MovieChat Forums > DC 9/11: Time of Crisis (2003) Discussion > What Bush Really Did On Sept. 11

What Bush Really Did On Sept. 11

Download this video. It will show what President Bush did when he discovered that the USA was under attack on September 11.

He was informed by Andrew Card of the attack and yet he acted as though it was nothing, no big deal. He carried on reading to the schoolchildren, with a book about a pet goat for approximately twenty minutes.

He was later taken into hiding.

I just I would let people the reality rather than the propaganda that the Pentagon is ramming down peoples' throats.

reply nts/v2v_dc911.torrent


ahem. I believe if GWB got up and and would of paniked the little children CNN would have a field day with that to so no matter what happens, all bush-haters are going to be angry at whatever he does. I really don't think it was his fault because clinton was also getting info on terrorists to but no one gave him crap. hmm maybe its just me but i think Mr. Bush is trying hard and being president aint a walk in the f--king park. Im not republican but i have a certain sympathy for the people that none really understands. sure u see him on tv and listen to what Moore, and other publicity seekers say but how do they know the truth. just a thought.


ahem. For your information, Bush actually did announce in front of those children that America had been attacked. He did it in the school library when he addressed the country. The children were right there. I don't recall the children panicking about it and I don't recall CNN having a field day about Bush announcing something so disturbing in front of school children. But don't let the facts stop you.



"Discovered" Nice choice of wording. He already knew what was going on, afterall he is one of the brainchilds of the whole Operation 9/11.


He already knew what was going on, afterall he is one of the brainchilds of the whole Operation 9/11.

Just so you know, sovietrobot, Khalid Shaikh Mohammedis the real mastermind of the 9/11 attacks:


I live in the UK and have to say that having seen the video of Bush sitting there calmly after being told that the US had been attacked I am amazed.
How can anyone condone and respect an action, or lack thereof, such as this?
If I was a parent and a teacher and was sitting reading a story to kids only to be told by someone that my child had been kidnapped, I wouldn't just sit there incase I scared the kids. In much the same way as a parent has a job to do and has to protect the interests of their child, Bush likewise has the same level of responsibility to all the men, women adn children of the US, thus should have made his apologies and left to see what could have been done.
Who knows, those extra few minutes may have made all the difference..we will never know.


Bush was waiting for the information at the time.
He read the story to pass time will he waited.


"Bush was waiting for the information at the time..."

I hope that this is a joke. He is the president (supposedly). He can get off his behind and go GET information. He doesn't have to sit there like a doofus holding a children's book while waiting for the information to come to him. I really, really hope that you were joking.



I'm sure any democratic president (Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Clinton) would have stood up, ripped his suit off (to show the blue suit with the emblazoned "S" on his chest), and automatically made the world right.

I'm really not sure what we expected GWB to do. This was an unprecedented attack by unprecedented means. Did FDR jump from the wheelchair (I admittedly don't know if he was chair-bound when it happened) when Pearl Harbor was bombed and immediately start raising all manner of holy patriotic hell?

Get serious, people.


Here is what he should have done, and this comes from someone who looks at Presidents as Presidents, not Democrats or Republicans. Once informed of the second plane, he should have said, "Excuse me, children, ladies, gentleman, something extremely important has come up and, unfortunately, I have to cut this visit a little short. I hope you understand." Then, he and his people/agents should have left the room and been on their way. No "blue suit with the emblazoned "S", etc. Just a normal reaction from the person who is in charge of this country is all I expect, whether Dem or Rep.


"Once informed of the second plane, he should have said, "Excuse me, children, ladies, gentleman, something extremely important has come up..."

It is truly amazing how many people have trouble grasping that very simple, basic, common sense notion. Actually, part of me thinks that they actually DO grasp it--and that they do realize that this is what he should have done--but then they'd have to ask themselves why on earth he DIDN'T do it. Some of them are sticking with the "He didn't want to frighten the children" explanation to the bitter end. There would be nothing frightening in handling the situation the way you described. But just try telling that to some of these diehard Bush supporters.



Buah did absolutley nothing after September 11th.
All the ideas of patriotisim and togetherness was from America,not Bush.
Bush simply manipulated peoples fear into going into a monumental foreign policy blunder and lied about and covered up 9/11
Bush is an embarassment to humankind


"What Bush Really Did On Sept. 11 "

-Made a lot of money, and wasted a lot of goodwill 2 years later.

