MovieChat Forums > Hauru no ugoku shiro (2005) Discussion > The things I learned watching Howl's Mov...

The things I learned watching Howl's Moving Castle...

Don't take short cuts! They're full of rapists, sleeping drunks, flamboyant magicians and creepizoid henchmen made of tar, and curiously nobody else!

If you're the least attractive member of your family, wear clothes as plain as possible in order to stay that way.

A magician who dresses impeccably and weeps when his good looks are "ruined" doesn't mind living in a house stacked to the ceiling with raw garbage!

A film made in Japan about people living in Middle Europe should have characters with British accents, Midwest US soldiers, a witch from California and a Fire Demon from Brooklyn.

If a 700 pound Mae West impersonator comes into your locked office, ask her how in the world she successfully got through the door! Then ask her how she unlocked it!


Hilarious! Thanks for the smiles.


The first thing apprentice wizards learn is how to magically turn into one of the Seven Dwarfs.

One of Princess Mononoke's giant boars must have made it to Howl's place...the average slice of bacon is as large and as thick as a strip steak!

He's fierce in battle and can turn into a scary werewolf/eagle, but he confuses people with his long silky hair, drop-shaped earrings, and his boo-hooing about his ruined looks. So Howl uses both a wand AND a staff, maybe?

When wizards cry not only does their nose need blowing, but so does their arms, legs, face, ears, torso, rectum, feet, etc. etc.!

If you have an appointment at the castle, you have to sign a no-sue agreement before attempting the front door's five stories of stairs.

Sophie's mom seems to be Betty Boop's long lost sister!

Howl's castle is living proof that Super Glue really will stick anything to anything.


The chocolate eclairs are done!

If you want to make a fortune in Sophie's city, open a bakery! Like three or four hundred people jammed in one building. The coffee must be good!

If you want to be on good terms with a fire demon, throw it a few nice yummy egg shells for a snack.

Take it from Turnip-head, Howl, Markl, and Calcifer...guys go nuts for frumpy, straight haired, blandly dressed girls with minimal self-esteem who vacillate in appearance between ages 19 and 90!


Obvious troll, is obvious


is it obvious? You're sure its obvious? Cause obviously its not that obvious despite your contention that its obvious.


Actually they mostly have Tokyo accents.

Another tip might be, don't tidy someone else's bathroom


Amen to that!
One of the best bits in the film is the look on Sophie`s face when she takes her first look at the toilet, Classic!

"Any plan that involves loosing your hat is a BAD plan.""


Upon becoming the victim of ancient and powerful sorcery, a wizard's first priority should be to the welfare of his furniture.

Despite that fact that you've been missing for an indeterminable length of time, and that you would not have been recognised by anyone who knows you, your mother will still know that you've been working as a cleaning lady. Yeah, she's THAT good.

Good things come to those who help elderly dogs climb stairs.

Turnip's will not hold it against you if you tell them that they are your least favourite vegetable. If anything, it makes them even more courteous.

A brief but important trip into the past will cause you to start kissing EVERYONE.

Apparently, big-ass fish are often caught off Port Haven (Seriously, check out the size of the fish next to the fishmonger's stall just before the battleship returns to port. And no-one seems to care!).

They DO sell Lottie-shaped cookies.

You only get one; all the rest are dirty.

I am that Merry Wanderer of the Night


Even if you're a minion made of a blob of tar or a flying shark, make sure you follow the local dress code!

Throwing a tantrum will magically shed years off your face!

Putting your mouth on an ambulatory ball of fire with do no damage whatsoever.

80 year old women with crooked backs and creaky joints still have the strength to lift a 3 foot log off the floor with one hand...while in a sitting position! Bullworker! It WORKS!

If turning from a poufy magician to a fanged bird-human doesn't alarm your enemies, try talking real gravelly like Batman!


80 year old women with crooked backs and creaky joints still have the strength to lift a 3 foot log off the floor with one hand...while in a sitting position! Bullworker! It WORKS!

As author Terry Pratchett has pointed out, entire economies are based on the carrying capacity of little old ladies.

"Any plan that involves losing your hat is a BAD plan.""


If a wizard is really vain and cries about his hair; don't worry. At night he's a steely eyed vigilante who destroyes war machines to prevent war.

If you don't want magical entities from entering your house, just draw a bunch of stick figures with their arms outstretched across your premises.

If a wizard is a Welshman, hastily change his backstory. The Welsh are not cool.

Forget wings and propellers. The future of flying machines are OARS.

You can fry six eggs and six enormous bacons in one little pan.

If I wanted a lecture on the rights of man, I would have gone to bed with Martin Luther

