incest is very bad, but for social not biological reasons.

It's all tortilla, meat, vegetables, & cheese! Say a Spanish word & I'll bring you something.




Incest is as natural as homosexuality, and both have been practiced since the dawn of man. Rape or any other kind of sexual abuse, on the other hand is wrong because it is taking from someone that which they do not give freely. Neither incest nor homosexuality are synonymous with sexual abuse, though they can go hand and hand. Since royal marriages were often arranged, I won't sight them so much as examples of incest being natural (though it was socially acceptable). However, studies of sexual attraction between siblings or parent/child couples that did not grow up together or were not aware of familial status indicate that proximity is the greater impairment to incest, not instinctive biology.

In animal breeding, purebreds are usually mated with blood relatives, but after generations recessive abnormalities become dominant and that leads to health problems. Darwinists would say that the occasional interjection of fresh blood would lead to the strengthening/positive evolution of the breed. [Note: I stand somewhat corrected...Darwin was a proponent of incest as he married his first cousin.]

I felt that Jack and Rose's relationship was more dangerous because of the isolation. She had a very needy, aggressive, almost dominating personality. To have sexual relations with her, would have usurped his authority as a parent. If he was truly concerned about her living in the world without him, he should have removed her from the isolation. Instead he challenged her position as his "mistress", without warning. She observes how Jack interacts with Kathleen and desires to emulate her in order to get her position back. While he was not overtly sexual towards Rose, he never really clearly defined what her role should be in his life and where other women would fall, add to it that she had absolutely no other frame of reference.


He knew he way dying...thanks for the spoiler alert! Why would you gear this thread towards people that haven't seen the movie (like me) and then spoil it?!



His dying is established early in the film

I agree with those who think the kiss was not driven by a sexual desire exactly, but by a misunderstanding of what a kiss represents. Jack made a mistake. Rose was confused.
I think the whole movie is about the fact that Jacks ideals have not held up to all situations, that he failed, but learning that he still loved rose, and she loved him, even if he failed. i don't think it was incestuous, just flawed. there was definitely incestuous overtones, to drive the tension.


its a little bit about incest.



it is a very deep and complex story...but still a little bit about incest....
