Good Steampunk Films?

I haven't seen this yet, but I'm in the mood to see a bunch of good steampunk films. Anyone got some recommendations in addition to this? Animated or otherwise?


Okay, I understand the horribly bad & terrible
movie adaptation of the Absolute Classic SteamPunk
60's TV show "The Wild Wild West" have already been
addressed, but PLEASE DO NOT forget or just write off the Original
TV show of "The Wild, Wild West",
because imho IT RULED & had REAL SteamPunk elements
throughout the whole entire series' 4 seasons!!!

So in short,
anyone that wants to see a very good SteamPunk show, that was well acted,
w/ cool storylines & cool characters,& a bit of camp & humor,
you should ALL check out the ORIGINAL "Wild Wild West",
w/ both the Late Great Robert Conrad as James West &
Ross Martin as Jim West's partner & man of thousand disguises,
Artemus Gordon!!!

I also highly recommend,
"The Adventures of Briscoe County Jr."
w/ Bruce Campbell, another cool
Very SteamPunk show as well! :)


Master of the World
